04-12-02, 11:51 AM

I just got a set of springs for my nova. Ive lowered the back easily, but got half way through doing my front when I couldnt take the strut apart.

I read the haynes manual what sed you need a specail tool to compress the spring??? :?:

Can any1 help me out here???


04-12-02, 11:56 AM
yes a spring compressor.
Very dangerous things, can ping straaight off the spring and hurt :o

04-12-02, 12:00 PM
take your strut to your local vauxhall or kwit fit garage, slip the geezer a fiver and hell do it with the spring compressors and air gun, no hassle, takes a couple of mins

never complain for a bit of cash in hand.

obviously if you see a yonger geezer ask them, not the owner or the manager!

04-12-02, 01:11 PM
yeah do as mike oxford said, just go into a local garage or a charlie browns or summit and say, ive got these springs if i give u a fiver will ya compress em for me.
when i had mine done at Cossvaux which is a very good modifing place that do work for PVD and do like 2.0 conversions flip paint and sh!t they tried to do it by one guy leaning on the spring and the other doing up the bolt, very dangerous, they thought they had done and then put the strut on the ground, the bolt flew off and the spring flew off across the ground and went under a car they had waiting for spraying, it was Very close to going into the door pannel! Use a Compressor!

04-12-02, 01:16 PM
Thanks for your info, I wont be trying to do it myself now anyway!


04-12-02, 07:02 PM
My mate decided to go against my advice, and not use a spring compressor - it nearly knocked his teeth out!

They only cost ?10 to ?15 in halfords, if you do decide to do it yourself.

04-12-02, 10:08 PM
when i had mine done at Cossvaux which is a very good modifing place that do work for PVD and do like 2.0 conversions flip paint and sh!t they tried to do it by one guy leaning on the spring and the other doing up the bolt, very dangerous, they thought they had done and then put the strut on the ground, the bolt flew off and the spring flew off across the ground and went under a car they had waiting for spraying, it was Very close to going into the door pannel! Use a Compressor!


great advert for them that is..

ive seen/heard some dodgy stuff in my time but bloody hell......


04-12-02, 11:15 PM
phil - beat me to it!!!

04-12-02, 11:30 PM
no dont get me wrong, they are a BRILLIANT place, it was funny that they just tried it that way, after it flew off they THEN got the compressors out.
they r great. im using them for re-spray and engine swap.

07-12-02, 01:11 AM
if they had them there then why not use em in the 1st place?


07-12-02, 10:17 AM
cos they are dodgy!!! (i didnt say that :wink: )

07-12-02, 05:38 PM
definately use a compressor, iv got a luvly cut literaly on me closed up, purple, eye from a flyin spring, it F*CKIN hurt i tel ya!nice battle wound tho!

07-12-02, 06:41 PM
you can pick up a set of spring compressors in halford's for about ?20! don't do it without them!!!!!

09-12-02, 12:38 AM
you never said if the springs you got were standard or shortened. Use compressors and if fitting shortened springs to a standard shock - dont - get a shortened shock too - otherwise the handling and ride will be seriously compromised.

In my opinion anyway...


09-12-02, 11:36 AM
Yes im fitting -40mm springs to standard shocks. I managed to borrow some spring compressors off my mates dad over the weekend so im going to try it myself. :)

I'l let ya know if I have any accidents tho!!

Chris LR
09-12-02, 07:24 PM
Ade is right, If you mis-match the parts it'll feel like your on a boat.

'He who buy's cheap, buy's twice'

09-12-02, 07:40 PM
yep. now i know, i wouldn't have more than a 30mm drop on standard shocks.

i put my gmax ones on the other week and one of the standard shocks )with a 60mm drop spring) was pissing oil!

10-12-02, 02:18 PM
well i will be running a set of spax 40mm springs on standard shocks. I've still not got them fitted yet as I cannot do it until the weekend so cannot tell you if its like a 'boat'!

I got told I will be ok dropping my nova 40mm on standard shocks(also got bump stops). but dont try dropping it 60mm on standard as that will fcuk urs shocks. Is this not the case?