View Full Version : The christmas chocolate that no-one likes.. we all have one!

25-12-08, 12:50 AM
every house has it, the chocolate that allways gets left at the bottom of the tin or box..

whats the one that allways seems to still be there at the end of the season?

for us its the strawberry quality street or the blue coconut ones lol

whats yours? :thumb:

25-12-08, 12:53 AM
the turkish delite are the ones in the bottom of our tin

25-12-08, 12:53 AM
I don't like the chocolate starfish. yuk!

25-12-08, 12:59 AM
i like the lady choccy starfish.....

25-12-08, 01:42 AM
the Turkish delight are the ones in the bottom of our tin

Yes you no Turkish delight are always left lol

25-12-08, 08:13 AM
every house has it, the chocolate that allways gets left at the bottom of the tin or box..

whats the one that allways seems to still be there at the end of the season?

for us its the strawberry quality street or the blue coconut ones lol

whats yours? :thumb:

You could send the strawberry ones on to me as there my fav.
As for are tin it is usually the fudge ones for some reason.

25-12-08, 08:59 AM
what fudge are the best, we always get the toffee coins or toffee fingers, always,

25-12-08, 09:14 AM
Send the turkish delight ones to me please :D

Usually nut infested ones as my dad is the only ones who will eat those. Or coconut ones if they're in there

25-12-08, 11:30 AM
the toffee coins. well... anything toffee related. they make ur teeth hurt >.<

General Baxter
25-12-08, 11:36 AM
ill eat anything lol

25-12-08, 11:45 AM
the toffee coins. well... anything toffee related. they make ur teeth hurt >.<
I'll relieve you of them :D

25-12-08, 11:48 AM
I'll relieve you of them :D

there will be hundreds of them. are you sure???

25-12-08, 07:15 PM
I love all the ones you guys have left. Chris, Jack and myself could NEVER share a box of chocs.

I hate those hollow Santa things. Just when I thought it was safe, I unwrapped an unsuspicious looking gift to be faced by my worst fear, my nemesis, a chocolate Santa.

25-12-08, 08:28 PM
snickers at the bottom of ours!

25-12-08, 08:30 PM
Topics arwe a no no and always get left.

25-12-08, 09:00 PM
Any toffee ones yuk! :(

25-12-08, 09:01 PM
Toffee/? Nowt wrong with toffe...

Coffee is a big no no though.

25-12-08, 09:30 PM
Ewww not coffee :(

25-12-08, 09:33 PM
See ;)

25-12-08, 09:36 PM
Wot about the like marsipan ones? lol

25-12-08, 09:39 PM
Just say NO, with a capital N

25-12-08, 09:40 PM
lol lol lol

25-12-08, 09:44 PM
marzipan is the KING of sweet products!

25-12-08, 09:45 PM
Mazipan makes baby sjesus cry :cry:

25-12-08, 10:56 PM
there will be hundreds of them. are you sure???
That will make me happy. I'll be round tomorrow :D

Marzipan is good on cake, but I don't seem to like it on sweets. Odd. Although I hate coconut, but like coconut macaroons. lol

26-12-08, 12:10 AM
I dont understand this thread :confused:

Welsh Dan
26-12-08, 12:15 AM
I dont understand this thread :confused:

Nor me. There's never any left in our house.

26-12-08, 12:21 AM
Im with adam on Coffee ones, they are the worst tasting thing since marmight

26-12-08, 02:58 AM
i eat thje fooking lot. easy.

26-12-08, 10:49 AM
Marzipan is good on cake, but I don't seem to like it on sweets. Odd.

Marzipan in general is just pah on cake, sweets either way ..

i eat thje fooking lot. easy.
