View Full Version : Be warned..... Dont race CP or MC!

11-11-02, 11:41 PM
At Brands Hatch on or off the track!
Max power december issue, page 179

12-11-02, 08:11 AM
I think I'll stay on track rather than the rally stuff. I like good solid tarmac under my wheels.

CP didn't do bad for an old timer did he!

12-11-02, 09:30 AM
:o /me pinches myself. Is that MC posting a message, flipping eck' ;)

Hello Mark, long time no see :)

Locky, For those of us that don't buy Max Power, could you explain what you're going on about please?

Also, if you don't race someone thats better than you, how are you going to improve ;)


12-11-02, 10:36 AM
you just sit there on your sofa safe in the knowledge that in your own mind you are the best driver in the world.

12-11-02, 10:43 AM
Oh yes, believe your eyes, it is me!

I have a quick browse now and then, but not often time to post.

CP and I had an all expenses paid day at Brands Hatch driving the 206 rally car and playing on the PS2. This was courtesy of Brands Hatch and Max Power.

It was my first attempt at rallying, but CP has been raggin' around fields for years, normally in tractors though! I think I'll stick to tarmac, I'm much better at it.

I'm still a big Nova fan and drive CP's motor to get my fix. I've just traded my Clio in for a Golf V6 4-motion, it's very quick, comfortable and fun to drive, but it wouldn't come close to my old Nova, nothing will.

12-11-02, 10:50 AM
... but it wouldn't come close to my old Nova, nothing will.


12-11-02, 02:27 PM
MC do you know anything about the cruises at the stevenage leisure park? I have heard that they have them regularly there but don't know when they are.

12-11-02, 09:24 PM

Novaload hard core keeping it real 8)

Just flukey luck on my part methinks. :oops: :lol: :lol:

12-11-02, 11:08 PM
I bet u got a ps2, CP, and u have been practicing b4 hand!

Looked like a good day out and a good laugh!
Cant fault it!

13-11-02, 08:08 AM
Yeah, it was a really good day, Brands Hatch people paid, but Max did the blaggin!

I've lived in the area for a while now. When I had my Nova I'd take regular trips to the leisure park to entice the Escort RS's and Sierra Cossies that park up there out to the main roads! I've never actually whitnessed a cruies though, I think its a rare occurance that anything good goes on, most nights only having a handful of cars. It should be easy enough to find if there is one, but my guess is they would move on to one of the many industrial parks.


13-11-02, 09:22 AM
I've lived in the area for a while now. When I had my Nova I'd take regular trips to the leisure park to entice the Escort RS's and Sierra Cossies that park up there out to the main roads!

Ahhhh, MC, the original Essex Boy racer :P You'll be doing none of that in your V4motion young man :P

Mark, you'll have to try and come up to the MK meeting on the 1st December. The wife can do some Christmas shopping whilst you hang out with the rest of us, telling tales of the cars you use to beat in the Nova :D Your 1.4 on twin carbs is still my favourite Nova, just a shame it's no more :(


13-11-02, 04:10 PM
I was very tempted to come to MK, but the clash with my Wifes birthday might cause a few discussions! You, my deciples will have to spead the word.

13-11-02, 04:18 PM
Make her breakfast in bed, then pop up to MK in the afternoon :) Unless you're under the thumb ;) LOL.


13-11-02, 05:10 PM
lmfao says Jim :P You lads have got it all wrong, you wanna be like me young freeeeee and sinlge :D :lol:

13-11-02, 05:19 PM
Personally i prefer to know that someone really cares for me... rather than waking up int he morning and looking at the lass beside you thinking - did i sh*g her? Who is she? oh god not again... :D

What am I saying... I think sheep dips strangeness is starting to affect me. :lol:

(totally off topic, but for some reason i just pulled belly button fluff outta the office keyboard... :? )

13-11-02, 06:22 PM
EXACTLY! wisewood. A holes a hole. :lol:

Marry an ugly bitch, she'll be gratefull for life. Anf if you can't shag her with your eyes open/lights on, wear virtual-reality type goggles with 'Virtual Jenna Jameson porn playing inside'. The bitch won't know what hit her. :lol:

13-11-02, 06:30 PM
Its nice to see that at your young time of life Marty, you aint become at all cynical about relationships. :lol:

13-11-02, 06:36 PM
Women are all evil anyway :roll: