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View Full Version : Gold Nova Colleczione

25-10-08, 10:21 AM
Inspired by Simon 1867's thread with some real nice brown Nova's, I was wondering if there were more then one gold Nova on PNG and would like to see them, Im sure we all would. Also post the colour name and code, if you know it.

I dont have perfect pic's of mine (just what I got on imageshack) as Im not at my pc but here it is:

'Metallic White Gold' (E421)


Get posting :thumb:

Simon 1867
25-10-08, 10:27 AM
excellent matey... nice to see another interesting colour thread. goodluck

25-10-08, 10:33 AM
Not the best example of the colour as it does have a few shades of white gold on it lol but yeh would deffo like to see more.

Cheers fella

25-10-08, 11:04 PM
I spy a snow plough ;)

25-10-08, 11:06 PM
Rather like it in gold, bit different.

25-10-08, 11:37 PM
Yeah the gold looks smart, you dont see many Nova's in gold ;)

26-10-08, 12:30 AM
ill try and dig out a pic of my mates old one unless novashed still has pics of it

26-10-08, 12:32 AM
I want to see more pics, some from the front please :D

Love from Lynz,
Hardcore Snowplough Lover!

26-10-08, 12:35 AM
Yeah Id like to see more pics aswell :thumb:

26-10-08, 01:10 PM
looking good matey!!!

26-10-08, 05:32 PM
look nice mate

26-10-08, 06:52 PM
Thanks people, yep tis a snowplough debadged, in ford graphite grey. (although Im looking to change the colour) Gold seems to be a rare colour by the looks of it. Think its value has gone up by 20% :D lol.

Will try, somehow, to dig out some foto's. Like I said Im nowhere near my pc so hopefuly imageshack has some on there.

27-10-08, 02:56 PM
Heres one from the front, current colour of the bumpers. Managed to find a pic right on the last page of imageshack lol.

Again not a very good pic taken with phone:


Still no other gold ones out there?

27-10-08, 03:23 PM
Looks good :)

Olly's nova is gold, so thats another one :thumb:

Count Vaux Alot
27-10-08, 06:58 PM
Love the colour!

27-10-08, 07:15 PM
john h's is gold too iirc!you mention"current"colour of bumper!dont paint it.

27-10-08, 07:18 PM
yeah was gonna say
olly hewitts track slarg is galt

Count Vaux Alot
27-10-08, 07:35 PM
Johns is green is it not....

27-10-08, 09:04 PM
Would it be poss to get up some pics of the said cars for the gold Nova collection?

I say current coz Im considering changing the colour. I want a more unified look as the only grey bits on the car are the bumpers and door handles. The handles will be body coloured when it goes for a respray (dont worry it will be gold).

Door vinyl's, mirror surrounds, windows surround, tyres lol etc are in black so I was considering a very dark grey or black metallic colours with plenty of shine.

The bumpers need a respray anyway due to the 2 year old paint now starting to flake.

nova danny1
27-10-08, 10:47 PM
like it alot:cool:

27-10-08, 11:01 PM
Cheers dude :thumb:

Still wanna see these other gold Nova's

Simon 1867
27-10-08, 11:06 PM
Sorry to see your having trouble getting your thread off the ground, shame as i like the gold novas.... seems yours is more rare than mine.

30-10-08, 11:53 AM
Well at least its been mentioned that there are 2 other gold ones about (pics would be nice). But yeh looks like brown is more popular.

Any gen on it being a special edition colour or something, hence not many about?

Gold is not usually a very popular colour although I have seen a few new cars especially BMW's in a very similar colour. I've had gold Beemer owners eye up my car in traffic lol

Simon 1867
30-10-08, 01:32 PM
I think brown is just a very retro colour and was one of the first colours vauxhall made novas in. I agree it would be nice to see the pictures of theses other gold novas. (so far you can say you have the only one).

Simon 1867
30-10-08, 05:05 PM
This is trackdaynova's gold car.... gives you another one for the collection

30-10-08, 09:07 PM
What gold is that? That looks very Silver.

30-10-08, 09:10 PM
Platinum Metallic E112 or 50L, also known as Champagne.

Pic whoring opportunity lol







30-10-08, 09:16 PM
Pics are good mate :thumb: I can now see the champagne in it.

yay another gold one lol

Thats one White Gold & one Platinum Metallic Champagne.
