View Full Version : Axolotles

18-01-09, 10:15 AM
Whats them then you may ask, well them are these


Ok fair play so what your point then i hear you say. The point is my mums axolotles have had babies :D

For me following this process and watching each stage has been fascinating and thought purhaps other peeps might find it interesting aswell. so the point of this thread is going to be a diary.

we are just over two weeks into the process but didnt see much point in making a thread until now incase none hatched.

sooo first stage was the laying of the eggs that looked like this


after about a week they had developed into this


to give you an idea of size, the eggs are about 10mm


and now about a week later the first few started to hatch. at this stage you have to remove the dud eggs and hatch the rest. its taken me about 3 hours so far and ive still not finished.

the hatching involves scooping up each individual egg then very carefully snipping them with sissors. then getting hold of the egg with tweezers and encouraging the babie out.


that is one in a 25ml scoop!!! tiny in other words

in this picture there is four together and you can still see more yet to be hatched


in total i recon we are gonna have about 50 :eek: how many of those develop further we shall have to wait and see. so until the next update (which will be the front legs "sprouting")

18-01-09, 10:15 AM
oh yes and if anyone wants any i recon youve got between 4-6 months to get a tank sorted so plenty of time yet

18-01-09, 10:16 AM
oh they are cool, i want some

18-01-09, 10:17 AM
oh they are cool, i want somethe coolest thing about them is that they are meat eaters :cool: love about of steak or heart

18-01-09, 10:19 AM
really thats mental, where can you get them?

General Baxter
18-01-09, 10:29 AM
it looks like a pokemon lol

18-01-09, 10:36 AM
most local fish shops keep them.

apart from the major chains eg. Pets at home, maidenhead aquatics.

There is a good shop in plymouth ive been to before which should stock them or order them in for you.

18-01-09, 11:37 AM
nice but i dont think my fish would like it
same as my fish