View Full Version : Engine Burning Oil (Badly)

Nutty Nova
12-12-08, 09:46 AM
Hey Guys

Went upto the Karting on sunday in Birmingham
and the night before my car started smoking really bad
The oil pressure gauge has gone sky high
and keeps pressurising oil up through the rocker cap and all sorts
smoke coming out of the exhaust is just extreme

TBH i dont know alot about my turbo 1.6 engine at the moment
but could anyone help suggest the problem?

The car stil seems to drive fine but i dont want to knacker the engine

Any information would be helpfull


Welsh Dan
12-12-08, 10:36 AM
I had a similar problem, it turned out to be a blocked crankcase breather causing the oil to come out of the filler cap instead.

12-12-08, 12:07 PM
this could be one of a few things:
firstly, assuming your gauge is accurate, there may be a head gasket leak between an oil way and a cylinder causing the oil galleries to be potentially pressurised to 180psi+
the other possibility is a stuck/jammed relief valve in the pump. however, this wouldnt really make it smokey, unless the oil pressure in the turbo bearings is over coming the seals and causing it to be burned in the turbine side or pumped into the inlet via the compressor.

or it could just be that your gauge is U/S:
the turbo seals have gone to turbo heaven,
or you have a broken compression ring, causing the blow-by gas to positively pressurise the crank case over coming the breather and forcing the oil out the cap.

you need to determine the gauge is correct as there are several routes to go down that arent in fact connected.

Nutty Nova
12-12-08, 03:14 PM
Christ there is alot to look at then
well the oil pressure gauge was working brilliantly before hand
and now just shows right out of range

I guess i will have to start taking some bits apart.
Going to be an expensive fix by the sounds as the engine has had soo much work nothing is standard :(

could i check its the turbo just by trying a standard manifold and seing if its still smoking?
Or is it not that simple?

12-12-08, 04:26 PM
you could do but youd also have to blank the oil feed to it.

turbo seals would not make the pressure on the gauge rise.

13-12-08, 08:26 PM
probly the oil breather blocked from the back of the block . mayb

General Baxter
13-12-08, 08:29 PM
check the plug for the gauge has not fallen off, as it will read max with out a signal lol

13-12-08, 10:47 PM
even if there is a prob with the gauge , it isnt goin to make it smoke lol ,

id say breather from back of block aswell , but id be asking craig green as he is the man in the know with the 8v turbo's lol

Nutty Nova
16-12-08, 10:53 PM
hey guys have checked the gauge
everything is connected ok
but where exactly is the crack breather on the 1.6 engine?
i am not very educated with engine work

cheers for the help

Welsh Dan
16-12-08, 10:56 PM
On the back of the block, underneath the inlet manifold.