View Full Version : c20xe piston rings.

16-10-08, 05:20 PM
stripped down most of my xe today and tought id check how good the piston rings are by pouring petrol into the bores and within around 30mins all of the petrol had seaped past the rings and out of the bottom.(the sump is off).

would it be advisable to replace the rings or not as petrol is very thin and is likely to seap past the rings anyway.??:confused:

thanks.Dave. :thumb:

16-10-08, 11:12 PM

16-10-08, 11:26 PM
Didn't want to reply earlier as i'm not 100%, but afaik they would leak when sat without sump on etc, as the seal is piston-oil-block, if the piston and block were in direct contact at all the rings would disintegrate. That's my understanding at least, but I'd wait for a 2nd opinion, hopefully puts your mind at rest a bit until then tho :thumb:

Pistol Pete
17-10-08, 10:55 AM
You say you have stripped the engine anyway, for what reason? Are you doing a rebuild? Petrol is, as you say, thinner than oil so will run past the rings.