View Full Version : Spoiler Help

05-12-08, 06:30 PM
I currently have a Sri which has the GSI type spoiler and was after a SR (wrap around Type) spoiler, i have recently aquired one but is made from a rubber'ish sort of material believe it to be a GTE spoiler.

I recall their being a hard plactic version fitted to the SR? or am i wrong?

If so where can i get a hard plastic version? what models/year of nova where these fitted to?

Thanks for any help with this as i am slightly confussed..

05-12-08, 06:36 PM
They are all rubber like as far as im aware.

05-12-08, 06:50 PM
A cheap fibre glass replica will feel solid to the touch

05-12-08, 06:57 PM
Is there anywhere i can get a fibreglass replica?

Just that im going for an expensive respray and the rubber versions always seem to flex and the paint finish doesnt last too long.

Plus a fibreglass replica will be lighter..

05-12-08, 07:37 PM
I'd try auto tint design in Leeds, there always in Tv, normally inside the front cover