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28-12-08, 04:58 PM
Why is it Red Nova's rust so much more then white ones??

General Baxter
28-12-08, 05:00 PM
i dont know about that,

remember my 1.3 sr, i stood on the rear tow eye, and half the car fell off the back lol

28-12-08, 05:02 PM
Every red one ive had, or a lot of red one's Ive seen have been infested with rot, whereas similiar age white ones are totally pukka?!

My white shell, had a rust hole just behind the driver side headlight and thats it. Every where else is pukka. My old red shell, that things ended up twisting is was rotted out so bad and that was a K?!

28-12-08, 05:05 PM
Only problem with white is that a bit of rust looks really bad, as it "stains" the surrounding area.

28-12-08, 05:06 PM
all the "lads" thought red was a sporty colour back in the day, so reduns have been mistreated, whereas all the old boys went for white ones, so they have been looked after. well, that my view.

and senoir baxter, some of the failing must have been to do with your bodgery...:)

28-12-08, 05:16 PM
Its True mike.. my last to red ones have bin good looking on the outside.. underneath they just fall apart.. my grey one was the best one

28-12-08, 05:26 PM
Theyre all shagged,regardless of colour.Although its a fact Mk1s dont rot as bad as mk2s as mk1's didnt have as much seam sealer used in the engine bay.

28-12-08, 05:31 PM
Why is it Red Nova's rust so much more then white ones??

Its because your first one was an original SR

Whereas your white one was a povvo spec originally.

28-12-08, 06:26 PM
I used to work at a bodyshop where all the guys were crazy about stockrods. National champions and all that. They all drove novas, and insisted that white ones hold out better than any others. Could never explain why though.

29-12-08, 11:38 AM
could it be due to the fact that about 20 times more red ones were sold than white ones????

29-12-08, 03:01 PM
I dont think there is a reason but i cant understand why my red un abused shell was so rotten. Ive just found a load of rot in the rear which im going to have to sort. I dont know if its worth buying a whole new floor panel from duick or plating it up. What id give for a new shell!

29-12-08, 03:46 PM
My old red one was rotten too, not as bad as my blue one that was the same year and had done 15k less though.

I always try to half disagree with the mk1/mk2 rot thing as my mk1s have been more rotten than my mk2.

29-12-08, 05:02 PM
my moms red mk1 was way better than both my black mk2s

29-12-08, 05:12 PM
I have to say, I've had 6 or 7 Red Novas and another to come on Wednesday all going well, but Never a white one. The reason being, all the white ones rotted away and the reds stayed in good order cuz the rust was harder to see.