View Full Version : Kelly Lorrena - What have u done!!

01-11-02, 07:28 PM
can i just say a big f**king thankyou to kelly lorrena for wrecking one of my all time fav tunes - Heart Of Gold !! :twisted: :twisted:

02-11-02, 12:02 AM

I love that ch00n!

Matt Finary
02-11-02, 01:21 PM
she has recovered it in a very cr@p way :!:

Matt :)

02-11-02, 03:01 PM
its not that bad. Not the best that could of been done
but its got my :+:

02-11-02, 05:37 PM
OMG OMG OMG have u heard that so called remix of "Children of the Night?"

FFS......thats gotta be illegal!

26-11-02, 11:22 AM
kelly is getting out of hand, action needs to be taken

26-11-02, 11:43 AM
that was me fave choon. i think we should shoot her 4 ruining gr8 tunes :lol:

26-11-02, 01:41 PM
yep cara was one of my fav choons eva 2, she has covered it SOOOO bad !!! i'll get me gun.........lol :p

Flip and Fill (i think it was) also wrecked "shooting star" grrrr....!!

26-11-02, 09:55 PM
lol micky !! was ment mean "heart of gold" was one of my fav choons eva!! ya silly bwoy :D

and yes mucho cringe factor !!!

28-11-02, 04:37 PM
what the fook were aquagen thinking messing round with with that classic 'hard to say im sorry' tune?! :P

'heart of gold', 'children of the night' and 'shooting star all made me cringe tho :P

glad i just got clubland II copied now would have been extremely upset had i paid ?15 fo that. did n e one go out and pay the full price?

01-12-02, 03:48 AM



01-12-02, 09:20 AM
agh I thought I saw a nova on that video :D

01-12-02, 04:38 PM
ian you jammy git how do you get invited to all these outings?! im jelous realy! :cry:

01-12-02, 07:31 PM
:o how did u get invited to that?! is kelly Llorenna as nice in the flesh????

04-12-02, 02:17 PM
They wanted some cars so spoke to CNUT (cruisenorthwest) we went there about 6 or 7pm til 3am ish. was for the forever video, and was filmed in cammel lairds warehouse in birkenhead. they paid us ?20 petrol (not bad seeing as it was a 5min drive from my house)

fed us all night (proper meal) and drinks. and gave us cds

was a real good laugh (as most things are when cnuts get together) especially tooley trying to chat up 17yr old dancers on the bus (tooley is over 30 and prob about the same weight lol)his is the 300zx donutting in the video

Kelly wasnt bad getting on a bit now looked v late 20s early 30s , looked better from a distance lol

and anyone that wanted to dance in the dancing scene thing was allowed lol, needless to say i didnt

offers on a promo n trance forever cd signed by kelly llorenna? :lol:

04-12-02, 07:21 PM
do u see your car in the vid ian ?? i cud'nt pick it out ??

iv also met kelly lorenna before at a local club bout a year ago, did'nt think to much of her then either, as ian said better from a distance!

i'll give ya 20p for that promo haha :P

11-12-02, 09:08 AM
i like some of her songs but i much prefere the original so i have to agree with yous on that one.
I went to the Feel the noise concert (newcastle) and she was there live and she was shit man!! cant sing live save her life lol.
There was this dude dancing on one of the balconies and she was getting really anoyed as everyone was watching him not her

12-12-02, 08:52 AM
Yes i am why?
I live in Brunswick Village.

12-12-02, 09:33 AM
lol here he goes...

"I can make you famous" etc etc

lol :lol: :lol:

12-12-02, 09:40 AM
What do you mean was that aimed at me?[/quote]

13-12-02, 01:35 AM
lol /me awaits the inevitable

13-12-02, 08:28 AM
*spots micky putting his shark fin on!*

14-12-02, 11:32 PM
go on micky lol!!! :lol: poor lass wont know whats hit her :P

16-12-02, 08:32 AM
come on then what are yous trying to say?????????????????????????
Spill the beans! :!:

16-12-02, 03:52 PM
that mickys a beast and will try and shag you lol

16-12-02, 03:57 PM
lol i think he might have something to say about that

17-12-02, 12:16 PM
What you meant to say was you are an insane man who's destiny and manhood is controlled by snakes