View Full Version : bolts

04-12-02, 01:19 PM
since im in the middle of rebuilding,im wounderin,
can i buy a pack off,all new bolts,i mean every single bolt?

04-12-02, 07:11 PM
you can get bolts direct from vauxhall - helps if you take an example down - what you will find though is that you have to buy a pack (like 50 or 100!) - I wanted 20 clips that the screws go into to hold the wings on and had to nearly buy 100! theyre only 5p each but they wont seperate them - luckily the guy in my vauxhall garage happened across a few "lying around" - gave me them for nowt!

Exact number too (funny that... :wink: )

Ter main bolts will be the external ones (wings, clips for wings, bumper bolts on front carriage arms, clips if you have the skirts, some push clips for the mouldings etc)
