View Full Version : where can i get a loan from?>

08-12-02, 03:04 PM
have tryed loads of finance companys and banks none of which will give me a loan . im 19 and have a full time job and make over ?200 a week so i dont understand y i cant get one anyone help?


08-12-02, 03:21 PM
how much are you trying to borrow???

the main factor here is probabably your age and lack of credit history even though you can probably afford the repayments.

whatever you do though do not get drawn into borrowing money off n e of those dodgy finance companies you see advertised on the telly. sure you will be able to borrow huge amounts of money but the intrest is astronomical and not worth it.

your best bet is to keep on trying banks, building societies or reputable finance companies. if you have no luck getting a loan off these dont bother. you WILL end up in a lot of debt!

good luck

08-12-02, 04:02 PM
loans are a big scam, i had one when younger and would never have another. If you still live at home and earn as much as u say it shouldnt take long to save up a substantial amount, just depends how much u want the money for whatever purpose i.e ease of the booze or blag rides with mates rather than always driving them about etc etc. A load of lads round here plead poverty cos they are on sessions all the time and drive miles on end for no reason cos the others are to tight to drive lmao.

just another angle to look at it from :wink:

08-12-02, 04:25 PM
i agree with dan just go for the hardcore saving mate, it'll pay off in the long run

08-12-02, 04:47 PM
The most simple way to get yourself accepted for credit is to request a catalogue... littlewoods or something - they will accept almost anyone - just having the catalogue and never ordering anything will give you a credit rating and then you will be able to get credit from anywhere.

My financial advisor told mea bout this trick when i was refused a mortgage... got a catalogue and a week or two later i tried again and I was accepted. Stupid, but very true.

I have to say though mate - if you are earning decent money you would be better off saving some money rather than getting a loan... credit is bad news.

09-12-02, 12:41 AM
I'll sort you out with a loan. But high, daily, interest. The repercussions of not meeting the re-payments would be very serious too.

09-12-02, 01:08 PM
become a student. you get given a load with very little interest :D

09-12-02, 02:43 PM
and spend your whole life paying it back a penny a week or something. :lol: