View Full Version : Why do Wisewood and Ade...

07-11-02, 05:33 PM
Why do Wisewood and Ade write such long reply's, i just cant be arsed to read em all time. Anyone else noticed this.
I know that Ade and Wisewood are now going to write long replies just to prove a point, oh well.

07-11-02, 05:36 PM
keeping it as short as possible:

Because I am very articulate - and work alone in an office so this is the only chance i get to air my opinions all day long.

So there!!!

You smart arsed little bugger :D

12-11-02, 12:23 AM
we just like being informative m8! and I too work in a boring dead end job in a big office - would rather be in a garage building cars or building websites and making 3d product models in a deisgner glasgow studio but thats life etc etc etc etc... :(

Unfortunately a long reply is usually necessary to get the point across.

i could be nasty and say stuff about short attention spans and brain power but I'm not like that :twisted:

lol - Ill try n keep em short from now on! :wink:


12-11-02, 10:17 AM
Unfortunately a long reply is usually necessary to get the point across.

Too true.
Except in this case :D

and Neil - WTF, your avatar is mental!!!
although you do look better than ever on it :o

12-11-02, 11:11 AM
haha, i thought its quite good, got my computer in my room up and running, apart from modem so i used my webcam, everyone else has a pic of themselves! Like u who fancys urself.

12-11-02, 11:59 AM
lmfao @ fancying myself... you're only jealous coz you don't look like me :D

yeah right...

no - I don't fancy myself... I just think I look quite good in them pictures I took.

12-11-02, 12:48 PM
oh sorry, i thought it was u pulling a moony at the camara, easy mistake to make! :twisted:

12-11-02, 01:03 PM
it would be had you ever seen my ass... but to the best of my knowledge both times i met you i remained dressed... i think...

12-11-02, 04:01 PM
yeah your right max payne!

12-11-02, 04:06 PM
just a sec i will change my avatar - i got a good max payne one.

12-11-02, 04:11 PM
couldn't find it - never mind - fancied a change anyway so i will have this one for a while instead. :wisewood: :D

12-11-02, 07:22 PM
Wisewood mate, another one for your list.
Joey from Friends. :)

Have you ever thought about doing something like Rory Bremner?

12-11-02, 07:28 PM
LMFAO - I could do I suppose... lol.

That is actually one that I have had said before - nothing like him from the front, but profile is similar i suppose... especially in that pic I can see it... Wish I had his physique though - instead of these flimsy arms and flabby stomach :D

12-11-02, 07:33 PM
lol :D

Are you still at work? You must live there.

12-11-02, 07:38 PM
how u doin lol :lol:

12-11-02, 07:42 PM
yeah i am still at work - I am supposed to do a 10 hour day - but it is always closer to 11 anyway doe to work load in an evening... and as it is nearly Christmas and I work in the distribution business for wines and spirits and beer etc, this is our busiest time of year.. work load doubled over night a few weeks ago and is set to do it again in a couple more weeks. Which is nice... the 12 hour days i am doing now could soon become 14. So no chance of me getting that sleep i desperately need to sort my completely dead looking eyes out yet then. :D

12-11-02, 07:46 PM
what a bastard. Do you get paid by the hour?

If it is you can you stop sending my Sainsburys so much beers, wines and spirits :D . We have too much! I can't put it all out and watch for thieving scrotes at the same time. :)

12-11-02, 07:49 PM
No mate - I am on salary not on hourly pay - unfortunately...

Would coin it in if I was on hourly... never mind.
I get my revenge in January and February when if i work pretty quick I can be out two or three hours early every day.

12-11-02, 08:00 PM
Well if you stopped posting on NL then you could be out 2 or 3 hours earlier all the time :wink: hehe

12-11-02, 08:06 PM
I knew someone would say that - so I have already prepare dmy answer, it is the same thing I say to the managers who have also noticed my internet usage.

I am logged on all day long, every day - because it costs nothing and saves time opening internet explorer and loading novaload again.
I only actually post something if I have a few minutes (or seconds) to spare while I wait for the computer system to catch up with me as it is quite slow sometimes, or if something is stuck in a print queue.
So it does not actually get in the way of my working day or make it any longer than it usually would be. :D

So there - nerr nerr

12-11-02, 08:30 PM
Well i didn't really mean that question, i just wanted to be the first person to ask it hehe. To be honest, its really your business if you are wasting time, because obviously that makes your working day longer anyway.
Nevermind, Have fund :lol:

13-11-02, 10:41 AM
Hey andy, wish i could use that excuse, im meant to be typing a letter up for this bloke, i bet he wondering why they always take so long :lol: , id love a job where i could be logged into novaload all day, it'd be heaven. Who ever said NL is like a drug, thier right!
Whens the next NL meet, anyone know?
Feel like one like PV2002 or Trax was.

13-11-02, 10:44 AM
well my days of being part of the novaload furniture, always here - looking over you will soon be gone. New company bought us out and they don't allow access to the internet for employees - so the web server is going bye bye. Oh bugger!!!

Nevermind, still have email - I will just have to post 40 or 50 messages in one go at night instead.

13-11-02, 02:38 PM

13-11-02, 02:48 PM
ask kev nicely see if he will add some code to the site so it looks like i am always online... lol.

get enough people to say they feel more comfortable when i am around - like a security blanket. haha.

lmfao .

13-11-02, 02:52 PM
I am still dubious whether you actually exist. I believe that you are a computer program, and you have made up this story because you will be going offline for a while while your owner (kev) upgrades to Wisewood version 3.11.

13-11-02, 03:09 PM
and what new features will be in wisewood 3.11 that are not already functioning in wisewood 3.09 (current release) ?

13-11-02, 04:16 PM
sense of humour, a sex life, be good looking, a Rev. that does the Wednesday school ON A WEDNESDAY!
Anything else ive missed guys, sorry to hear u wont be online as much andy, u will be missed.

13-11-02, 04:36 PM
sense of humour, a sex life, be good looking, a Rev. that does the Wednesday school ON A WEDNESDAY!

...sorry to hear u wont be online as much andy, u will be missed.

I am looking forward to those upgrades then - especially the sex life... would be nice to have one of those again. not had one since version 2.73beta and it got abolished and replaced by the ability to be sarcastic.

Am gutted about hte net being taken away at work - gonna miss the site more than it will miss me - i promise you that... it's all i have to help relieve the lonely solitude of my dull soul destroying job.

14-11-02, 12:47 PM
does that mean ull have to actualy work all the time then, hey maybe admin could make a WAP version of NL?

14-11-02, 12:47 PM
does that mean ull have to actualy work all the time then, hey maybe admin could make a WAP version of NL?

14-11-02, 12:58 PM
I'll find another way to do nothing I am sure :D

Could always fetch the laptop in and connect it up to the spare phone line at my desk... without telling them :D The phone bills in this place are so big they would never notice an extra one.

15-11-02, 12:37 PM
im sure they wont, altho it'll come up in a seperate page in the phone bill as extra fvcking high cost one.

15-11-02, 12:48 PM
they wouldn't notice - because to get in touch with a manager or team leader here i have to phone their mobile numbers - so the phone bills are always big, and it's not like we get a nrmal house phone bill - we have over 500 lines in this building so they not too easy to understand anyway. :D