View Full Version : Mythbusters...

17-12-08, 01:38 AM
Been watching this on Discovers of late - very amusing butit got me thinking.

What urban myths have you heard?

My favourite is the kid that sat on top of the goalpost - like you did when you were a kid. Someone kicked a ball at him and he rolled backwards catching his nut sak on one of the hooks that hold the net in place.


Was left dangling by said sack!

Dont think the last but is possible (weight of child against torn sack skin) but the rest gives me a dull ache in my regions I can tell you...

17-12-08, 08:44 AM
a field full of mint nova shells in spain.....

Welsh Dan
17-12-08, 08:55 AM
That when he sees a pretty lady, one of his legs gets longer.

17-12-08, 09:00 AM
Another good one which I reminded of what ade said, some guy popped his hip out playing football or some other sport. Someone else came along an popped it back in place, only for one of the balls to fall into the void where his joint should have been. And destroyed it it.

I fail to see how that could happen but it hurst just thinking about it.

Welsh Dan
17-12-08, 10:42 AM
I did dislocate a teste once in a judo accident, back when I wasn't a bat fastard. Getting it into the hip socket seems a bit far fetched, but they can go about halfway there. Its excruciating.

17-12-08, 02:41 PM
a field full of mint nova shells in spain..... lmfao,now thats a test,im going to write inlol

17-12-08, 05:40 PM
what about the driving instructor that was on a test and was about to do the controlled stop(emergency stop depending on when you took your test) any way he said to the young girl when i hit the dash board with my pen you have to come to a controlled stop so they drove on and the instructed dropped his pen so undone his seat belt to pick it up but the girl saw him moving and slammed on the brakes the instructor hit the dash board and broke his neck

17-12-08, 07:24 PM
OMG why did I laugh at that?

17-12-08, 08:44 PM
The story I'm sure you've all heard in science lessons about the girl who stuck the test-tube in her 'secret pocket' which promptly shattered... Or the playground tale of the young boy who stuck a pepperami up his chuff hole only to pull out the clingfilm sheath.

Tidy Max
17-12-08, 08:50 PM
hahahaha! up his chuff hole, that didnt half tickle me!

18-12-08, 01:25 AM
typical - it turns into a sex perv fest!

may as well add this -

a guy rushed to A&E with a tomato ketchup bottle stuck up his bum.
Nurse asked what happened...
"Woke up thirsty - was dark - went to kitchen - Boll0ck naked - getting a drink of water - thought I saw someone in my back garden so I thought I'll go scare them being naked and all - ran out the house shouting - locked myself out the house! Had to climb in though the open kitchen window, slipped and bottle went up me bum!"
"oh" says nurse - so why the condom?