View Full Version : 2 questions... 1. alternator 2. idle.

31-12-08, 12:18 AM
1. Ok cut long story short my car was having problems starting so i bought a starter motor but havn't fitted it yet.
Went out for a drive and was noticing the car wasn't holding a charge (went to almost red) on the dials when pulled up.

So today i went and bought a alternator as a local mechanic said it seemed lazy then fitted it when i got home.

The car has been running great and holding a charge until i parked up again and noticed it had dropped.

I do have an amp running 2 components but i got rid of the wiring for that to see if it was that which was draining it which it wasn't so does anyone have any ideas?

2. What should a 1.2 carb 1992 nova be idleing at on the rev dials as my mates idles at about 1000 but mine idles at like 500?


Going back to question 1, if the rotor in the distributor car was broke would that cause the batt charge on the dials to drop?

General Baxter
31-12-08, 12:19 AM
if the rotor arm was broken, it would not even start lol

have you checked the earths?

do the lights go dim when the needle drops ?

31-12-08, 12:22 AM
Yes very dim!

I've had a broken rotor before and it wouldn't start like you said and this time it sounds like the rotar has a bit cracked off because i can hear something clicking around inside the distributor.

EDIT: No havn't checked any earths...
Which ones?

31-12-08, 01:56 AM

31-12-08, 01:57 AM
im sure the cars are ment to idle around 1000, my mates golf does and mine does. 500 is way to low IMO

General Baxter
31-12-08, 02:01 AM
have you wired the amp correctly ?

when you turn the stereo off the amp turns off,

check all the earths :)

maybe the batterys funked,

31-12-08, 02:12 AM
sounds like the battry, try a diesel one 067 code. re earth the engine, and adjust your idle as per the staynes manual. btw this should be in mech.....

31-12-08, 02:31 AM
Sounds like a dodgy earth to me too. Gearbox earth strap is the usual culprit. [edit] also check the earths around the headlamps, i chopped one when fitting my HIDs and forgot to reconnect it, caused same problems.

A good engine should idle around 800rpm. 500 is too low, and tbh 1000 is too high.

Welsh Dan
31-12-08, 07:28 AM
My 1200 had to idle at around 1200rpm otherwise it would cut out on a cold day.

31-12-08, 11:50 AM
The amp is fine i have wired up enough to know this and as i said i checked it without the amp wired up.

The battery is fine as i had that checked out aswell.

I'll have a look at the earths when i get a moment and get that idle sorted. aswell.

31-12-08, 01:03 PM
My 1.2 Carb idled at around 850 - 900 even in cold weather once warmed up.

It does sound like a earth issue as it looses charge when parked.

General Baxter
31-12-08, 02:00 PM
The battery is fine as i had that checked out aswell.

it might look fine on a meter, but have you drop tested it ?

31-12-08, 02:07 PM
it might look fine on a meter, but have you drop tested it ?

/\ by that, he means get a discharge tester on it, & not simply dropping it.

if you discharge test it & the meter stays in the high region for ages then it is ok
if it doesn't get to the high region then it is flat
if it starts high then drops off quickly then it is tatered.....
this info is quite useful because most parts shops just want to sell you a battery.......

it could simply be a flat battery. the alternator will not be able to charge it up with the lights, heater, wipers & amps working, and it will eventually flatten enough to cause trouble. charge it first. then get it tested

31-12-08, 02:17 PM
/\ by that, he means get a discharge tester on it, & not simply dropping it.

if you discharge test it & the meter stays in the high region for ages then it is ok
if it doesn't get to the high region then it is flat
if it starts high then drops off quickly then it is tatered.....
this info is quite useful because most parts shops just want to sell you a battery.......

it could simply be a flat battery. the alternator will not be able to charge it up with the lights, heater, wipers & amps working, and it will eventually flatten enough to cause trouble. charge it first. then get it tested

+1! (especially for the first bit lol)

General Baxter
31-12-08, 02:19 PM

31-12-08, 05:02 PM
Well i took it to the battery place i have 4 years warrenty on it and they took it away for a day and i'm sure they would have tried drop testing.

02-01-09, 11:24 AM
Well i took it to the battery place i have 4 years warrenty on it and they took it away for a day and i'm sure they would have tried drop testing.

I used to sell batteries & we once got one in that was so flat that it took 4 days of charging to get it back up to full working order. the vast majority of batteries are chucked out without actually being faulty. most people don't own a charger these days.

back when it was healthy to smoke, people used to give the battery the odd overnight charge to make sure the car would start.

02-01-09, 12:34 PM
I have a old car charger that you plug into a 13amp socket with a volt metre on it and it was still loosing charge within a couple of minutes as if the alt wasn't holding charge.

02-01-09, 11:21 PM
I have a old car charger that you plug into a 13amp socket with a volt metre on it and it was still loosing charge within a couple of minutes as if the alt wasn't holding charge.

the meter on the charger is there to give an indication of the rate of charge, & is not a valid volt meter. a multimeter could be put on a battery & left there for several months without much alteration in the voltage. this is what drop testers look like


03-01-09, 12:54 AM
Yep they did that.

03-01-09, 09:49 AM
well if the battery is fine, then the next course of action is to find where it is draining from. which is a slow job with a multimeter & removing the fuses

03-01-09, 09:55 AM
Have you tired leaving the amp etc off for a day or so to see if it makees a differance?

03-01-09, 11:16 AM
mine used to do this and it turned out to be the radio was on standby constantly

might you have wired that up wrong?

just floating ideas

03-01-09, 11:51 AM
I do have an amp running 2 components but i got rid of the wiring for that to see if it was that which was draining it which it wasn't so does anyone have any ideas?

The amp is fine i have wired up enough to know this and as i said i checked it without the amp wired up.

Have you tired leaving the amp etc off for a day or so to see if it makees a differance?