View Full Version : Whats your Favourite Scary movie...

21-10-08, 01:02 PM

I've develloped a bit of a fondness for Horror Films lately, seem to be the pick of the bunch for me and i find its difficult to pick a Favourite.

I like the Dawn of the Deay and 28Days/Weeks Later style films, but I also like all the Hell Raiser Films, which are ****e but do deserve Legendary Status. I got the Resident Evil Trilogy and found myself loving it as well.

So, anyone got any suggestions or recomendations?

21-10-08, 01:10 PM
the visitors ;)

21-10-08, 01:19 PM

21-10-08, 01:35 PM
Modern "horror" movies are sh!t tbh.

Alien is probably my favourite movie, that kinda fits the thriller category. Pretty much everything about it is spot on. Although most kids are like "yeah but no but there's no blood and guts and Saw 12 is better because you see some guy sh!t out his own brain and its full of wikiaad speshal efekts y0" etc.

Gore does not make good horror IMO.

21-10-08, 01:42 PM
the visitors ;)

lol x lol = lol lol lol lol

Was gonna say 'lets ask large_steve182'

Just read the the horror porn thread and reading this thread right after is classic.

Have to say though, on topic, that older horror films are better. Have to agree with Aliens, hence why I have the 9 disc box set. Films now adays are just gore fest and are more revolting sickening type horror rather then it just being a proper horror film.

21-10-08, 01:46 PM
The first 3 freddie films until they started going 3D lol or maybe candyman candyman candyman candyman cand.... I won't say it :p

21-10-08, 01:47 PM
Have to agree with Aliens, hence why I have the 9 disc box set.
Rep :D

Alien > Aliens purely for the fact that you don't see much of the Xenomorph. Aliens has its merits, but I like the dark angle and loneliness implied on Alien.

21-10-08, 01:49 PM
Fankoo for the rep whoever it was ;) :thumb:

Candyman was scary but I was much younger then.

Beat me to it... So it was you Razorjack. Thanks Muchly

21-10-08, 01:50 PM
I'm currently watching the House of 1000 Corpses, sounds cheesey but its the one that came before the Devil's Rejects so it has to be pretty cool.

21-10-08, 02:13 PM
Dod Does Dublin is pretty scary tbh

21-10-08, 02:41 PM
Dod Does Dublin is pretty scary tbh

Wow, that was appauling Stu.

21-10-08, 02:44 PM
meh like I care if I pander to your humor gland

21-10-08, 02:47 PM
So Stupart, whats your favourite Scary Film?

21-10-08, 02:56 PM
28later oe wat ever it called

21-10-08, 02:57 PM
na new film called mirrors

21-10-08, 03:20 PM
So Stupart, whats your favourite Scary Film?


21-10-08, 03:39 PM
That House of 1000 corpses made me feel physically sick.

I watched Event Horizon the other day. Old but brilliant!

But as for the scariest film I just can't watch The Grudge. It seriously stops me from sleeping at night.

21-10-08, 03:41 PM
Lauren, you wanna watch the Devils Rejests then so, its the follow up and a lot more gruesome.

Stu, you had a rough childhood, didnt you?

21-10-08, 03:45 PM
Seen the Devils Rejects. I didn't actually think it was that bad. The bit that made me feel sick in the first one is when that blonde woman is asking the guy to guess her favourite film in that high-pitched girly voice, then when he gets it wrong she skins him alive. Wtf?

21-10-08, 03:47 PM
Well she Scalps him, he's then sacraficed, but yeah I'd do her.

21-10-08, 03:51 PM
She's Rob Zombies' girlfriend. He has more money than you. You have no chance. lol

21-10-08, 03:57 PM
the grudge is the scariest film ever, end of !! the only film i was actually scared over

21-10-08, 03:59 PM
^ lol
The other half says the same thing.

21-10-08, 03:59 PM
How about the Blair Witch project now thats a classic lol Boo!

21-10-08, 04:20 PM
/\ You're going to be had for saying that, but I have to agree.

Also, the Grudge wasnt great in fairness, the Origional 1970s Texas Chainsaw Masacure scared the **** out of me.

Oh and for Rob Zombie, I'd make him eat his own face.

21-10-08, 05:37 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Ju-On > Grudge

Japanese make some funked up movies lol

21-10-08, 05:42 PM
Is it Sub titled though? I cant imagine being scaired of a load of 4ft tall Jap lads shouting "BOO!"

21-10-08, 05:42 PM
Mary Poppins scares me :(

Tidy Max
21-10-08, 05:48 PM
along the lines of what i said in the most distgusting/grim film thread but 1408 allll the way, 1408 is an absolutley awesome scary film, would recommend it to anyone, infact go on www.alluc.org, search 1408 and watch it

(its got samual mother ****in jackson in it!)

but yeah also the original deliverence and hills have eyes, they are good

AND last and possibly least, wolf creek, bit lame but its very mingin to watch, bit too life like really

21-10-08, 05:49 PM
/\ I know what I'll be doing at work on Wednesday. lol

21-10-08, 05:50 PM
I really like films about zombies for some reason

21-10-08, 05:51 PM
Wolf Creek is so bad it hurts. I would certainly NOT recommend it.

Deliverance isn't scary so much, more... twisted.

21-10-08, 05:53 PM
the thing, the one set at a research station on antarctica...... the bit when the blokes severed head turned into a spider scared the bejaysus out of me back in the 80's

21-10-08, 05:55 PM
The Thing?

[edit] oh wait, you said the title LOL lol

Didn't that have the legendary ending of the two guys sat there in the ruins of the station, one turns to the other and says "What do we do now?" and the reply: "Dunno... lets just sit here for a while" :D

General Baxter
21-10-08, 06:02 PM
the marshmellow man scares the crap out of me, its like looking into a mirror, jolly fat man lol

21-10-08, 06:06 PM
wizard of oz. that was some freaky s**t

21-10-08, 06:10 PM
wizard of oz. that was some freaky s**t

if you want weird, apparently play a dvd of it with the sound down then play Pink floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, There is a particular start point to get the cd running at, the songs all work very well with the images..........

21-10-08, 06:13 PM
i dont get scared by any films as they are just acting but i did sht it when i was 12 watching candyman.

21-10-08, 06:51 PM
Rep :D

Alien > Aliens purely for the fact that you don't see much of the Xenomorph. Aliens has its merits, but I like the dark angle and loneliness implied on Alien.

Scared the crap outta me when i first watched it (alone about 12 when my rents were out) i think the first two were the best of them all tbh:thumb:

Also ill definately agree with the grudge being very freaky, only watched that recently was waiting for a mate to give me a shout for a lift home so stuck that on (in my car, quiet carpark late on a night by myself) bad move it didnt take long for me to lock my doors and double check all my windows were closed and shift the rear view mirror so i couldnt catch sudden glances of my rear headrests in it lol

Recently watch Silent Hill aswell, thats another one to watch alone and in the dark, just lately i seem to love finding freaky films and watching them in my car somewhere lonely dark and quiet haha!

21-10-08, 07:50 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Ju-On > Grudge

Japanese make some funked up movies lol

Yep, watched one called 'Apartment' crazy Japs do decent films.

Watched a bit of it at my cuz's house when I was abroad. Kinda left coz the room stank, everyone s*ittin themselves and it got a bit late.

Lets just say I had to walk (run) 1km to my house that night through a deserted and dark village, no one was up at 2am and there was very little street lighting lol

21-10-08, 11:27 PM
Alien Resurection, now that was a fantastic movie!!

21-10-08, 11:43 PM

I sh1te meself when the fire comes!

21-10-08, 11:52 PM
Alien Resurection, now that was a fantastic movie!!
WTF thats by far the weakest of the four!

Anyone who thinks Alien 3 is rubbish doesn't get it lol

22-10-08, 12:07 AM
Your tool it is!! Resurection is the shizzle you silly boy.

22-10-08, 07:52 AM
Booo Dod is a hollywood fanboi lol

22-10-08, 08:56 AM
Im sorry dod but im inclined to agree with jack, Alien and Aliens FTW:thumb:

22-10-08, 02:26 PM
Agreed, but Resurection was undoubtedly the best of the entire range. Instead of being scare of the Alien, she becomes half Alien herself.

22-10-08, 03:33 PM
just lately i seem to love finding freaky films and watching them in my car somewhere lonely dark and quiet haha!

epic dogging fail

Pistol Pete
22-10-08, 03:51 PM

22-10-08, 03:58 PM
saw is good and its scary in the way that it could actually happen to you unlike something along the lines of alien

22-10-08, 04:30 PM
Agreed, but Resurection was undoubtedly the best of the entire range. Instead of being scare of the Alien, she becomes half Alien herself.
You have pretty much summed up why Hollywood makes crap movies now.