View Full Version : Health & Saftey Gone Mad: Cadbury Warning

12-01-09, 11:55 AM
Just come across this and it made me chuckle at how pointless and silly it is and how some people out there must be complete tard's for needing a warning like that:


Just like how now you get a packet of roasted peanuts that have the warning 'CONTAINS NUTS' well duuuhhh ffs!


12-01-09, 12:07 PM

12-01-09, 02:02 PM
I don't know whether I should be worried that there may actually be people in this world that are that stupid, or offended that cadbury obviously think we are that stupid.

Essex Kid
12-01-09, 02:07 PM
It contains milk?! :eek: Jesus i never knew that lol

12-01-09, 02:20 PM
Warnings off and let darwin decide in my opinion

12-01-09, 02:23 PM
Thing is that someone somewhere would probably eat a pack of nuts or cadbury dairy milk have an allergic reation that they know about but go to court saying that 'it doesnt have a warning'

Everything is getting so 'Americanized'

Does a bus need to have a warning on the front of it saying 'Do not step infront of the bus whilst it is travelling as it can kill you?'

Somethings are just plain blatant if you got half a brain and some common sense

12-01-09, 02:26 PM
Did you hear about that woman in America that put her cat in the microwave to dry it off cos it had been out in the rain? When it obviously died she sued the microwave company because it didn't have any warnings on the box about not putting pets in it... :roll: lol

12-01-09, 02:32 PM
Did you hear about that woman in America that put her cat in the microwave to dry it off cos it had been out in the rain? When it obviously died she sued the microwave company because it didn't have any warnings on the box about not putting pets in it... :roll: lol

Its like the guy who sued winnabago (sp) (big ass mobile home type thing you need an hgv licence to drive, for those who didnt know) as he bought a brand new one and whilst driving down the freeway going home he flicked cruise control on and went to make a cuppa, obviously he crashed but apparently he won the case as it didnt state that he had to stay at the wheel in the user manual!

I agree with what phil said aaaages ago, just remove the warning labels from everything and let natural selection take its course:thumb:

12-01-09, 02:34 PM
Did you hear about that woman in America that put her cat in the microwave to dry it off cos it had been out in the rain? When it obviously died she sued the microwave company because it didn't have any warnings on the box about not putting pets in it... :roll: lol

Yeah heard about that, are some people really that careless and stupid. Next time she should go look for a microwave with a Cat setting. She wont find one which would be a good thing lol

Are pepole just gettin lazy and looking for a sign saying you cant do it or are some people just truely and utterly funking stoopid?

12-01-09, 02:37 PM
Its like the guy who sued winnabago (sp) (big ass mobile home type thing you need an hgv licence to drive, for those who didnt know) as he bought a brand new one and whilst driving down the freeway going home he flicked cruise control on and went to make a cuppa, obviously he crashed but apparently he won the case as it didnt state that he had to stay at the wheel in the user manual!

Funking dumb ass lol

12-01-09, 02:51 PM
There was another woman that I remember hearing put her cat in the washing machine. I'm not sure if she was just plain stupid or actually trying to harm it. Either way it was cruel, she didn't even put any Lenor in there. lol

12-01-09, 03:37 PM
Aw that's horrible and very cruel, obviously someone very daft would put their own pet through that :(

Pistol Pete
12-01-09, 04:05 PM
lol @ the Cadbury thing..

Anyone seen the advert for Will Smiths new film? Severn Pounds i think its called. Has some text along the bottom of the screen "contains emotionally intense scenes"...FFS WTF.. is it going to push some people over the edge?? lol:roll:

12-01-09, 04:13 PM
A major health and cruelty issue (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D18a0O3mcKg) :roll:

12-01-09, 04:21 PM
A major health and cruelty issue (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D18a0O3mcKg) :roll:

Although the door is open things like that are the reason we have warning labels on everything:tard::tard:

12-01-09, 06:21 PM
I don't know whether I should be worried that there may actually be people in this world that are that stupid, or offended that cadbury obviously think we are that stupid.

Excuse me, but YOU are the one who is being taught that common sence doesn't exist, therefore why are you surprised by this? Its prooving your retarded lecturer right is it not? :)

12-01-09, 06:27 PM
There was another woman that I remember hearing put her cat in the washing machine. I'm not sure if she was just plain stupid or actually trying to harm it. Either way it was cruel, she didn't even put any Lenor in there. lol

mad me chuckle that did ,

there are some stupid stupid people out there though ,

12-01-09, 06:33 PM
Excuse me, but YOU are the one who is being taught that common sence doesn't exist, therefore why are you surprised by this? Its prooving your retarded lecturer right is it not? :)
Good argument.

Wrong user. lol

12-01-09, 06:37 PM
Wasnt that kelbelle iirc lol

Quick lee go edit and noone will ever know:thumb:

12-01-09, 07:27 PM
Warnings off and let darwin decide in my opinion

Just how i see it, stupid people needs to be culled off. Would make britten alot better!

12-01-09, 07:33 PM
Ah balls :(

Oh well, its still a good arguement lol

12-01-09, 08:38 PM
well, just to piss on the bonfire a bit.....

just cos you sell Milk Chocolate, the milk could be cows, goats, soya or coconut.... so It helps to know which one due to allergies..

Now just to upset everyone with the peanut one, peanuts are not actually nuts!!!!!! they are actually root tubers (a bit like potatoes) that get dug up, whereas nuts are grown on trees

General Baxter
12-01-09, 08:48 PM

13-01-09, 08:51 AM
Good argument.

Wrong user. lol

Yeah, that did kinda confuse me!

13-01-09, 12:51 PM
well, just to piss on the bonfire a bit.....

just cos you sell Milk Chocolate, the milk could be cows, goats, soya or coconut.... so It helps to know which one due to allergies..

Now just to upset everyone with the peanut one, peanuts are not actually nuts!!!!!! they are actually root tubers (a bit like potatoes) that get dug up, whereas nuts are grown on trees

You've just totally messed up this thread Mowgli :(

13-01-09, 02:40 PM
You've just totally messed up this thread Mowgli :(

Sorry, my littlest daughter has a few allergies & the missus is lactose intolerant (intolerant to most things I do as well)

13-01-09, 02:45 PM
Good thing I didnt challenge your arguement would have FAILED for sure lol