View Full Version : Cav 4x4 System fault

02-01-09, 06:49 PM
I know its not Nova related but I also know that users in here will have an answer for me sooner than most other Forums (I'm guessing Burgo, Baxter and possibly others??)

Ok, the Ball Shaped Orbe in the Engine Bay of a Cav 4x4, sits above the Gear box in the Bulk head, has sprung a leak, power steering and the 4x4 system has failed due to it. The car is 3 hrs from my house and at the right sort of money for what I need. Is there any way I can repair it to drive it home without much fuss, whats involved?

02-01-09, 07:03 PM
what is it? it sounds like some sort of acummulator?

is there not something about removing a 4x4 fuse that allows it to be driven in RWD mode only? perhaps this is the prevention of your tears Dod?
however i fear this will not help your power steering woe.


02-01-09, 07:06 PM
Surely most would be driving around with the fuse out then in that case lol

As for the lack of PAS, it will be fine when moving, when the belt snaps is when I found it gets heavy lol. Also, stupid thing to say probably, but can you not bodge the accumulator sphere at all? Gaffer tape works wonders!

02-01-09, 07:21 PM
Pulling fuse 17 (i think) drops out of 4x4 into 2wd drive as it powers down the 4x4 ecu and therefore dissengages all the clutches in the t/x box.

Do that as a matter of course and you should be able to drive it steadily home aslong as you dont try fliging it round any corners at speed but as suggested an attempt to seal the accumulator bulb might be an idea though just for the home journey:thumb:

02-01-09, 07:39 PM
From what I understand of the acummulator bulb ( I couldnt spell acummulator lol) once its burst its irrepairable which doesnt bother me as the running gear isnt for a Cav but I am concerned about driving without powersteering though, especially for circa 3hrs. Can the PS to the Acummulator Bulb be Bipassed?

Lee H
02-01-09, 08:45 PM
Fuse 19 for the transfer box will put the car in front wheel drive.

Doubt you'll seal the power steering circuit as it runs under such high pressure so probably best driving it back dry.

02-01-09, 08:50 PM
What about Bypassing it then?

03-01-09, 09:42 AM
Pulling fuse 17 (i think) drops out of 4x4 into 2wd drive as it powers down the 4x4 ecu and therefore dissengages all the clutches in the t/x box.

i thought it was something like that.

Dod, we need pics of the acummulator. perhaps its just a pulsation damper?. in both cases it will be a bladder filled with N2 encased in a tough casting with a fancy thread on the end so i would doubt you would manage to seal it quickly at the side of a house.

pics of this offending part??

how about buying a new one and screwing it on? is this definately the fault? or is this been a lie to cover up a more serious internal gearbox/transfer box problem?

03-01-09, 09:45 AM
No, its seemingly a common fault with the 4x4 system and unfortunately the parts are no longer serviced and the origional item is irrepairable once it goes. I dont really want the 4x4 system working anyway, as the car is to be cut up and used in a certain Mk1 Astra, I just need the power steering to function so I can drive it home instead. The PS is somehow connected in through the 4x4 System and when the Accumulator Bulb perished it stopped the PS from working. Ideally I need to find a way to by pass the 4x4 system in order to get the PS working again.

03-01-09, 09:52 AM
yes the hydraulic system is extremely comlicated on the cav/cal (too complicated for Vauxhall anyway)

perhaps an acummulator unit from a Citroen hydra-spension could be adapted and used?

from the sounds of it id say the function of the accumulator/damper is not imperitive to the short term functioning of the hydraulics so perhaps it can be removed and blanked off?


03-01-09, 09:56 AM
if it is hydraulic accumulator, it is there to smooth out the 'switching' & it could be blanked off in an emergency, keeping the hydaulic circuit intact.
is it like this? \/
http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:-Py5ILSlsbNFyM:http://www.drillspot.com/pimages/356/35616_300.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.drillspot.com/pimages/356/35616_300.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.drillspot.com/products/40063/Greer_BA02B3T01A1G_Bladder_Accumulator&usg=__XdUxewesOpJuatMyQyo5NuocHOs=&h=300&w=300&sz=37&hl=en&start=31&tbnid=-Py5ILSlsbNFyM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhydraulic%2Baccumulator%26start%3D20% 26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN)

03-01-09, 10:01 AM
Yes, very similar but if memory serves me rightly, its more ball shaped, but the same idea.

03-01-09, 10:05 AM
the thread will probably cause a problem. it will be something obscure.

03-01-09, 10:50 AM
Why do you need the power steering to work just to drive it home Dod?

My Corsa's EPAS coloumn has been fubared for the last 5 months+, its just like driving a Nova (albeit you have power steering when you turn right, but not left)

03-01-09, 11:14 AM
the thread will probably cause a problem. it will be something obscure.

find the nearest hydraulic shop to the car's location. then nip round with the bits & get a plug for it.

03-01-09, 12:00 PM
are you in the AA ? if you are get them to tow you home.

03-01-09, 12:04 PM
Why do you need the power steering to work just to drive it home Dod?

My Corsa's EPAS coloumn has been fubared for the last 5 months+, its just like driving a Nova (albeit you have power steering when you turn right, but not left)

I dont really want to drive it 3hrs with no PS, PAS is different, corsas are light but on a Cav or Cali they're a real utter ******* to drive without it, trust me, I know!!

find the nearest hydraulic shop to the car's location. then nip round with the bits & get a plug for it.

I appreciate what you're saying, but the fact is I dont want the Accumulator Bulb to work, it only affects the rear drive gear (pull fuse 19 and its dead anyway) and the Power Steering. I'm guessing that the Power Steering pipes feed into the accumulator bulb and from there to the Rack, what I need to know is can I just run the PS pipes direct to the rack without passing through the Accumulator bulb.

03-01-09, 12:05 PM
I bet thats fun isn't it Mike, your going to end up with one big arm like when Homer Simpson became a proffesional arm wrestler

03-01-09, 06:38 PM
3hours? Mostly motorway? Wont be that bad if your moving, only really heavy when parking etc. Or do as above and call the aa once you have moved it a few roads from the guys house lol

edit. how quick does it leak? Just keep topping it up as you go!

04-01-09, 09:42 AM
I appreciate what you're saying, but the fact is I dont want the Accumulator Bulb to work, it only affects the rear drive gear (pull fuse 19 and its dead anyway) and the Power Steering. I'm guessing that the Power Steering pipes feed into the accumulator bulb and from there to the Rack, what I need to know is can I just run the PS pipes direct to the rack without passing through the Accumulator bulb.

Dod, the simplest fix by far is just stick a bung in it. hydraulic hoses are always a git to re-route. the fittings have a habit of being angled the wrong way & cause kinks that then cause the pipes to rub & hit things they shouldn't. maybe the main dealer can check with gm's technical people & find out the thread size before you go.

04-01-09, 12:35 PM
Where does the Bung go though? I'm not too well up on the whole 4x4 system, also will this allow me to use the PS?

04-01-09, 12:36 PM
Used to have 2 4x4 cavs and the bulbs and bits etc can be got from cav16.co.uk (iirc the bloke is called richard, very knowledgable and helpful chap).

As far as i know the accumilator is only used for the 4x4 system so bypassing it and refilling the system should mean the ps works ok, unless its blown the regulator block in which case drive it home dry and hope it doesnt knacker anything (would it kill the rack, i dont know?)

04-01-09, 01:58 PM
I think it may very well kill the rack, the seals wont have any fluid to lube them us and so, dry up and perish very quickly.

Cheers for the Help lads, I must do a little more research on it first. Rep for Everyone!!!

alan b
04-01-09, 06:58 PM
wheres the car? im nealrly sure ive a good accumulator in the garage...

04-01-09, 07:24 PM
Its fuse 19 fyi.

04-01-09, 07:34 PM
Alan, its in Dublin, where you located mate? PM a cost on the bulb to me mate. I saw your Nova on Total Opel I think, your brothers registered on there isnt he?

alan b
04-01-09, 10:50 PM
ill hav to have a look bud, the cally i bought was only runnin 2wd but that was becuse the transfer box was ****ed if i still have it, it should be good. ill get back to you asap mate, and ya he is!

04-01-09, 10:57 PM
Good man, if you have a good un, text me on 087-0651871. Cheers mate.