27-11-02, 09:47 PM
Mark from RJ automotive gets cover car for his nova in Redline.



Your BBcode is not working, cut and past the address if you would like to see the pics.
*edit* you left a gap between the words mark and redline. thats why it didnt work.*edit by ian*

28-11-02, 03:30 AM
Erm, well done.

Matt Finary
28-11-02, 01:25 PM
Sweet mate :P

Matt :)

28-11-02, 01:50 PM
nice colour...
not keen on the mirrors though.

but i like it over all.

28-11-02, 01:54 PM
u like anything with a few tyres on it dont u! Look at ur stomach!

28-11-02, 02:24 PM
just because i got a big fat stomach doesn't mean i like it :D
besides - it's getting to the point now where i almost like it again... I am losing weight.

28-11-02, 02:45 PM
like that nova a lot.

Ric 16v
28-11-02, 05:32 PM
I just bought that mag 2 day, but I didn't know it had a nova in it untill I opened the bag and saw the front cover :roll: :roll: :roll: it is well nice though and it is good 2 c the pics of the stages it goes through :D :D :D very nice

28-11-02, 09:27 PM
i like that a lot, very nice all works well, i look at individual pieces and not that fussed on them but the car looks really awesome. and the 18s look well when done properly with a big kit.

28-11-02, 10:07 PM
One of the very few bodykitted novas i like. 18's look big, the way they should be :)

28-11-02, 10:17 PM
i am glad you all like it..i will tel mark your comments he will be chuffed!!

Its hard for me to not like any of the car to be honest as i saw mark build it for over a year and making sure every detail is absoultyl spot on!

But the icing in the cake is the fact that he drives it hard...and god its fast!!

28-11-02, 10:21 PM
hehe Good lad, is it a C20LET turbo? I'm going to be doing that conversion next :D

28-11-02, 11:08 PM
Its a defo headturner!

28-11-02, 11:23 PM
wicked nova that !!!! i sore it at trax and was like ............... :o looks even more stunning in the flesh!! cracking job, well done :)

Breeny...u going for a turbo nxt ?? good lad haha !!

29-11-02, 01:32 AM
That's nice. But, 'if it was me' i'd do some things slightly different.

It'd be even better if the numberplate recess was either relocated to the bumper, or made smaller.
Not keen on the way the recess runs all the way down to the bumper, it'd be better if it was just round the plate. Like Ians was.

I'd prefer the rear lights if they were clear, and no handles at all too.

And i'd prefer the lines (in the gaping mouth thingy) in the front bumper to be straight, rather than at an angle. Though, i guess the way it is now, it follows the lines/angles of the grille. Still, to me, there's just something not quite right about it. I think it's that.

I don't really like the interior either, but that's just because i prefer the look of stripped out racers. Rollcage, buckets and harnesses. And a carbon dash with loads of dials. That's what i like.

But it's not me and it's not mine, so it don't matter.

29-11-02, 07:37 AM
so why post???

If we all had the same perfect looking car in our eyes it wouldnt be fun would it!! Point of modifing...to be different and to have your car how you like it!!??

29-11-02, 11:17 AM
Never a truer word said. Some individuals need to take note of that.

29-11-02, 05:05 PM
yeah i agree, althlough i do think it needs a spolier :D

I like the cav electric sunroof idea :lol: mite be using that

30-11-02, 01:36 AM
So why post???

Why not just post a picture with 'everyone that loves it post below, everyone else piss off'.

And why's everyone posting 'if we all had the same car...everyone's an individual...point of modifying is to be different' ?!

Doesn't my post express just that? I said i think the car's great. There's nothing 'wrong' with it! But that if i had that car, i'd like all the things that are there, and pointed out what i'd change. It's not like i said this is how it and all others should be, is it?

And since it's been mentioned, there IS no 'point of modifying'. Not a single point anyway, everyone's doing it for different reasons. Different may just be a by-product.

I'm looking forward to posting apicture of my car soon, and reading all the great comments of how everyone loves it. Seems like that's all that's welcome on here, and nobody dislikes anything.

You won't hear another opinion from me again.

30-11-02, 08:59 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

30-11-02, 01:07 PM

01-12-02, 03:59 AM
I've decided to register on Handbag.com.

I will use their relationship forum as an outlet for all my opinions.


01-12-02, 04:08 AM
hey cool marty, whoever you are im with you on that one mincer.

not my cup of diet coffee like. but hey, who am i to talk, i drive a beige 1300 golf

02-12-02, 01:47 AM
so why post???

Never a truer word said. Some individuals need to take note of that.

Because each individual has an opinion. If 'individuals' didn't differ in opinions, they wouldn't be individuals. This is an internet forum, an internet nova 'community'. So, i would presume, this is where people come to be part of that community and to read other persons opinions and to express their own?!

There is no Utopia.

02-12-02, 04:46 PM
just try and think before you type is what i mean..there ia always a better way to put something but yet get your main point across..that way you dont offend people in any way thus proving to be an easier life.