View Full Version : photoshop

16v Nova Kev
16-10-08, 12:48 PM
can some one tell me how to photo shop i.e where to get the software too:)
:edit found a how to just need software

nova ian
16-10-08, 12:58 PM
Not quite as easy your suggesting, theres loads of tools and functions within photoshop. the easiest way to get good is as with everything, practice!

theres lots of tutorials out there and lots of books covering the program and all its tools in detail. A good tutorial site is: www.good-tutorials.com

As for where to get it, legally it isn't cheap, few hundred quid or more, you can download a 30 day free trial from the adobe site, other than that I'm not down with the kids enough to tell you where to get if from! lol

16-10-08, 01:11 PM
If you want legit photoshop - google paint.net - a good prog that free and is pretty powerful.

Digimods bible= http://digimods.co.uk/tutorials/tutorials.htm is quite good for car chopping tutorials if thats what you're after.

16-10-08, 01:11 PM
heres the site my mate used but im unsure how about downloading but i remember him saying read the comments and scan it with your virus program before you download it incase it has a virus its http://www.mininova.org/

16v Nova Kev
16-10-08, 01:18 PM
cheers i read a tutorial on google its not as easy as some of you make it look. cheers for the info

16-10-08, 01:38 PM
I went to download ps the other day but the copy was 59gb, fook that!

17-10-08, 07:54 AM
i have a *cough* copy ;)

16v Nova Kev
17-10-08, 11:46 AM
burn me a copy then and i will pay for postage lol