View Full Version : FAO Wisewood

19-11-02, 12:32 PM
Now that your internet access is being taken away and i know how much you will miss NL-

Ive just had a look at the new orange phone coming out made by microsoft. You can access the real net (not just crappy WAP) from it. All you need to do now is tell your new owners that you need a mobile phone for you job and you will then be able to carry on using NL during the day :)

19-11-02, 12:46 PM
unfortunately they wont go for that - at my desk - which i am pirched at all day long - i have a telephone beside me, a fax machine and email.
No way they will give mea nice new phone, and we only use nokia's here anyway.

I have thought about a laptop on the desk, connected discretly to my second phone line, they would never realise.

Who knows - they may decide to leave the internet facility in for us (wishfull thinking).

Time will tell.
I will have to find a way to get my fix of novaload some how.

19-11-02, 10:38 PM
[quote]I will have to find a way to get my fix of novaload some how.
lmao, i get like that !
Sad, very sad