View Full Version : engine temperature

25-11-02, 03:40 PM
iv got a 1.4i (singlepoint)
it starts first time, nearly everi time, and runs fine.
however, i have recently noticed that the engine temperature gauge isnt constant wen i go 4 a run, it varies quite quickly sumtimes. it neva goes over half way, but does drop quite low???
cud it b a dodgey fan or sumin?? or dodgey gauge???

any help or sugestion wud b apreciated cheerz

Chris LR
25-11-02, 03:44 PM
If it falls from one bar to the other it will be the thermostat opening. Nothing to worry about.I've never known my SR go far above half.

It will probably go down quite low becasue the water replacing it is as cold as it is outside.

Manta Mad
25-11-02, 06:23 PM
yep, mine does the same - I put it down to the electric fan coming on but could be the thermostat as you say.

Actually, when I think about it, I fitted some SR dials a couple of months back and the SR temp gauge is a bit more stable than the standard rectangular gauge.

Chris LR
25-11-02, 06:57 PM
The fan comes on to cool the hot water in the radiator, which has just come from around the engine block. The Water left around the block has been cooled in the radiator or come from the tank.

The fan is controled by a temperature switch, so when you start to overheat in trafiic it will be on longer than if you were on a motorway.

Hope thats cleared things.

26-11-02, 09:03 AM
so if your car is overheating - which thermostat or switch is it thats bust???

olly said he would look at it for me at trax but i totally forgot bowt it

26-11-02, 10:41 AM
if its going way past the top marker then it will be becuase your fan is not kicking in, so its the thermostat at the bottom of ur radiator that controls the fan.
the other bit is the thermostatic valve, which 99% of the time gets stuck open when its knackered and makes the engine run cool as it circulates water through the rad al the time. this is behind the top camshaft pully on the end of the pipe that goes from the rad to the head

26-11-02, 07:09 PM
hmm, fink ill av a luk at da valve then coz mine runs cold rather than hot
cheerz 4 da help boyz