View Full Version : How can I prove I care ?

10-12-02, 12:53 AM
Right then...

Got a txt from the lass i am seeing tonight saying she don't know what to think about how I feel, where we are at, where we are headed etc... she doesn't know if there is any point us carrying on. Phoned her as soon as I got home, had no credit and no battery on the phone - no answer, she's probably in bed.

I left a message on the voicemail but can't really say everything on there that I want to... wouldn't even know where to start.

Simple question is, what can I do to prove how I feel about her? I am really busy all the time with work at the moment so don't get much time, and it is a complicated situation anyway for one reason or another, which I wont bore you with. I try telling her how I feel but somehow it all seems to get lost somewhere along the way.

Hopefully she will read this, as I know she checks out the site from time to time anyway (checking up on me no doubt :D) and then she will see just what a big soft idiot I really am...

I just don't know what to do... I am great at giving advise, but not much good at things like this myself.

Somebody help me...

and please, if you can't say something useful, don't bother - wastes my time and yours and to me this is serious.



10-12-02, 01:02 AM
wisewood i think i am turning into a workaholic as well. on the (rare) weekends where i go out i just get totally out of my fucking face! sorry not much help but can relate on the 'no time' issues

10-12-02, 11:12 AM
give her some presents, if she cant see you give her something so that she knows u care

also just tell her how much u like her but are so busy and wanna keep it going (she probs knows neway)

10-12-02, 11:20 AM
Erm how about setting some time aside for her sometime, it don't have to be long, just so u can spend some time with her. Maybe cook her summit to eat, or just chill out and chat about things.

10-12-02, 11:38 AM
take her out for a day and spoil her. take her 2 see her fave band, and go to some romantic restuarent for her fave meal... etc etc

Matt Finary
10-12-02, 12:55 PM
wise words from the Duke there! :P

Matt :)

10-12-02, 01:22 PM
what's with everyone using black & white moody pictures of themselves all of a sudden?

10-12-02, 01:32 PM
Reassurances is always a good thing

Black and white pics are quite smooth actually

10-12-02, 01:39 PM
Black and white pics are quite smooth actually

I know - thats why i started using mine :D

10-12-02, 01:44 PM
by the way... forgot to say...

Thanks for all the advice people... I will have a think and decide which mathod(s) will work best with the woman in question... they are all good ideas, thing is i still don't really know what to do. :lol:

Sure i will figure something out.

10-12-02, 01:51 PM
get her to go on the net and do an amercian pie style webcam chat with a chair and some funky music.

(You knew the responce form me wouldnt be any use so i can get away with it!)

10-12-02, 01:58 PM
get her to go on the net and do an amercian pie style webcam chat with a chair and some funky music.
(You knew the responce form me wouldnt be any use so i can get away with it!)

yuo are fortunate that yours was not the first or second reply, and i have had some good advice Neil because like i said - this is important to me and the mood i was in this morning i was likely to pop round your house tonight and smash your car up :lol: but as it stands... thats not a bad idea mate - but i wont be stupid enough to leave the broadcast to everyone online... would be strictly a private matter :D

10-12-02, 02:04 PM
sorry andy, i was just trying to put a little smile on ur smooth black and white face. if u do care about her alot then what i think is best is like what mattywoo said, cook her a meal, something romantic, im a romantic kinda guy and i'd spoil her with a propper nice evening, candles, soft music, nice fancy meal, bottle of bubbly on ice. Just make it a very enjoyable laid back evening, something that she can then think,
'that was a really nice evening, i throughly enjoyed it)

Andy, do what u feel is best, people can give u advice, they can tell you what to do, but in the end you know her better then us lot and you know what she'd like the most.

Good luck and i hope everything works out for the best, your a great bloke and wont have any problem whoo'ing her.

Sorry about the stupid responce before.

I'll be more carefull with my webcam in future.


10-12-02, 02:15 PM
take her home, love for her, care for her...

10-12-02, 02:54 PM
true anton, true.

10-12-02, 03:18 PM
I dunno whether someone has asked this already, or whether uve told use wise, cos its my day off and im half asleep but:
How do you actually feel about her, where is the relationship now and where do you think its goin, cos then we could answer the question easier!! If u dont really wanna let on in case she reads it then u dont ave to.

10-12-02, 03:42 PM
To be honest i think that is something i'd better keep to myself...
although while we are on the subject of chat...

a little something i threw together today with a little assistance from our fearless leader here at novaload who provided the basic guts of the script for me. Feel free to take a look and test it out for me :D

10-12-02, 07:44 PM
HMMMMMMM tell her how u feel. Dont try and buy her even though the gift thing is all good :lol:
Good Luck to u.
Sheep Dip u useless git shut it lol

10-12-02, 07:50 PM
should be seeing her tomorrow night all being well, delays at work and stuff permitting, so hopefully all will be hunky dory by thursday.

Thanks for the help people... and Tilly, nice to get a womans perspective on it - you may have saved me a fortune with that last one :D

11-12-02, 09:19 AM
All you can do is sit down and talk about things give her loads of hugs and kiss's :oops: and see where it goes from there

11-12-02, 12:25 PM
let us all know how it goes wise!!!

11-12-02, 12:33 PM
don't talk daft - of course i will let you know how it goes. :D

12-12-02, 10:23 AM
How it went...

It went very well - I am now a much happier bunny than I was before, everything is sorted out and we had a really good night. Not going into too much detail about it though. All i will say is we had fun... and that's it.

Thanks for all the advise people... you may have saved my life :D

12-12-02, 12:20 PM
Good i am happy for you. Glad everything worked out ok.
So was it just sweet talkin or did you buy her? :wink:

12-12-02, 12:37 PM
I bought her with my charm & good looks :D
(we just had a good talk about it, sorted it out)

thanks for the advise though people... meant a lot.

12-12-02, 11:46 PM
Glad things seem to have worked out for ya Andy!

Remember though, it was only one (good) night - women (like our beloved cars) need -

- constant attention (car shows)
- taking out (cruising)
- touching (washing)
- having things bought for them (fluffy dice)
- reassurance (that occasional bonnet pat)
- compliments (taking photos)
- servicing :D

Otherwise they soon get tired and stray off the beaten track (taking your heart and soul and in some cases life with them! :cry: )

Hope things stay good over the festive season and beyond m8!

Keep the faith


13-12-02, 08:37 AM
I bought her with my charm & good looks :D

Ok what did you really buy her?


and wheres mickys/daves/freaks/breenys whinge about snakes in this post?

sheepdip u couldnt look smooth in black and white even if your face was hidden behind a pint of guiness.

13-12-02, 10:09 AM
ade - thanks mate... good advise... especially the bonnet patting... i will try that next time i see her :lol:

What did i really buy her with? nothing mate, honestly, didn't need to... I am just too nice a bloke for her to resist me :D :lol: I wish.
LMFAO@that sheep dip comment... too true mate, too true. LMAO!!! :lol:

13-12-02, 12:38 PM
cheers ian, nice ot see your a kind fella!

Andy, u and her getting it on or not? If she reads this (to check up on you, you TART!) are you and her courting yet?

13-12-02, 01:10 PM
lmfao @ neil and his old fashioned speak...
the situation as i understand is this...

we meet up when we can - and we have a good time... txt and email and speak on phone as often as we can... :D read into that what you will.

13-12-02, 01:41 PM
Lmao @ Ade i like that even though i shouldnt agree it was good.

Glad all went well wisewood when u gonna let us know who she is or pic or summit

13-12-02, 01:58 PM
Tilly - i will let you all know who she is and what she looks like when i get approval from her that I can... She knows I would love to show her off to everyone, or she should do anyway.

15-12-02, 12:40 PM
lmfao @ neil and his old fashioned speak...

ill translate then:

Are you shagging her or what?

15-12-02, 04:32 PM
:lol: very blunt ian.

Like I already said... "we have a good time" - that's all i am gonna say, not incriminating myself any more than that. :D

Chris LR
15-12-02, 04:38 PM
Yeah but a good time could mean so many things.

Tell us where you had a good time & what was said?

15-12-02, 04:51 PM
sorry - if you wanna know anymore - you will have to convince her to become a member and tell you herself - I am saying nothing else.

Chris LR
15-12-02, 04:54 PM
Well, if you were to supply me with her e-mail addy, I will try my best.

15-12-02, 05:05 PM
sorry mate - that aint gonna happen.

just post on here... she will be reading it... she read this once or twice already, that i know of.

Chris LR
15-12-02, 05:09 PM
Well 'If your reading?' you might want to think about becomming a member. Theres nothing quite like making fun of woody, the wise-wood etc etc.

15-12-02, 05:19 PM
Theres nothing quite like making fun of woody, the wise-wood etc etc.

try telling her something she doesn't know already mate eh... :lol:
although that is a good way to entice other new members into the site.

Chris LR
15-12-02, 05:25 PM
Theres probably not much I could tell her she doesn't already know, but I could start a few rumours if it'd make you feel better?

15-12-02, 05:36 PM
go ahead mate...
rumour away... i don't mind. :lol:

Chris LR
15-12-02, 05:38 PM
Wisewood is a fan of the mighty Wolverhampton Wanderers!

15-12-02, 05:50 PM
what sort of rumour is that - everyone knows i love the mighty wolves. :D

15-12-02, 06:51 PM
wtf is that avatar wisewood? it makes you look like some sort of low budget porn star.

15-12-02, 10:35 PM

16-12-02, 12:23 AM
well there's another secret i bet she didnt know andy, does she know about your tuna and god fetish?

16-12-02, 01:14 AM
well there's another secret i bet she didnt know andy, does she know about your tuna and god fetish?

Yes mate she does know... and she doesn't seem to mind too much either... not that she lets on anyway... what about our female members? do you think it is a bit... err... unhinged?

wtf is that avatar wisewood? it makes you look like some sort of low budget porn star.
That avatar is from the December-January collection mate... makes me look like some sort of low budget porn star? how do you know I'm not?

Although my manhood is very small... so it would have to be VERY low budget :D

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:16 AM
I want to know where Wolfie & Wolfina (The Might Wandererrs Mascots) Fit into all this.

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:16 AM
I want to know where Wolfie & Wolfina (The Mighty Wandererrs Mascots) Fit into all this.

16-12-02, 02:21 AM
is there an echo in here or is it just me?
is there an echo in here or is it just me?

i will leave that to your imagination chris... :D

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:28 AM

Ony about 2700 posts to go now

16-12-02, 11:23 AM
keep ur manhood 2 urself thx!

16-12-02, 11:29 AM
This topic has went from a love advice column to this!

16-12-02, 11:34 AM
it always ends up going like that once the problem has been resolved, serious stuff out of the way - everybody starts messing around, saves starting a new topic... and since it is my post, perfoect chance for them to take the pi$$ outta me.


16-12-02, 11:36 AM
as always...

16-12-02, 11:58 AM
a lesser man might break down and cry - but not me.


16-12-02, 12:16 PM
thats quite alright darling, am i seeing you again tonight, usual time, dont forget the baby oil.



16-12-02, 12:21 PM
neil... shut up!!!

16-12-02, 12:29 PM
oh common andy pandy, do you want your tummy rubbing, goochi goochi goo, who's a pretty baby, gou gou gooo...

ok i think u weren't too impressed in that last post so ill stop now.


16-12-02, 12:37 PM
if she has she hasn't told me.

16-12-02, 12:42 PM
andy, how do you know someone on here isn't her, she could be trying to catch you out, put your through a test, see if your upto a challenge.

16-12-02, 12:55 PM
that's a very good point Neil. It is a good thing I am a good lad and conduct myself with upmost decency at all times :wink:

16-12-02, 12:59 PM
that's a very good point Neil. It is a good thing I am a good lad and conduct myself with upmost decency at all times :wink:

HAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

16-12-02, 01:05 PM
don't laugh - it makes what i said seem really fake and insincere.

16-12-02, 02:23 PM
it was :lol:

16-12-02, 02:28 PM
not it wasn't... good lad i am :(

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:34 PM
So good that you've taken time out of work?

16-12-02, 02:41 PM
It is a good thing I am a good lad and conduct myself with upmost decency at all times :wink:

That's what we were talking about mate...
nothing to do with work... the way i see it is if they didn't want me using the internet, they would stop me. it wouldn't be that hard to do for them.

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:48 PM
I can't really say anything, I don't even know what it is you should/could be doing?

You might get paid to surf the net all day?

16-12-02, 02:55 PM
i do get paid to surf the net all day - but that's not what i am supposed to be doing :lol:

I just work really fast inbetween being on novaload to get the work done... they can't bitch if i always get the work done on time, so i make sure the work is done, they et me play on the net... seems fair to me.

17-12-02, 01:15 AM
damn i was hoping you'd do ur little speach about working for a wine and alochol distribrution center for outlets all over the UK. Getting the orders and printing out the picking lists and making sure everything is picked correctly....see andy, ive heard it so many times!

17-12-02, 11:40 AM
lol - couldn't be bothered neil.
i have said it so many times now... :D

17-12-02, 11:45 AM
The game i put on Topic Rainbow tune!! was all over the radio this morning saying people think its terrible ha ha ha