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View Full Version : just cant belive some people

17-12-08, 03:46 PM
right as im off work today ive just been to pick my little lad up from school,finds a spec(after a good five minuates)sat there radio on low noticed another car had pulled half cars length behind me.
then i saw another car(pugoet 406) trying to pull into the space left by the car which had pulled up behind ,she pulls in on 45%angle,knowing dam well shes got no chance,she begins to reverse back out into the road/oncoming traffic,to the sound of a horn,she brakes,knowing she cant go nowhereshe decides to give it full lock and "hope for the best".i seen the headlights disapear under my back wiper and thought.......yep she hit me:mad: i turns and put my hand up to say stop,and said the words youve hit me,to my amzement she waves whilst smiling and drives off:mad: :mad: :mad: i got out the car by this time she was on her travels(i managed to read the number plate,and got the reg of the car).
got the pen of another women parked up over the road waiting for her kid,she actualy said "i cant belive she just hit you" so i goes to look at my car,
shes caught the bumper,two inch mark on the corner with a inch split,also the bumper is now more loose than the other side(being pretty stiff)as though she's possibly cracked summat behind mounting clip etc?
im just totaly baffled as to what to do.
1,do i just accept it,and get it fixed at my expense?
2,find out the owner and give her repair costs,bumper paint,labour etc
3,report it
:mad: :confused:
the bumper was in perfect condition before this happened! plus i have a witness

17-12-08, 03:50 PM
Report it to your insurance, with her Reg details they should be able to track her insurance company down and deal with them.

An I'm not surprised, Ive seen it all before and had similar things happen to me....IMO women should sit there test every 5yrs,yes i may be sexist but come on how many of us have seen women on the motorway using the mirror to apply make up FFS!

michael squeak
17-12-08, 03:51 PM
number 2 and 3

17-12-08, 03:53 PM
2 & 3

17-12-08, 03:54 PM
phone the police
thats also known as a road traffic incident

and she can get done for leaving the scene

17-12-08, 03:54 PM
Go through insurance as not your fault and report the stoopid woman for leaving the scene.

17-12-08, 03:55 PM
Report it to your insurance, with her Reg details they should be able to track her insurance company down and deal with them.

An I'm not surprised, Ive seen it all before and had similar things happen to me....IMO women should sit there test every 5yrs,yes i may be sexist but come on how many of us have seen women on the motorway using the mirror to apply make up FFS!

Ive seen blokes who dont have a clue behind the wheel as well mate. Some people are cut out for it, some arn't.

17-12-08, 03:57 PM
Report to police within 24hours of said incident and inform your insurance company. Give police witnesses details too.

17-12-08, 03:58 PM
if i was you i would report it you have witnesses and the reg details dont let her get away with it why should you be out of pocket the dippy cow

17-12-08, 03:58 PM
Report it to your insurance, with her Reg details they should be able to track her insurance company down and deal with them.

An I'm not surprised, Ive seen it all before and had similar things happen to me....IMO women should sit there test every 5yrs,yes i may be sexist but come on how many of us have seen women on the motorway using the mirror to apply make up FFS!

SOME women do that, yes, but if you check out any statistics they will say that men have more serious accidents than women, and that is why you have higher insurance premiums, so maybe it should be men that resit their test every 5 years?

Or perhaps we have less accidents because we can multitask, so therefore have the ability to drive and apply our make-up at the same time. You can't begrduge our natural superiority. lol

17-12-08, 03:59 PM
Lee the reason i get so irate about women drivers, is my sister is a **** driver and the misses sister cant part to save her life,every time i go round i find it hard to get my car on the drive due to her bad parking! and she said the reason she parks it funny is if i park on the drive before she finds it hard to judge where the edge of car is,as mines too big! WTF


17-12-08, 04:00 PM
Go through insurance as not your fault and report the stoopid woman for leaving the scene.

Be careful there - you could find yourself with no Nova very quickly there, it would take very little to write it off in an insurers eyes! I know of one that got written off because of a bent steering column and bust lock!!!

But I would have no thoughts about reporting her to the police, she obviously wasn't bothered with the fact she hit you!!

17-12-08, 04:01 PM

17-12-08, 04:02 PM
SOME women do that, yes, but if you check out any statistics they will say that men have more serious accidents than women, and that is why you have higher insurance premiums, so maybe it should be men that resit their test every 5 years?

Or perhaps we have less accidents because we can multitask, so therefore have the ability to drive and apply our make-up at the same time. You can't begrduge our natural superiority. lol

Oh I'll tell you why the stats show men have more crashes,it's cus they are taken from accidents on motorways, if you drive on a bust motorway (M42) and look around you 80% of the drivers are men!
Probably as the women are to scared to drive and apply make up on busy motorways like the M42! lol

No the reason women do it is there stupid! it's illegal FFS i wont answer my phone while driving, why it's made illegal and is a dangerous act! etc..

And for multi tasking WTF what do you call driving eh? how many thing do you actually do while driving? lol

17-12-08, 04:02 PM

Thought that read Repost for minute :tard: lol

17-12-08, 04:03 PM
will reporting this through insurance not affect my insurance,atm im also involved with a unresolved claim for being hit by some "women" who decided to just pull out and make a mess iof my front pass wing,im paying higher insurance becaquse liability is still an issue,
is it possible to gain her details through her reg plate without having to use police or insurance,(everyone deserves 1 chance)if she doesnt with is happening then the insurance can sort something out.
im not looking for whiplash etc just the cost of repairs?

17-12-08, 04:04 PM
Obviously her kids go to that school, so kidnap them and make sure she admits liability before releasing her kids. maybe next time she'l value the well being of a Nova over her children.

17-12-08, 04:05 PM
Wait around for her tomorrow after school?

17-12-08, 04:07 PM
No the reason women do it is there stupid! it's illegal

Again, you need to tuck up on your english. SOME women do it. SOME women are stupid.

I saw a car crash into a tree a couple of years ago. There was a women standing behind it, and if the tree hadn't been there she would have been killed. They had to cut him out of the car. Reason why? He was on his mobile. Now if I went around saying 'why do men always talk on their mobiles when driving, they need to resit their test every 5 years cos they are stupid!' I'm sure you might take offence too!

17-12-08, 04:07 PM
Wait around for her tomorrow after school?

you sound like a school bully lol

but i agree in retrospect i would try and get it sorted with out the insurance companys getting involved if you can

Welsh Dan
17-12-08, 04:07 PM
Inform the Police at the very least. Clucking off after an accident is a crime and she needs to be dealt with.

Reporting it to your insurance might put the premium up.

I think a HPI check brings up owners details.

Welsh Dan
17-12-08, 04:08 PM
Lauren and Scott, EVERYONE should be forced to retake every 5 years.

17-12-08, 04:10 PM
Lauren and Scott, EVERYONE should be forced to retake every 5 years.

lol good idea, i know most of us would fail as we all have pick up to many bad habbits...sorry though i do have to say i know to many very poor over cautious drives that are women.

17-12-08, 04:10 PM
Lauren and Scott, EVERYONE should be forced to retake every 5 years.

no thanks.

17-12-08, 04:10 PM
Lauren and Scott, EVERYONE should be forced to retake every 5 years.

That was pretty much my point, to say it should only be women is one of the most stupid things I've heard.

17-12-08, 04:12 PM
is it possible to gain her details through her reg plate without having to use police or insurance,(everyone deserves 1 chance)...

if she gets away with it once, she will get away with it again. she might have done it 20 times before.
if it was a genuine accident the least she could have done was stop and say sorry. chances are you'd have let her off anyway seeing as there was so little damage. however the fact she does not care for your Nova proves she is an inconciderate witch with an ugly face who needs to be shown that you cant just be a bad driver and hit cars just for the crack.

is that how carefull she drives outside a SCHOOL?! what if it was a kid she reversed onto? no thought, no concideration, no care, no conscience.

17-12-08, 04:12 PM
i wont answer my phone while driving, why it's made illegal and is a dangerous act! etc..

Dangerous my ****. I spent the first 4 years driving as an engineer with a phone in my ear before it was made illegal.

They will ban passengers next because they are a distraction.

You're either a sh*te driver or you're not IMO, regardless of sex.

The real problem is that too many blokes think they're better drivers than they are, when women know when theyre useless and tend to just bounce off stuff at low speed. Unfortunately, thinking you're better creates more accidents that knowing your crap lol.

17-12-08, 04:13 PM
i know when mates have been knocked off there motorbikes and scooters it is normally women that do it on the whole but then again my brother was knocked of his bike by some 80 year old man so maybe women multitasking behind the wheel aint so good but in the kitchen brilliant

also on another point every one seems to be a rubbish driver near schools i went to my little sisters school play the other day and people were all double parked and one pikey prat was wheel spinning his golf up the school road

17-12-08, 04:14 PM
report it to the police mate i had it happen to me two years ago on xmas day i was behind this car on the main road all of a sudden the reverse lights came on smack he went into me. i got out had a look and he had broke a grille bracket but he did a runner so got his reg as he drove away rang the police and they resolved it straight away for me

a later found out he was doing a runner due to road rage someone was giving it to him and he needed to get away quick

when the insurance people came out the didnt write the car of they give me the money to repair it due to condition

Welsh Dan
17-12-08, 04:17 PM
no thanks.

Why not?

17-12-08, 04:20 PM
thats all i want dame the repair costs,probaly bit off filler sanded down and touched back in,but its not something ive done before so could make it worse, and get a total new bumper and paint job:D

17-12-08, 04:22 PM
Why not?

because we are already strict enough on drivers in this country and it would effectually be another tax on drivers as if it doesn't cost enough already

17-12-08, 04:23 PM
of top of my head mate the other persons insurance company paid me out around 350 quid for the repair of it

17-12-08, 04:26 PM
Dangerous my ****. I spent the first 4 years driving as an engineer with a phone in my ear before it was made illegal.

They will ban passengers next because they are a distraction.

You're either a sh*te driver or you're not IMO, regardless of sex.

The real problem is that too many blokes think they're better drivers than they are, when women know when theyre useless and tend to just bounce off stuff at low speed. Unfortunately, thinking you're better creates more accidents that knowing your crap lol.

Lee I'm not saying I'm an amazing driver by any means, I'm sure after the karting you think I'm ****! but on Monday i was asked to drive the Miss's mum's Clio home we were in Scun-thorp and i had to drive from there all the way to Stratford on Avon,and had never drove the car once before,it took me probably 15mins to get the feel of the car and i found it easy to drive, i know some people MEN or WOMEN my Dad included just cant do this sort of thing,and i find that a bit strange..

17-12-08, 04:34 PM
Lee I'm not saying I'm an amazing driver by any means,

lol, i wasn't insinuating anything, i was just saying that IMO sex has bog all to do with it.

.....Unless whoever is driving is having it at the same time :thumb:

17-12-08, 04:37 PM
sexytime whilst driving and applying make-up is the best sexytime :thumb: lol

17-12-08, 04:54 PM
preferably on the motorway. less distractions.

17-12-08, 05:10 PM
deffo report it dude, and keep up updated.

and on the whole who is better/worse gender issue. i have had 4 accidents on motorbikes.
1 totally my own fault
2 MAN turned right with out checking mirrors
3 WOMEN pulled out on me in the wet, her quote "i just didnt see you dear" and she wore glasses, that angered me.
4. WOMEN turned left into me.
then i got a car

so from 4 accidents i spose it is 2 all, i think like someone already said, you eaither have it or you dont with driving.

and retest every 5 years. really bad idea. already a waiting list for tests, imagen how much longer that would be. what if your job is driving like a cabbie or lorry driver, and you failed. you would go insane to know you can drive perfectly well and some one has taken that away from you and made you jobless. stupid idea IMO leave it how it is. retake every 5 years or not people will still have accidents be it man or women.

17-12-08, 05:12 PM
retake every 5 years or not people will still have accidents be it man or women.

+100 for that!

The sooner the government realise you cant stop accidents the better as well!

17-12-08, 05:19 PM
I'd try and get it settled without the insurance tbh, inform the police and surely with her reg they can find out where she lives, but if you're already waiting for a claim (mine took 13 months) this is going to help.

I think she would rather pay a few quid now rather than knocking her ncb as well...

17-12-08, 05:22 PM
I'd try and get it settled without the insurance tbh, inform the police and surely with her reg they can find out where she lives, but if you're already waiting for a claim (mine took 13 months) this is going to help.

I think she would rather pay a few quid now rather than knocking her ncb as well...

you really think she has any no claims bonus with that kind of driving lol

17-12-08, 05:22 PM
Report it bud as why should she get away with it, i recently had someone reverse into my drivers door on my old nova, it was spotted by one of our salesmen and luckily he had just been in for a valuation on his car so we had his details.

It ended up goint through his insurance and they did whats called a total loss settlement, basically they pay out current market value based on condition (i got £220) but as its not insured by the other parties insurers they have no powers to write your car off so you will not lose your car unless you claim off your own insurance!
Deffo report it bud aswell as she hit you and run, what would she have done if your kids were hiding from you and creeping low down past your car and she had crushed them, you wouldnt be umming and ahhing over repoting it then would you, very harsh comparison but you get what i mean i hope?

17-12-08, 05:24 PM
you really think she has any no claims bonus with that kind of driving lol
Depends, she nearly got it away with it this time. maybe she's just lucky.

17-12-08, 05:40 PM
right ive just got back from the police station(as its only 500 yards away from me),where i gave details as explained on the first page,they instantly told me that accident is now a crime because she caused hit and run,when asked the location on where she hit me street name etc i told them it was outside of school on charles st etc and they seemed more emphatic and said this could of been worse! and that a traffic officer will be visisting my house tommorow at between 8-9pm to access the damage?i didnt want to do this but in reality shes at fault and i dont fancy repairing the damage through my own wallet.

steve my claim for previous damage is still a liability after 12month 1 week rule 184/185 of the highway code states she is clearly in the wrong, after entering a roundabout not giving right away etc and ploughing into the side pass side wing of my car.

17-12-08, 05:42 PM
nice one for going to the pig station, hope something happens to her for it.

17-12-08, 05:42 PM
wow quick action by the police there very unusual good luck with it mate

17-12-08, 05:49 PM
You've definitely done the right thing by going to the police. If shes that careless when pulling away from a car parking spot, I dread to think what shes like on the road. I wonder if she checked the road for children before crashing into you...

17-12-08, 05:55 PM
Hate woman drivers me :roll:

did she crash into your nova :mad::cry::mad: or a different car ?

17-12-08, 06:04 PM
Hate woman drivers me :roll:

did she crash into your nova :mad::cry::mad: or a different car ?she hit me on this corner mate and yes in this car(my baby):mad: she hit just over the top of the red striping on the bumper making inch and half crack also taking paint off around two long,and probaly cracked a bracket on the inside as i can hear summat rattle and the bumpers loose but not to sure will get the bumper off on the weekend to look.

17-12-08, 06:09 PM
nice car that

17-12-08, 06:15 PM
why thanks,some pics actualy can do the car justice at times! drivers door and drivers side wing has gone though rusting(but have new replacments in the shed just waiting for my claim and repair costs from my previous accident have all this work carried out,if i can get the car 75% of what ernies car looked like on his tv shoot then ill be a happy man.
as for now its all in the system so we will see what comes of it,ill keep you posted on the matter,

17-12-08, 06:40 PM
how much you guys reckon this would cost to fix if i said new bumper,paint.labour fitting etc?

17-12-08, 06:42 PM
Thats shocking, Its annoying when people do all these crazy things when driving :eek:

17-12-08, 06:47 PM
IMO women should sit there test every 5yrs,yes i may be sexist but come on how many of us have seen women on the motorway using the mirror to apply make up FFS!

I've seen a blokoe having a shave on the way to work in the morning, he almost took me out the daft ****.

I think you should report it. The silly bint who crashed into me drove off and left me for dead. I know it's on a different scale but if it'd had been the other way round then I bet she'd have reported you.

17-12-08, 06:52 PM
*erm he has already reported it lynz* lol

17-12-08, 07:00 PM
Ohs, I did the usual- read the first couple of pages then got bored and whizzed to give my O.P. :p

Cheers Spud...

18-12-08, 10:50 AM
SOME women do that, yes, but if you check out any statistics they will say that men have more serious accidents than women, and that is why you have higher insurance premiums, so maybe it should be men that resit their test every 5 years?l
From the mouth of two different insurance companies: men have LESS accidents; but when women crash they tend to be small car park dings such as this. When a bloke crashes he'll do a flaming cartwheel into a Bugatti dealership lol

Men are also more likely to be put under peer group pressure to drive faster etc, and tend to be more over-confident (which isn't always a bad thing - I've seen a woman panic on a roundabout and just pull out and stop in front of oncoming traffic)

It ended up goint through his insurance and they did whats called a total loss settlement, basically they pay out current market value based on condition (i got £220) but as its not insured by the other parties insurers they have no powers to write your car off so you will not lose your car unless you claim off your own insurance!
Yep, that happened to me when a turnip rear ended my old hatchback and bent the rear panel. His insurance paid up £750 to repair a crappy 1.2 Nova with a bodykit lol

18-12-08, 01:44 PM
glad you reported it matey people like that take the p*ss!! claim for whiplash the lot pal i would be.

18-12-08, 01:59 PM
Go through insurance bud.

Not your fault, wont affect you.

Tidy Max
18-12-08, 02:48 PM
Dangerous my ****

do you think they should change the law back so it would be legal to use your phone and drive?

18-12-08, 03:51 PM
Yep, that happened to me when a turnip rear ended my old hatchback and bent the rear panel. His insurance paid up £750 to repair a crappy 1.2 Nova with a bodykit lol

Thats because to repair the damage through a proper bodyshop the labour and materials alone would be miles more then the car is worth so they simply payout the full value of the car and leave you to do as you wish, this option is always the cheapest on older cars, anim sure if he were to recieve £750 for his GTE he would be happy as it could easily be repaired for considerably less than that amount:thumb:

18-12-08, 04:24 PM
claim for whiplash the lot pal i would be.
Just because you're happy to pay more for your car insurance doesn't mean everyone else is.

18-12-08, 04:30 PM
When a bloke crashes he'll do a flaming cartwheel into a Bugatti dealership lol

lol This really made me laugh, no idea why. It's been a slow day.

18-12-08, 05:20 PM
Thats because to repair the damage through a proper bodyshop the labour and materials alone would be miles more then the car is worth so they simply payout the full value of the car and leave you to do as you wish, this option is always the cheapest on older cars, anim sure if he were to recieve £750 for his GTE he would be happy as it could easily be repaired for considerably less than that amount:thumb:id be very happy indeed:D ,but i now feel bad about the situation as ive just been reading a few write ups on hit and run drivers through google etc,and theres some guy who accidently done the same trying to squeze left at a junction while the other car intended to turn right,He got a THREE year ban for hit and run because it was reported(the same as ive done in my situation)
i wouldnt want the old girl to recieve this treatment,just pay me for my bumper repaired or a new(ish)one and leave it at that.

and no dont intend on claiming whiplash,this is just what the system want so next year they can up our renewels instead of dropping them:roll:

edit:just waiting for the police to arrive at 8.30 tonight,i hope ive done the right thing as i say i would probaly feel cheap(cracked corner of my bumper!:(

18-12-08, 05:27 PM
Just because you're happy to pay more for your car insurance doesn't mean everyone else is.

exactly! the same people who complain about sky-high insurance are the same ones generally that assume theyre entiteled to a 4K payout everytime they crash. or claim for a non existant injury at the sniff of 'compo'

sickens me

18-12-08, 05:30 PM
i think you have done the right thing as she needs to learn and others, but a 3 year band is a bit harsh.
if she is a good and well driver ya know all paid up on the essentials i think they shoudl maybe fine her. but ban would be way to harsh.

maybe if she got her baps out they would let her of a fine also, we would need to see pics tho lol

18-12-08, 05:55 PM
i think you have done the right thing as she needs to learn and others, but a 3 year band is a bit harsh.
if she is a good and well driver ya know all paid up on the essentials i think they shoudl maybe fine her. but ban would be way to harsh.

maybe if she got her baps out they would let her of a fine also, we would need to see pics tho lolmate thats sick, she must be 80 10 ffs,so her baps have probaly wrinkled awaylol

18-12-08, 06:12 PM
Not to spam your thread,but look dude it's some seasonal disease..


18-12-08, 08:19 PM
you did the right thing, she deserves to get a telling off.
at the end of the day (it gets darks) she drove off without any intention for paying out for the accident.
she should have stopped!

my mrs was crashed into in a petrol station, the fella got out and was all appologetic, he eben offered to repair the car as he was a body repair man. gave her the card etc.
needless to say, the phones were all switched off and even with cctv footage at the petrol station. the police said it was too late to claim.

so screw the old lady and wave and smile at her as she gets done

19-12-08, 12:18 AM
so what happened with this then

21-12-08, 08:50 PM
SOME women do that, yes, but if you check out any statistics they will say that men have more serious accidents than women, and that is why you have higher insurance premiums, so maybe it should be men that resit their test every 5 years?

Or perhaps we have less accidents because we can multitask, so therefore have the ability to drive and apply our make-up at the same time. You can't begrduge our natural superiority. lol

If you can multitask, get in the kitchen and iron while making my tea!

21-12-08, 09:01 PM
scott? scun-thorpe? what the bloody hell was you doing in this ****e hole lol

i was hit on a driving lesson by a woman.. she was on the phone and puttin lipgloss on lol

22-12-08, 12:44 PM
well they arrived(traffic police) took a statement,and said as soon as they've looked up her reg plate,and "got her side of the story"then they will be back to discuss this further!?!?!? and that was pretty much that,so im now waiting for there reply to see if this women has said words against mine,which should pretty much come to nothing, as ive also gave witness details in my statement.its just that when they do go visit this women she will be put under arrest(for causing hit and run!)and her statement will be made in the cop shop.

22-12-08, 01:00 PM
Dont feel bad, you did the right thing. She broke the law by Leaving/failing to report an accident.

19-01-09, 01:21 AM
dont bother reporting it man, youll only loose no claims or make your insurance go up next year, or have to answer to some bullsh1t part of your insurance contract.

best bet i reck is to sort the car out yourself, without stressing too much at the fact that it wasnt your fault.
then find out where she lives, pinch one off on her windscreen, then knock on her door and say "thanks alot, youve cost me X amount of pounds, X amount of time & X amount of stress - how do you feel about it ??"
if she appologizes and pays it (unlikely) then u dont need to mention the present youve left for her on the screen.

19-01-09, 01:37 AM
If it's reported, as soon as it's been brought to her attention, you could arrange something 'out-of-court' so to speak. I don't think you'd have to continue through with an insurance claim if you said it had been resolved.
I agree with reporting it though, better that than going to her door with a temper, but as stated I'm sure she'd be reporting you if the situation was vice-versa.

19-01-09, 09:10 AM
yeah i apprieciate all the advice guys, as said just waiting for a response from the police.not sure how long this may take wasnt told tbh!

19-01-09, 09:34 AM
Glad you reported it, its not fair to do that to someone, the fact that she waved goodbye completely takes the piss, she might aswell of stuck her middle finger up at you. Just give her what she diserves. Thats completely unfair! and come on throw in a bit of whiplash, im sure you always wanted a brand new respray :P

19-01-09, 09:51 AM
Just give her what she diserves. and come on throw in a bit of whiplash,im atm involved with a whiplash claim for a more serious accident,this was none other than a nudge(enough to crack my bumper though)therefore i will be trying to settle this "outside" of mine/her insurance,
im sure you always wanted a brand new respray :P[/quote]id love to have it fully resprayed,got mint doors/wings bonnet etc in the shed waiting.just waiting for the repair costs claim to come with my claim,which can get these parts sprayed up and fitted.

19-01-09, 01:22 PM
scott? scun-thorpe? what the bloody hell was you doing in this ****e hole lol

i was hit on a driving lesson by a woman.. she was on the phone and puttin lipgloss on lol

Well ok it was Barnetby Le wold lol

19-01-09, 03:25 PM
Please say you have actually chased it up?

19-01-09, 03:44 PM
Please say you have actually chased it up?no not as yet!i was told that they(police)would now be dealing with the issue, and i would be contacted as soon as her statement has been made.

23-01-09, 12:36 PM
im atm involved with a whiplash claim for a more serious accident,this was none other than a nudge(enough to crack my bumper though)therefore i will be trying to settle this "outside" of mine/her insurance,
im sure you always wanted a brand new respray :Pid love to have it fully resprayed,got mint doors/wings bonnet etc in the shed waiting.just waiting for the repair costs claim to come with my claim,which can get these parts sprayed up and fitted.[/quote]

well i had two motorcycle accidents and i moaned a little extra, but they will know your probs faking the whiplash if you try it, just always nice to have a bit of extra cash. But both claims took a while even thought i won both of them and they aditted it. But its the long process of filling out documents! good luck with it thought hope everything goes smoothly :thumb:

23-01-09, 01:22 PM
id love to have it fully resprayed,got mint doors/wings bonnet etc in the shed waiting.just waiting for the repair costs claim to come with my claim,which can get these parts sprayed up and fitted.

well i had two motorcycle accidents and i moaned a little extra, but they will know your probs faking the whiplash if you try it, just always nice to have a bit of extra cash. But both claims took a while even thought i won both of them and they aditted it. But its the long process of filling out documents! good luck with it thought hope everything goes smoothly :thumb:[/quote]

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: this is why insurance goes throught the roof. people claiming when they are not really hurt!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

25-04-09, 01:32 PM
Well i awoke this morning to find a letter telling me that i have a COURT date over the matter:(,the women is denying two to charges against her
1,driving without due care and attention
2leaving the scene of a crime without giving her details.

she is pleading NOT guilty on both accounts,and is stating that she was never in that street on the day of the accident,but in another street.!(but yet i was and i know her car coulour ,make,and registration plate:roll: )plus i have a witness who saw everything.
the one thing now baffeling me the most is that,ive "never" informed my insurance over it,as i thought this would have been delt with outside of the insurance but this woment seems to know better.
I suppose id now better inform my insurance of whats happened???
and what am i likely to hear from them so late on???


Welsh Dan
25-04-09, 01:49 PM
Good luck matey.

25-04-09, 01:52 PM
what a **** of a women lol. if you have a witness then you have got to win lol

25-04-09, 05:06 PM
cheers dan.but what about my insurance,like i say they havent been informed atall,as i thought this would have been settled by now?????

25-04-09, 05:33 PM
well. when you go to court, make sure that you simply stick to the facts as presented. do not lose your temper. make sure the witness is going to show up, or at least have a statement prepared. do not make it personal at any cost. you will be fine.

a few years back, my missus was on the school run & was stationary outside a council office near the school waiting for an oncoming car to pass between some parked cars. this bloke came flying out of the council office carpark & smacked our car up the rear, jumped out & started laying into her about how she had reversed into him. she wrote her details out & gave them to him. later on he came round & bashed on our door & started on me about it. I simply said, it is in the hands of our insurance. he stormed off. the next day a woman approached the missus & offered to be a witness. so we gave the insurers a call. a few weeks later the man was beating down the door of the witness & demanding that she changed her story as she was obviously wrong. our insurers went mad at his insurers, and we got a new bumper & a letter of apology.

25-04-09, 07:12 PM
well. when you go to court, make sure that you simply stick to the facts as presented. do not lose your temper. make sure the witness is going to show up, or at least have a statement prepared. do not make it personal at any cost. you will be fine.

a few years back, my missus was on the school run & was stationary outside a council office near the school waiting for an oncoming car to pass between some parked cars. this bloke came flying out of the council office carpark & smacked our car up the rear, jumped out & started laying into her about how she had reversed into him. she wrote her details out & gave them to him. later on he came round & bashed on our door & started on me about it. I simply said, it is in the hands of our insurance. he stormed off. the next day a woman approached the missus & offered to be a witness. so we gave the insurers a call. a few weeks later the man was beating down the door of the witness & demanding that she changed her story as she was obviously wrong. our insurers went mad at his insurers, and we got a new bumper & a letter of apology.thanks for the insperation there mowgli:thumb: i honestly think she belives she hasnt touched me.but to say she wasnt even in the street is beyond me. like i say,how would i know it was an elderly women driving a silver saloon and then managing to catch her reg plate before she dissapeared out of sight:confused:.im a calm person to a degree of lying. court date(1st july) i also got to go to court(22nd may) over being hit by another girl pulling out of a junction and hitting me while travelling around a roundabout.that has been going on for nearly 15 month:( these will be the first ever times ive had to step foot in court too.

25-04-09, 07:36 PM
thanks for the insperation there mowgli:thumb: i honestly think she belives she hasnt touched me.but to say she wasnt even in the street is beyond me. like i say,how would i know it was an elderly women driving a silver saloon and then managing to catch her reg plate before she dissapeared out of sight:confused:.im a calm person to a degree of lying. court date(1st july) i also got to go to court(22nd may) over being hit by another girl pulling out of a junction and hitting me while travelling around a roundabout.that has been going on for nearly 15 month:( these will be the first ever times ive had to step foot in court too.

I had the misfortune to be a witness to a hilarious tigra accident, where she didn't hit another vehicle, but totalled it & was adamant that a lorry had hit her. she basically playstationed it into a tankslapper & then a barrier.....watching a car doing a 90degree left, followed by a 90 right at seventy to avoid a non-existant hazard was better than Harry hill's burp.

four years later, I was issued with an order to attend court over it. I explained that once again thet I would be backing up the lorry driver. they rang me at 4.55 the day before saying that the case had been settled......
I'd even got my suit cleaned.

25-04-09, 09:17 PM
lmao,i was picturing that scene as i was reading on.
question is.

25-04-09, 09:28 PM
do you have insurance with drivers legal cover????
if yes, then absolutely YES & you should have done it when it happened.

01-07-09, 04:22 PM
ok ive been in court today over this matter,the women who hit me pleaded not guilty to;
1,driving without due care and attention
2,leaving the scene of a accident without giving details(hit and run)
i gave my statment she gave hers ,the judge gave a "guilty" verdict to the "driving without due care and attention"
and a NOT GUILTY to the "leaving the scene of a crime without giving details(hit and run)"
im a bit bemused at this as her as she literaly admitted she could have possibly hit my car but not felt the bump,this uis why she got away with it although the guilty verdict on the "driving without due care and attention she got a £60 fine, 3 penalty points, and her incapacity benifits dropped from £187 a fortnight to £100 and told to pay back £10 a fortnight.

now then the repairs for my bumper which is GTE rear bumper £90- paint to match £60 and labour costs £100 =£300 i was told i would not be awarded and that i would have to phone my insurance and get them to phone her insurance to claim this back!?!?!?!? not sure how this works???????
what a day!

01-07-09, 04:47 PM
now then the repairs for my bumper which is GTE rear bumper £90- paint to match £60 and labour costs £100 =£300 i was told i would not be awarded and that i would have to phone my insurance and get them to phone her insurance to claim this back!?!?!?!? not sure how this works???????
what a day!
Basically they're saying claim on your (well, on her) insurance for it.

01-07-09, 05:09 PM
Hahahaha! Thats well funny how they dropped her benifits!

Was she a dirty chav with 9 multi coloured kids by 11 different dads by any chance?

01-07-09, 07:21 PM
well ive phoned my insurance(adrian flux) about the matter i now have, and ive been told that they cannot pursue the claim for damages as it has been over three months since the accident wtf.
they say i should now see a solicitor to claim it back for me!?!?!?
can i just phone her insurance and claim it myself???
this is peeing me right off now,
i feel im becomming the victim in all this
might just give the citizens advice a ring tomoz see what they say

and yeah joycey she was of the baghead status especialy her robot mate that walked in in the court room.

01-07-09, 07:29 PM
ask all the kids to colour in her car with crayons.

01-07-09, 08:46 PM
Hahahaha! Thats well funny how they dropped her benifits!

Was she a dirty chav with 9 multi coloured kids by 11 different dads by any chance?

:wtf: someone you know then lol lol

02-07-09, 03:33 AM
:wtf: someone you know then lol lol

LOL lol

02-07-09, 11:25 PM
do you have insurance with drivers legal cover????
if yes, then absolutely YES & you should have done it when it happened.

sorry to add insult to injury, but i told you to contact them straight away........

it is a sobering lesson to all. as much as we hate ringing the insurance to notify, it is a legal requirement to do so...

03-07-09, 06:50 PM
sorry to add insult to injury, but i told you to contact them straight away........

it is a sobering lesson to all. as much as we hate ringing the insurance to notify, it is a legal requirement to do so...i know but when i did eventualy phone them(before i went to court)(but after the three months ive explained)they said i was on my own in this case anyway:confused:im thinking if im to get a solicitor to chase this up then it could cost more than im actualy owed:confused: is it possible to pursue this on my own?

General Lee
03-07-09, 07:09 PM
Iv'e had a friend deal with 2 insurance claims none of them his fault, and after all the hassle and grief he got £200 for a writen off minty mint bog standard sr which was worth in excess of £1000 which didnt even cover his legal costs and also £200 for a standard merit which he just spent £300 getting it through the mot.

An EYE for an EYE is what i say.

I couldn't stand getting so ripped and not being able to do anything about it, it would drive me insane.

04-07-09, 10:48 AM
Iv'e had a friend deal with 2 insurance claims none of them his fault, and after all the hassle and grief he got £200 for a writen off minty mint bog standard sr which was worth in excess of £1000 which didnt even cover his legal costs and also £200 for a standard merit which he just spent £300 getting it through the mot.

An EYE for an EYE is what i say.

I couldn't stand getting so ripped and not being able to do anything about it, it would drive me insane. nath dont take this the wrong way pal but your point is?
ive been hit by some idiotic clown who cant drive for sh!t and lied her way out of a hit and run offence,(but found guilty for driving without due care and attention) which has left me paying out my own pocket for repair bills to my car! i understand what mowgli has said to me but surley i can get my money back somehow without paying for someone to do so.
i have her insurance firm and reference No which i was given by the prosecuter after the trial(which i was told dont say nothing to no-one as i shouldnt be doing this!).
im wondering weather i should just forget the whole situation and get on with it.???