View Full Version : Anyone on here a student?

10-12-08, 09:28 PM
I am!

TBH though i am getting pretty fed up of being one. Got so much work to do and so little time to do it in :(. Started to get a bit stressed now. Will all be over in 2 weeks though!

I am doing a degree in psychology and sociology. What is everyone else doing?

10-12-08, 09:45 PM
no offence... thats not a real degree that causes stress :p try doing an enigneering degree, mind you even then thats not stressful.

the real world is stressful and I yern to be a student again

10-12-08, 09:49 PM
i think that doing a degree is the best thingi have done yet in my life, as im only 20 that is, learning new processes etc, great fun.

i do model making btw
and stuart im looking into a engineering course next, with my local docks

10-12-08, 09:55 PM
no offence... thats not a real degree that causes stress :p try doing an enigneering degree, mind you even then thats not stressful.

the real world is stressful and I yern to be a student again
Motorsport Engineering :thumb: It's the sort of stress that's enjoyable because it has 4 wheels and pistons to look at lol Coursework til 6.30am is all good fun too

10-12-08, 09:57 PM
Still at school if that counts :)

10-12-08, 10:02 PM
That's because your course is a piece of piss martin!! Your in your 3rd year and this is the first time you've actually had to write something!!!

:roll: I'd like to see you understand the finer point of some of the things I have to learn although from what i here engineering is very complicated too.

TBH i get quite frustrated when people try to make out that psychology or sociology is a cop out degree that people do to get an easy degree. I'm not saying its the hardest but by no means is it the easiest. Some of the stuff is incredibly hard to understand and the work load is massive.

As for whether student life or adult life is harder. Well that remains to be seen for me but i think there are equally hard parts to each. There's mortgages, bills and children in adult life but there are debts, words counts and exams for students.

ANYWAY im not here to rant and I didnt want a debate about adult vs. student life (although i knew that is exactly what is probably going to happen).
Just interested what everyone else is studying?

10-12-08, 10:04 PM
im a student :) IMI motor vehicle maintenance and repair :)

10-12-08, 10:10 PM
:roll: I'd like to see you understand the finer point of some of the things I have to learn although from what i here engineering is very complicated too.

Google matrix algebra, makes brains melt. lol luckily i don't have the exam til next semester (when i'll be ordering in some crates of red bull and more workbooks than the local library)

10-12-08, 10:12 PM
I'm in my first year at college, Doing Motor Vehical, Doing half Mechanical & Half VBR. Get to choose next year which one i wanna do full time :)

10-12-08, 10:14 PM
matrix algebra

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6103/ldaao7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/w660.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/)


do you understand that?

p.s they had to change pen as they run out

10-12-08, 10:15 PM

10-12-08, 10:18 PM
ah yes, the linear diseriminant analysis. im very familiar with this.

10-12-08, 10:20 PM
I would post something by Foucault, a sociologist but I don't have any of his books to quote from. My dissertation tutor asked me to read his book because i wanted to know the history of mental illness. I got about 3 pages in and gave up lol

Yeah whatever that algebra thing says look complicated lol

10-12-08, 10:20 PM
ah yes, the linear diseriminant analysis. im very familiar with this.


10-12-08, 10:23 PM
Yeah whatever that algebra thing says look complicated lol

its not algebra its linear diseriminant analysis :cool:

10-12-08, 10:25 PM
matrix algebra

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6103/ldaao7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/w660.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/)


do you understand that?

p.s they had to change pen as they run out
Can't say i've come across that yet and the handwriting is dreadful so i can't say i do understand it, then again i'm struggling with whats on the course too atm :p http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_(mathematics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_%28mathematics)) wikipedia actually gives a better idea of it really, altho some of it is probably wrong lol

edit: have to add a ) on the end of the link, forum didn't wanna post it correctly.

General Baxter
10-12-08, 10:27 PM
is the answer 5 ? lol
student, stuff that get a job lol

ash anderson
10-12-08, 10:27 PM
Im a Student,
Done a City and Guilds in engineering also nat diploma Electronics and mechanical engineering-and have now decided i want to go in to Petrochemical engineering rateher than mechanical and electrical:wtf: i do kinda enjoy it cracking bunch of lads in college-the same as working must be the whole Engineering milarkie that gives evryone the kick

10-12-08, 10:54 PM
Motorsport Engineering :thumb: It's the sort of stress that's enjoyable because it has 4 wheels and pistons to look at lol Coursework til 6.30am is all good fun too
Good luck getting a job when thats done...

is the answer 5 ? lol
42 :p

I can't be doing with being a student. I prefer to work for my money rather than have the government loan me some :p Did my nut in when I was doing my HND, I couldn't wait to get it out the way and back to work!

10-12-08, 10:57 PM
im a student :) IMI motor vehicle maintenance and repair :)

im on that corse aswell mate

love it lol

10-12-08, 10:57 PM
yeh its great, we were doing engine strip down and rebuilds today, but i took the nova in and was doing bits to that! lol

10-12-08, 11:22 PM
i do bits and bobs to my nova every week nearly lol

did the tracking today and tightened up the handbrake iv added you on myspace btw:D hope ya dont mind

11-12-08, 12:19 AM
TBH i get quite frustrated when people try to make out that psychology or sociology is a cop out degree that people do to get an easy degree. I'm not saying its the hardest but by no means is it the easiest. Some of the stuff is incredibly hard to understand and the work load is massive.


i'm doing 1st year psychology at chester, funkin bored of it already.

worked full time for a few years before going uni so its a big change.hate not having a regular wage to buy nice things with.my cars are all back at home so carnt play with them, and getting up at 1 in the afternoon starts to get you down lol

11-12-08, 12:25 AM
I'm in my third year of criminology and forensic science, the workload has actually got easier for forensics but has tripled for criminology but I hardly ever have to go in, I've not had a single lecture in 10 days

11-12-08, 12:27 AM
I'm final year Medicine. The last year of 6. I'm incredably bored of being a student because i'm MASSIVLY broke. Imagine the normal 3 year student debt then x2 + debts i had before coming to uni as i didn't start here till i was 23!!!

11-12-08, 12:30 AM
I hardly ever have to go in, I've not had a single lecutre in 10 days

I hate you, my course was 30 hours a week minimum from the first term. That doesn't include study time or coursework.
Don't get student holidays either! Had 2 weeks off this summer!
When ever i tell anyone with a job that i had 2 weeks off in the summer they say "How do you think those of us with real jobs feel?!?"

Sod off!!! I don't get paid!!

11-12-08, 08:06 AM
i do bits and bobs to my nova every week nearly lol

did the tracking today and tightened up the handbrake iv added you on myspace btw:D hope ya dont mind

accepted :D lol

11-12-08, 09:09 AM
matrix algebra

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6103/ldaao7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/w660.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img218/ldaao7.jpg/1/)


do you understand that?

p.s they had to change pen as they run out

Pfft thats easy maths, try learning fourier series. I still to this day have no idea about it. Managed to pass the exam fine by burning it into my brain. lol

Also you get all these students moaning about how hard their course is ect.... but most of them do no work for it anyway. For example I was marking posters that students had done in groups on Monday. The idea was to mark the actual poster and then the students themselves on their knowledge of the subject that had done the poster. Most of you will probably know how it works if you have been to uni as its like one of the things you have to do is a poster presentation.

Some of the students made a real effort and knew what they were doing, other however basically went to wikipedia an cut and pasted wrong information. I couldnt help but try an catch them out and I did get quite a few lol.

What was also amusing was the fact that none of the students realised I was marking until I had to tell them, everyone always makes the mistake of thinking im a student.

11-12-08, 09:19 AM
hmm, looks like i'm in for that one next year... time to switch to media studies lol

11-12-08, 09:24 AM
other however basically went to wikipedia an cut and pasted wrong information. I couldnt help but try an catch them out and I did get quite a few lol.
We used to do online encyclopaedias when I was at school (Encarta ftw) - could always tell who did it as people's names were in blue, underlined, with dates after them LOL

Spoke to the ex t'other day, she was doing an assignment that was due the next day. How long had she had to do it? A month. Students make me lol, if I left all my work documentation til the last day, I'd get booted out very quickly. And don't moan about ~1500 word essays, I wrote a 40,000 word adminstration guide in <5 days, and I didn't have lessons in what to write...

11-12-08, 09:24 AM
Media Studies = Fail

You will never get a job better than shelf stacking with that.

11-12-08, 09:31 AM
Reminds of what one of the lectures did, he went on wikipedia and wrote false information about something that his assignment was on, then sat back an wtach about 50% of the students cut an paste and then hand in the incorrect work. He ripped them to pieces lol.

I dont have a problem helping people that dont know anything but are willing to make the effort, but if they are lazy then I'll make it worse for them.

11-12-08, 09:35 AM
We used to do online encyclopaedias when I was at school (Encarta ftw) - could always tell who did it as people's names were in blue, underlined, with dates after them LOL

Spoke to the ex t'other day, she was doing an assignment that was due the next day. How long had she had to do it? A month. Students make me lol, if I left all my work documentation til the last day, I'd get booted out very quickly. And don't moan about ~1500 word essays, I wrote a 40,000 word adminstration guide in <5 days, and I didn't have lessons in what to write...

yep same here... used to take me ages to write these huge essays that A-Levels/Uni needed. but then got into work and found that you can punch out emmense documents in no time if you simply sit yo ass down and do it :D

11-12-08, 09:39 AM
You students may be board but if you don't have to pay your way in life stick at it, I left school in year 10, had to go to work in order to live. Wish I could of gone college/uni and got some qualifications.

11-12-08, 10:08 AM
Anybody who says Psycology is an easy way out needs a big slap :wtf: .

A lot of work in it.

11-12-08, 10:36 AM
psycology is simply common sense written in an overly compicated way... much like management courses lol

11-12-08, 10:44 AM
psycology is simply common sense written in an overly compicated way... much like management courses lol

yes, yes it is, i just read that and it clicked in my head.

doing model making i havent had to write one essay until my now last year
(3rd) and now having to write a dissertation 8000 words, which i dont see to be that high comparing to my brothers masters degree was 50000. ouch

and RJ what you said about the essays, how long have you had to do them, a month. always the same, start of the semester/term, lazy lazy, the end of them term stressed like a mofo

11-12-08, 10:44 AM
Yup, at school/college/uni its called psychology. At work, its called management lol

You students may be board but if you don't have to pay your way in life stick at it, I left school in year 10, had to go to work in order to live. Wish I could of gone college/uni and got some qualifications.
How about doing an open university course? Even if you can only spare a couple hours a week, thats enough

11-12-08, 11:23 AM
psycology is simply common sense written in an overly compicated way... much like management courses lol

Its a sad state when you need to teach common sense to people. Also PhD = more words than you can image lol

11-12-08, 11:29 AM
Its a sad state when you need to teach common sense to people. Also PhD = more words than you can image lol

will you be one of those Dr's that takes GREAT offence to being called Mr. ? :D

dhdev (Oli)
11-12-08, 11:34 AM
I'm at uni doing a proper degree, masters in mechanical engineering :thumb:
This morning i literally had a lecture in rocket science, and it was the easiest fluid mechanics lecture of the year.
Phil - I thought Fourier series was ok, its Vector calculus and PDE's that I'm struggling with! :tard:

11-12-08, 11:37 AM
advanced control theory is where its at for brain mushing :D
or fuzzy logic

dhdev (Oli)
11-12-08, 11:41 AM
I went to one of my GF's psychology lectures and it was all just common sense, I mean we don't need a lecturer to tell us that men have bigger brains lol

11-12-08, 11:53 AM
will you be one of those Dr's that takes GREAT offence to being called Mr. ? :D

lol Probably, although I have done just that to someone and they went off their head because of it. But then I just dropped their hotdog numerous times on the floor and sold it to them.

The fourier series wasnt difficult as such, I learnt how to do and did quite well in the exam. The only thing was I never understood it, never knew why I was using it or anything relevant to use it for.

Unlike PDE's which are very gay but I understand them and know why they are used ect... So I could then work around that if I came to problem that I hvent gone over 5000 times to remember the exactly way to do it. Fourier series I couldnt, only learn the set few questions they could ask.

Have to agree that the whole rocket science thing is very straight forward, there are no real surprises or head f*cks, so long as you sit down an work through it logically.

One of the strangest thing to learn is quantum theory if any of you get the chance as the reason for that is like physics but completely backwards. So everything you learn classically about particles is wrong. If you did understand it then you either didnt get it at all or you are able to re wire your brain very quickly to new way of thinking.

11-12-08, 12:07 PM
will you be one of those Dr's that takes GREAT offence to being called Mr. ? :D

As soon as a surgeon qualifies they call him Mr again, you no longer use the Dr title. Odd

As part of my course i studied and obtained a Bsc in Medical Physics. It hurt.

11-12-08, 12:16 PM
As part of my course i studied and obtained a Bsc in Medical Physics. It hurt.
You're not supposed to practice on yourself!

11-12-08, 12:29 PM
As soon as a surgeon qualifies they call him Mr again, you no longer use the Dr title. Odd

As part of my course i studied and obtained a Bsc in Medical Physics. It hurt.

Medical Dr's dont seem give a toss if you call them Mr or Dr... its the ones with Phd's/Deng's etc that get riled up by it :D

11-12-08, 03:01 PM
psycology is simply common sense written in an overly compicated way... much like management courses lol

*sigh of exasperation*

The first thing we are taught in psychology is that there is no such thing as common sense.

11-12-08, 03:12 PM
Oh you're stressed big ****ing deal. The real world is much more stressful than being a student.

Student life is a piece of piss, I spent 4 years at Uni, studied hard sometimes, played hard all the time.

My mickey mouse degree was a 2:1 in Accountancy

11-12-08, 03:26 PM
Im a second year at Uni at the moment doing Motorsport Technology (Didnt have A-Levels for Engineering lol). Have 25 hours of lectures a week. I know someone that does Psychology, does 8 hours of lectures a week, doesnt go and still passed her first year lol.

Student life sucks, its either boring because nothing is going on or crazy because everything is due in at the same time.

Sat here right now ****ing about on solidworks making a 3d model of a bmx. Due in tommorrow and the animation is sat there saving. Goin to take another 3-4 hours to finish. Boring as ****e

11-12-08, 04:04 PM
Stupid question but all the people that are bored at uni doing easy and often only one assignment problem, what do you think will happen in the work place when you have to do exactly the same day in day out. Surely you will find that boring also? (assuming you actually use your degree).

I did what I did at uni because I enjoyed it and found it fun, and intended on using it.

11-12-08, 04:10 PM
This morning i literally had a lecture in rocket science, and it was the easiest fluid mechanics lecture of the year.

Im not surprised.

'Fill tube with flammable stuff'
'set fire to it'


As for stress at Uni, I cant help but laugh Im afraid. Being self employed is one big ball of stress you cant get away from. If your working, you're worried about when its going to stop, when you're not working, you're worried about where the next bit of money is coming from, and when you have plenty of work on, most of your time is spent chasing people who owe you money at the same time as staving off people you owe money to!

11-12-08, 04:15 PM
yeh am at uni, studying civil engineering.

11-12-08, 04:16 PM
*sigh of exasperation*

The first thing we are taught in psychology is that there is no such thing as common sense.

Job justification by the Lecturer ;)

11-12-08, 04:25 PM
*sigh of exasperation*

The first thing we are taught in psychology is that there is no such thing as common sense.

Of course there is! How much of you're borrowed money is paying for that lunatics salary?

Whats his explanation then? I rekon that people who dont walk out in the road without looking have common sense. IE They have a common sense that there are probably cars on it, seeing as its a road.

people with no common sence cannot put two and two together to make 4 (ie, its a road, so it will probably have cars on it).

Are you telling me you are on a course where you are being taught something different?????

No wonder the countrys in such a mess. People are graduating from Uni believing there is no such thing as common sense, getting a job in Health and Safety, and putting signs on knives saying 'Caution, knives are meant to be sharp' or signs on hair dryers saying 'warning, do not use in the shower'.

Suddenly it all makes sense!

dhdev (Oli)
11-12-08, 04:27 PM
Stress at uni is self imposed due to laziness. ;)

11-12-08, 05:17 PM
The first thing we are taught in psychology is that there is no such thing as common sense.

Thats just summed up pretty much everything thats wrong with this country.

11-12-08, 05:19 PM
i second that Mr Jack.

11-12-08, 06:30 PM
Im a second year at Uni at the moment doing Motorsport Technology (Didnt have A-Levels for Engineering lol). Have 25 hours of lectures a week. I know someone that does Psychology, does 8 hours of lectures a week, doesnt go and still passed her first year lol.

Student life sucks, its either boring because nothing is going on or crazy because everything is due in at the same time.

Sat here right now ****ing about on solidworks making a 3d model of a bmx. Due in tommorrow and the animation is sat there saving. Goin to take another 3-4 hours to finish. Boring as ****e

Edit: I hear good things about solidworks.

11-12-08, 06:42 PM

Do you have a spare copy of solidworks......??

erm ahem, not in public ;)

11-12-08, 08:13 PM
man tht algebra is a piece of piss lol, im in first year of 6thform doing film and double science, tht motorsport enginering stuff seems friken awsome tho, i wud love 2 do tht

11-12-08, 08:26 PM
its not as "pissing about with race cars" as you think lol.

11-12-08, 08:27 PM
its not as "pissing about with race cars" as you think lol.

I found that out the hard way :(

11-12-08, 11:16 PM
pissing about with 3 pages of numbers more like lol i did send someone a rough timetable of mine, since they asked about motorsport eng, but basically, 16 hours of maths 6 or less hours of taking (mostly road) cars apart, but only because in the first year they have to make sure everyone knows that a car has 4 wheels and an engine lol

Stuart, did you do motorsport engineering then, or just talking from a 2nd hand experience?

12-12-08, 08:24 AM
If you wanted to just take cars apart should have just done mechanics or something, proper engineering will always be about 90% maths.

12-12-08, 08:25 AM
I did Automotive Electronics Engineering. It was a mashup yo of the motorsport and electronics courses at the university of disney, now known as Swansea Metropolitan lol
So had reasonable first hand experience but tailored my course to suit what I was interested in (I was the only one on my course so could do that)

12-12-08, 06:17 PM
What they mean by there is no such thing as common sense is that you shouldn't assume everything in the world is the way that you have been raised to believe.

The point of psychology and sociology is to test 'commonsense' theories and see which ones turn out to be true and which turn out to be completely false and to understand why people behave in certain ways

Milgram's Obediance study:
Did a study to see how far people were willing to go in terms of electrocuting someone for making a mistake on a maths test. The person they were electrocuting wasnt actually being electrocuted and was actually in on the deception and was told to pretend they were in increasing amounts of pain as the voltage was increased.

Commonsense would say most people would refuse to go much higher than a voltage that was deemed deadly especially when the other person is screaming and saying they dont want to take part anymore

But most of the participant were willing to administer a 450 volt electric shock to the other person just because someone in a lab coat (an authority figure) told them they had to continue with the experiment even though they didnt want to.

You cant possibly think thats common sense. If you have been told your about to administer a potentially very harmful electric shock, your commonsense should kick in and you should refuse to do it. But most of them did it because someone else told them to.

12-12-08, 06:59 PM
You cant possibly think thats common sense. If you have been told your about to administer a potentially very harmful electric shock, your commonsense should kick in and you should refuse to do it. But most of them did it because someone else told them to.
Most of these people involved in the test were probably students, therefore they probably didn't have any common sense anyway.

I rest my case.

12-12-08, 09:52 PM
No actually they were members of the general public

I rest my case

12-12-08, 09:54 PM
Were they Northern by any chance? :)

12-12-08, 10:12 PM
Were they Northern by any chance? :)

no, it was a shoddy test done in the sixties with americans....

the problem with psychology is thus:

If I tell someone they are a w*nker & they should stop being one & straighten themselves out , I am being a bully.

If a psychologist spends several months listening to someone ranting on about how their dad never got them the action man assault tower for Xmas, and they never plucked up the courage to talk to girls properly & they once got picked last for school pe, then tells the person to straighten themselves out, it is considered to be a cure.

most psychology is based on stuff that Freud came up with, and that man had an unhealthy obsession with people shagging their own mother...

most of us normal people teeter between sanity & insanity on a daily basis, we are full of self doubt & insecurity & really want to stand in the street & scream once in a while, but we don't bang on about it, we unwind & get on with life...

12-12-08, 10:19 PM
I'm scumbag student aswell I'm afraid. Doing a degree in Architectural Technology.

You can take the p!ss out of pretty much any degree tbh saying whether it's pointless or a Mickey Mouse course. People can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned as at the end of the day a degree's a degree. Often most of the reason for doing a degree is to prove you can do it and you can handle the work load etc which is what employers look for.

12-12-08, 10:22 PM
I'm scumbag student aswell I'm afraid. Doing a degree in Architectural Technology.

You can take the p!ss out of pretty much any degree tbh saying whether it's pointless or a Mickey Mouse course. People can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned as at the end of the day a degree's a degree. Often most of the reason for doing a degree is to prove you can do it and you can handle the work load etc which is what employers look for.

Unfortunately thats the truth :( A degree is simply a degree, they arent special anymore, they arent for "certain individuals" anymore.... any fecker can go get a degree, hell even I managed it (although it was a quality Social one :D A Desmond)

12-12-08, 10:29 PM
True, every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be doing some sort of degree nowadays. I'm just glad I'm not looking for a job or fearing for my job as alot of people are at the min. Hopefully this whole recession carry on will have blown over in 3 years when I finish.

12-12-08, 10:30 PM
Often most of the reason for doing a degree is to prove you can do it and you can handle the work load etc which is what employers look for.

ain't that the truth. back in the nineties, I worked at unipart selling truck spares... one of the product managers actually had a degree in marine biology... he knew less about trucks than a squashed fly....... he actually bought more than 100k worth of parts at a french trade show to fit trucks that were never ever sold in the uk!!

12-12-08, 11:35 PM
GCHQ will take on people with degrees, no matter what they're in. So if I had a degree in sniffing my own farts, I would stand a better chance of getting an ITSO job there than I do with my xyz years of IT experience. GAY

That psychology test has nothing to do with common sense at all btw, thats about trust of an authority figure :tard:

13-12-08, 05:57 AM
That psychology test has nothing to do with common sense at all btw, thats about trust of an authority figure :tard:
pretty much,unless you looked at his later studies with buffers and so on where theres no authority figure and yet they still produce similar results.

i think the term common sense is replaced with those such as operant conditioning and social learning theory in psychology.
we learn not to cross the road in front of traffic because:
a) we've seen the consequences on tv etc or that crap look left, right hedgehog thing
b) we learn from our parents about not crossing the road without looking else we get a slap on the wrist blah blah.

i wish psychology was an easy subject, i really do!! but when you gotta start describing the parts of the brain and when neurons start releasing different chemicals such as sodium and pottasium at different action levels to keep stability. starts to become a sh*ter!

this feels too much like homework :tard:

13-12-08, 12:31 PM
i dunno if this counts i work for the met police and i class myself as a student because im trying to learn why the majority of people are such knobheads!! :)

13-12-08, 01:09 PM
i wish psychology was an easy subject, i really do!! but when you gotta start describing the parts of the brain and when neurons start releasing different chemicals such as sodium and pottasium at different action levels to keep stability. starts to become a sh*ter!

And knowing that will help you get a job as an estate agent because?

13-12-08, 02:20 PM
no, it was a shoddy test done in the sixties with americans....

the problem with psychology is thus:

If I tell someone they are a w*nker & they should stop being one & straighten themselves out , I am being a bully.

If a psychologist spends several months listening to someone ranting on about how their dad never got them the action man assault tower for Xmas, and they never plucked up the courage to talk to girls properly & they once got picked last for school pe, then tells the person to straighten themselves out, it is considered to be a cure.

most psychology is based on stuff that Freud came up with, and that man had an unhealthy obsession with people shagging their own mother...

most of us normal people teeter between sanity & insanity on a daily basis, we are full of self doubt & insecurity & really want to stand in the street & scream once in a while, but we don't bang on about it, we unwind & get on with life...

:wall: Someones been reading a pop psychology book from the local library

A) You talking about psychiarty not psychology, theres a difference
B) Freud is one of many psychologists in the history of psychology. Most of psychology is NOT based on Freud. He only deals with the psychoanalytic paradigm. There is also cognititve psychology, social psychology, behavioursim, Biological psychology, humanism, existensialism, abnormal psychology... i really could go on
C) your'e refering to the Oedupus complex. At about the age of 6 a young boy has sexual feelings towards his mother that makes him resent his father beacuse he is seen as an obsticle to the mothers affections. So they compete with the father. In the end they indentify with father and become like them and the conflict is resolved. This also happends to girls but the other way around and is called the Electra complex.

Razorjack - I was using it as an example of psychology testing a theory and finding everyone had it wrong :)

Probert_nova - thanks :)

Yeah everyone does have a degree these days. We got given a careers catalogue and Aldi take anyone with a degree lol Unfortunatly I will finish my course next year and probably wont be able to get a job because of the ressession :(

13-12-08, 02:56 PM
I still have to laugh, as im not sure how all that bollox you typed above is going to help you in any career you choose UNLESS you become a psycologist (which i doubt). If it DOES help you get a job that has nothing to do with psycology, that prooves the country is funked up IMO. And i dont care if having a degree 'shows commitment'. Id rather employ someone with common sense than someone who believes it doesnt exist!

The lecturers who are teaching economics need shooting as well, as they appear to have unleashed a complete bunch of useless greedy twunts onto the world.

And yes, this subject does make me angry lol

13-12-08, 03:04 PM
Im trying to get a job but no-one employs you until your graduated lol

I plan to go into mental health nursing or social work and when im older and have life experience I wouldnt mind given psychiatry a try. Cant really become a therapist now coz im only 20 and i wouldnt like to patronise a 40 talking to them lol