View Full Version : introducing a kitten to a rottweiler

05-01-09, 03:35 PM
My girlfriend has bought a kitten, problem is we have a rottweiler who is 2 so he is still very excitable. Has anyone introduced a kitten to a crazy dog? How did u stop him eating it? :)

05-01-09, 03:37 PM
just let nature take its course mate :thumb: tis just the food chain :)

05-01-09, 03:48 PM
My girlfriend has bought a kitten, problem is we have a rottweiler who is 2 so he is still very excitable. Has anyone introduced a kitten to a crazy dog? How did u stop him eating it? :)

Run the dog over and keep the cat :thumb:

Essex Kid
05-01-09, 03:51 PM
lol we put the dog on a lead and brought the cat into the room, dog went mental and barked like mad but once he got a swipe on the nose he gave up lol

05-01-09, 03:51 PM
Run the dog over and keep the cat :thumb:


tie some string to the cats tail so if it does get eaten you can pull him out

05-01-09, 03:54 PM
haha, the cat's more manly than the dog. :) lol

If the dog has a go at the cat, dont feed it, it will either learn, starve or eat the cat, then die itself :thumb:

05-01-09, 03:55 PM

tie some string to the cats tail so if it does get eaten you can pull him out

lol lol lol lol

05-01-09, 07:21 PM
We had our cat first. Got our dog and the cat hasnt come into the house since, we have to leave the food in the shed lol

05-01-09, 07:34 PM
Ermm As olly said really, better of gettin them the same age so they grow up together.. Dotn starve the dog, hes done nothign wrong, its only his natral prey drive kicking in

05-01-09, 07:39 PM
Our rotti is scared of the cat. Cat came first so seems to be the boss. I was a little worried when we introduced my daughter mollie to the dog but she seems fine. The dog stays in the kitchen with a gate on the door, has done since we moved to this house 3 years ago.

05-01-09, 07:48 PM
i introduced my staffX to a rabbit.. and it ate it.. now it wont eat unles its raw meat lol

05-01-09, 08:35 PM
It shouldnt be a problem tbh mate. The will naturally be curious but not in the least bit agressive whereas the cat will be defensive and probably hiss and scratch at the dog a bit, but they'll get used to each other.

ben doodar
05-01-09, 09:52 PM

05-01-09, 09:56 PM

05-01-09, 10:42 PM
lol -depends on how old the cat is - best thing is to have someone restrain the rotti - perhaps a barrier between cat and dog - to stop the cat battering the dog!

We're considering getting 2 x 10 week old Jack Russell bitches - if we do we'll have to introduce them to our 9 yr old cat (Buffy) who will probably destroy them!


05-01-09, 11:02 PM
my cat and dog hated each other for a week then i came down one saturday morning, and they were cuddled up together! there again tinker was a massive tom cat!

05-01-09, 11:24 PM
lol -depends on how old the cat is - best thing is to have someone restrain the rotti - perhaps a barrier between cat and dog - to stop the cat battering the dog!

We're considering getting 2 x 10 week old Jack Russell bitches - if we do we'll have to introduce them to our 9 yr old cat (Buffy) who will probably destroy them!


ohh good luck haha.. ive got a 19week old JRT cross SBT omg what a devil..

if you get them.. and fancy some pups gimme a shout.. as ill be stud'ing him in 6/7months.. got a few ppl wanting him for game dogs, IE rattin n rabbiting:thumb:

06-01-09, 10:41 AM
took the cat in the house in a carry cage. The dog sniffed at it and the cat went mad! bashing the cage, hissing. He backed off. an 8 stone rotty owned by a 12 week old kitten! lol i'll see what they are like out of the cage together.

06-01-09, 11:52 AM
Cats usually do pwn dogs lol

My cat regularly chases the next doors two dogs - dunno what they are, I don't do dogs.. all I know is they're small ugly looking angry things with squashed faces that breathe louder than TBs on full chat lol

Essex Kid
06-01-09, 12:01 PM
^ lmao

06-01-09, 12:07 PM
we have 2 staff's at first the cat just does'nt come down from upstairs lol, then after so many years he was alright lol, but we just got another 2 staff puppies, which are all good together except the cat has disapeared, and lives up stairs. but he likes to terorrise them, at night, there in the conservatary, cat sits right up against the glass to wind them right up

06-01-09, 12:30 PM
...oh, and don't forget to video it. Youtube is there for a reason :D

06-01-09, 12:35 PM
sound like bulldogs jack.. ugly bastids, and the heavy breathing is due to a poor breed design.. thru generations of in breeding to keep the "blood lines" to a certain "champion" good, aload of BS tbh.. why breed a sick dog?

ermm jack FYI if they are english bulldogs there worth abotu £1200-1500 each lol

06-01-09, 12:37 PM
ermm jack FYI if they are english bulldogs there worth abotu £1200-1500 each lol
I fear the neighbours dogs may go "missing" soon.

On a completely unrelated and totally random note, does anyone want to buy a pair of second hand bulldogs? Partially mauled by a cat.

06-01-09, 12:42 PM
A friend of mine has a 4 year old mastiff & his OH baught a miniture poodle, they get on fine, considering the poodle is the size of the mastiff's mouth.
Took a few days for them to get used to each other but there fine now, apart from stepping on the poodle every now & then. lol

06-01-09, 12:43 PM
jack.. £500? there not pups..?

06-01-09, 12:54 PM
wouldnt have made sence to test your dog with the cat before buying?? then if he went menthal just dont get the cat. cats are gay anyway, having said that both my dogs are scared of our cat and shes tiny

06-01-09, 12:58 PM
jack.. £500? there not pups..?
Tell you what, supply some industrial strength tranquilizer and you can have them for £400 :thumb:

Of course I'd never steal animals! lol


06-01-09, 01:16 PM
ha ha sound like pugs. like the one from Men in black film?

06-01-09, 02:32 PM

awwwwww lol

06-01-09, 03:05 PM
rottwieler=pwned! btw they sound like pugs mate. drop kick em ftw!!!

(i do not condone animal abuse in any way, but if your stupid emough to buy a dog that was beaten with a brick in a sock, its on your head!)

06-01-09, 03:27 PM
Be better if you handle the cat and let the dog roam around freely while you introduce it, you dont want the dog to feel restrained while you impose the cat on its territory..

To be honest if you have 'raised the dog right' it should know that it is at the bottom of the pack and you wont have ANY problems introducing the cat in the house as long as you make it clear its part of the pack.

06-01-09, 04:03 PM
My cat had a litter that we kept upstairs away from the dog but once they were old enough to roam around they found their way downstairs.
So funny when they discovered the dog, they turned from tiny little kitties to massive balls of puffed up hissing fluff ha ha my dog went mental. We managed to keep her from eating them long enough for us to sell them to good homes ha ha

06-01-09, 04:30 PM
I would be very careful when introducing them to eachother, I would try and do it in a friendly way because you dont want your kitten getting hurt or the dog.

06-01-09, 05:23 PM
Could just give the dog a score and tell it to stay away from the fluffly little b*st*rd

07-01-09, 01:25 AM
Sell the cat and get another dog lol lol

I have 2 american staffys and they aint to keen on cats could be due to next door having 5 of the feckers.

07-01-09, 10:18 AM
Sell the cat and get another dog lol lol

I have 2 american staffys and they aint to keen on cats could be due to next door having 5 of the feckers.

Am staffs are beauts, im getting an irish blue staff this year:cool:

07-01-09, 10:32 AM
you want to get the smell of the cat on a piece of clothing then introduce the smell to the dog and see how it reacts to it then just bring them in the same room with the dog on a mussel and see how they react dont be surprised is the cat literally ****s its self as my brothers did when it first meet my staff but the 2 cats and dog seem to get on now hopefully it stays this way when i get my English bulldog

07-01-09, 10:51 AM
sound like bulldogs jack.. ugly bastids, and the heavy breathing is due to a poor breed design.. thru generations of in breeding to keep the "blood lines" to a certain "champion" good, aload of BS tbh.. why breed a sick dog?

ermm jack FYI if they are english bulldogs there worth abotu £1200-1500 each lol

English bulldogs can breathe easy its British bulldogs that are stumpy and hard breathing :thumb:



07-01-09, 10:57 AM
I reckon the use of a clay pigeon trap would be advisable.
launch the cat a good 15-20yards & give the dog a chance to get warmed up before it lands....

07-01-09, 12:26 PM
british one looks like a staff cross am bull

07-01-09, 12:51 PM
American bulldogs are proper ugly dogs lol big slobbery things

so joesri have you introduced them yet how did it go

07-01-09, 02:14 PM
last night my gf had the cat and i had the dog. Cat went mad again and swiped for him. ha ha. Early days yet.

07-01-09, 02:21 PM
so what did the dog do lol if it was calm that's a good sign

07-01-09, 02:49 PM
It would be interesting to hear more about this :)