View Full Version : cross member shattered

13-11-08, 05:27 PM
any idea what i should do with this

is this a result of seam welding strengthening and poly bushes with coil overs
i knew there was a crack on the bottom of the crossmember but didnt realise the top had shattered

can i weld the cracks and then plate over the top with some plug welds i dont really wanna put a hole panel in


Pistol Pete
13-11-08, 05:30 PM
I'd be cutting that out and replacing it, myself. I have never seen that happen before though.

13-11-08, 05:30 PM
id say fit a new cross member as its lost its strength or chop out the damage and plate it up but it will look messy. this happened to my 1.3sr in 2000 and the panel i got went onto the bottom of the headlights openings and has the lower front panel and crossmember as one.

13-11-08, 05:53 PM
maybe i should do that i will i know that the car is straight after i cut the old one of would the chassis legs not twist slightly or should it be ok

13-11-08, 05:54 PM
jesus thats a mess id say go with a full new crossmember aswell pal!!

13-11-08, 06:02 PM
you should have been in it while drving on the m25 i went from the fast lane to the hardshoulder before i knew what had happened!!!!!!!

13-11-08, 06:05 PM
Heard about this on MIG, i would replace, money well spent.

Pistol Pete
13-11-08, 06:12 PM
maybe i should do that i will i know that the car is straight after i cut the old one of would the chassis legs not twist slightly or should it be ok

I did this with mine when i fitted a new cross member/front panel. Probably not needed, but hey..


13-11-08, 07:38 PM
the legs on that look wonky maybe its the camera angle

Pistol Pete
13-11-08, 07:49 PM
Camera angle and its a shoddy camera phone! We measured before welding it in place to be double sure.

Better pic. Used a ratchet strap round the oudside of the legs aswell.


13-11-08, 08:16 PM
If your going to get one from Vaux, Part number is 90127168,

If not try here : http://bap.dominohosting.biz/bap/bapdb01.nsf/Plookup2/62-20-214VAUXHALLNOVA4-83-3-93!EditDocument&Ret=ALL


13-11-08, 09:04 PM
Doesn't look straight because the angled beam makes it look all wrong.

13-11-08, 09:13 PM
Fook me, thats some nasty crackage

Id be putting a new panel on there.

14-11-08, 12:01 AM
so if i stick axle stands under the same points on both sides it should be somewhere close

14-11-08, 01:38 AM
nope you need to weld some braces across before ya take the old one off. or do it on a jig for a proper job!

14-11-08, 02:16 AM
I did this with mine when i fitted a new cross member/front panel. Probably not needed, but hey..


That looks familliar! lol

14-11-08, 07:30 AM
but i dont know if it straight now as the cross member is in two peices and you can move it by hand.

the crack has gone right through its kinda of detatched from the end where its welded to the chassis leg.

maybe i can claim off the council as it did it on that savage bit on the m25 between heathrow and the big bridge that says "PEAS" on it lol

14-11-08, 07:53 AM
Thats quite worrying actually. The fact there doesnt seem to be any rust but thats just snapped!!

14-11-08, 08:33 AM
TBH ive seen alot worse than that, one that have been welded and plated and instead of breaking in the usual place have just ripped the whole lot out. Dont know why but its what novas do best.

xe Dan
14-11-08, 08:47 AM
that cross member looks the same as mine so im puttin a new one on the whole front cross member slam panel the lot was only £56 not worth welding it up for that price as it proberly will only go again

14-11-08, 08:53 AM
there are two bits i can get

a cross member on its own


one that already spot welded to the front panel
im guessing it might be easier to put the one in that has the front panel attached. that would give me an opertuinty to replace the whole front i suppose

xe Dan
14-11-08, 04:36 PM
the whole front is wot i got why ur at it mite as well do the lot