View Full Version : wot does cool running thermostat mean.

02-11-02, 12:17 AM
wot does cool running thermostat mean. wot does it do and how do u do it?> n e 1 no?.tar.

02-11-02, 10:30 AM
cool running - now thats a quality film (John Candy and a bunch of Jamacans trying to bob sleigh :lol: )

Cool running thermostat (if this is in relation to the peice of card post on one of the forums) I think is a thermostat that lets yer ending run cooler!

Kicks in quicker than a standard thermostat (or kicks in later - cant rememebr which).

You need to replace the standard thermostat which mens draining and changing yer coolant.

Or I could have made all that up.

Who knows...

02-11-02, 11:24 AM
it is a thermostat that opens sooner than a standard one ie say ur std one takes 5mins to open the cool running one would open at say 3mins. its very useful bit of kit in the summer, on my digi dash in the summer my engine use to run on the 1st bar, then in traffic went up to 2bars where as my m8s sri is on average on 3bars may go to 4 in traffic mine only goes up to 3bars in traffic, myne is from courtenay they are fairly cheap to! :wink:

Chris LR
04-11-02, 07:58 PM
I think Nova stats open around 90-93 degrees C I can't remeber exactly. The cool running stats open around 70-80 at a guess. They arn't pleasant to change on Novas, or most early Vauxhalls. I'm sure as to the benifits, I understand that the hotter an engine runs the better, but I suppose a cool running stat would circulate water more often, which is better if your stuck in traffic or live somwhere warm.

06-11-02, 02:14 PM
cool running - now thats a quality film (John Candy and a bunch of Jamacans trying to bob sleigh :lol: )

I love that film.
*in true yorkshire accent* It's REIGHT FUNNY!!!

06-11-02, 03:40 PM
They had to change the ending slightly as John Candy (RIP) died whilst they were making the film. :(

06-11-02, 03:45 PM
John Candy - dead???
All that time ago - and I never heard about it?

are you sure?

06-11-02, 03:46 PM
Why do you think he hasn't been around all this time... :cry:

06-11-02, 04:09 PM
err... I never really noticed to be honest.

Gutted now... I never knew.

07-11-02, 01:54 AM
yeah - he was a class actor!

You ever see Uncle Buck :o now thats funny!

Better than planes trains n automobiles...but not quite as funny as the national lampoons series...


Chris LR
07-11-02, 08:07 PM
and a regular thermostat opens at 92 degrees C by the way.

15-11-02, 12:45 PM
Unckle Buck, thats a class film, didnt that have mcally culkin in it? Love his car, brummmmm, BANG!

20-11-02, 08:45 AM
Thermostat is a bstard!

If you do change it then go and get a seal from your vauxhall dealer before you take the car apart! I took mine off only to find it was a biatch to get back in place whilst you slide the little metal bit between the cam belt and engine itself! A new seal would have helped, but it is still a guess as to it staying in place! Its a stiff bugger to get off then wont sit back in place!

Still not sure if it is in place properly, but the engine runs fine so oh well! :o Can't be arsed to go buy and change all the coolant/antifreeze again! It don't leak and seems to be OK!

Whites :twisted: