View Full Version : Entertain me...

13-10-08, 11:16 AM
Somebody. Please. I am so fecking bored.

13-10-08, 11:18 AM
tickle tickle

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:FVDfIlfqacT1XM:http://en.wikivisual.com/images/4/48/A_single_white_feather_closeup.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://en.wikivisual.com/images/4/48/A_single_white_feather_closeup.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikivisual.com/index.php/Feather&h=1365&w=1024&sz=175&hl=en&start=1&usg=__zizNM3B8K3O8dlzkhNGKb5yXQa4=&tbnid=FVDfIlfqacT1XM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfeather%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

13-10-08, 11:19 AM
Oooooo Mowgli! lol

13-10-08, 11:20 AM
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:NPFGMyc70aeFXM:http://eslblogs.englishclub.com/mikelong/files/2008/04/0880-sid-james-laughingsid-james-laughing-posters.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://eslblogs.englishclub.com/mikelong/files/2008/04/0880-sid-james-laughingsid-james-laughing-posters.jpg&imgrefurl=http://eslblogs.englishclub.com/mikelong/category/uncategorized/&h=450&w=317&sz=53&hl=en&start=1&usg=___7hL_jc9AJUQOJ6mi_pknIUhWiU=&tbnid=NPFGMyc70aeFXM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsid%2Bjames%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

13-10-08, 11:22 AM
It's just not working. I need some intellectual conversation.

13-10-08, 11:23 AM
Why cant you trust a woman?

13-10-08, 11:23 AM
Ah well, it was worth a try......

ok, tell me the first thing that comes into your head!!!!!

13-10-08, 11:24 AM
do the wikipedia game lol. you learn tons of useless crap for pub quizzes

13-10-08, 11:26 AM
Ben - I don't trust women.

Mowgli - I couldn't say the first thing that comes into my head, it's usually filth lol

Stuart - if I get really desperate I may just try that lol

The Simps
13-10-08, 11:29 AM
are you at work lauren?

13-10-08, 11:30 AM
Ok i'll ask you a question. You are from Hainault. So do you pronounce it like Renault (Ren-o), making your town Hayn-o lol

13-10-08, 11:31 AM
^ lol
No, it's actually pronounced how it's spelt. Hain-ault.

Yes, I am at work, but I actually have nothing to do. For once, I am up to date lol

13-10-08, 11:35 AM
only one thing to do, strip kerplunk

13-10-08, 11:35 AM
haha ok cheers, just wasn't sure.
Mind you you've all prob got East end accents so it won't sound like that anyways haha lol
Just kidding ;)

The Simps
13-10-08, 11:36 AM
where do you work?

13-10-08, 11:40 AM
haha ok cheers, just wasn't sure.
Mind you you've all prob got East end accents so it won't sound like that anyways haha lol

its pronounced ANAL(followed by that noise seals make when you chuck a fish at them that nearly sounds like a T)

13-10-08, 11:41 AM
What the hell is strip kerplunk? lol

I work for Neopost. If anyone actually knows what that is (without googling it) I will be impressed.

Lol @ Mowgli - you are wrong though, the majority of people in Hainault don't actually speak English at all lol

13-10-08, 11:44 AM
Neopost as in who make the scales that drug dealers use?

13-10-08, 11:48 AM
What the hell is strip kerplunk? lol

Obviously it follows the standard rules for kerplunk, but for every ball that falls, an item of garmentry has to come off.....

13-10-08, 11:51 AM
Neopost as in who make the scales that drug dealers use?

lol I suppose they could be used for that.

Mowgli - I've never played Kerplunk. Is it like Buckaroo?

13-10-08, 11:53 AM
see i know everything!

13-10-08, 11:53 AM
Oh dear me, no wonder you are bored.... it involves a plastic thingy with loads of skewers pushed in it & a bag of marbles dropped in the top. you take it in turn to pull a skewer out & hopefully no balls will drop out. winner is the one with the least dropped balls

13-10-08, 11:54 AM
winner is the one with the least dropped balls

Just dont play 12 year olds as they win everytime!

13-10-08, 11:58 AM
Just dont play 12 year olds as they win everytime!

no you are lowering the tone...

13-10-08, 11:58 AM
Nowt new there!

13-10-08, 12:03 PM
Oh dear me, no wonder you are bored.... it involves a plastic thingy with loads of skewers pushed in it & a bag of marbles dropped in the top. you take it in turn to pull a skewer out & hopefully no balls will drop out. winner is the one with the least dropped balls

Wow. I really missed out there.
Will you play it with me? lol

13-10-08, 12:13 PM
Ok, here goes, virtual kerplunk...

I'm grabbing one now, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, yeh! no balls dropped, phew!!!

13-10-08, 12:19 PM
This is so open to abuse!

Why arent you digging holes in the road?

13-10-08, 12:24 PM
This is so open to abuse!

Why arent you digging holes in the road?

I am in the office pricing up some extensions & sorting out some bills

Why aren't you irradiating belgium?????

13-10-08, 12:26 PM
Radiation commences in about 4 hrs.

13-10-08, 01:01 PM
Radiation commences in about 4 hrs.

do they employ a hunchback to throw the switch????

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:1Cchd0vRIhedlM:http://www.tipiloschi.net/nino/ninoland/MartyFeldmanIgor.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tipiloschi.net/nino/ninoland/MartyFeldmanIgor.jpg&imgrefurl=http://santaboys.forumfree.net/%3Ft%3D17265663%26st%3D30&h=337&w=442&sz=25&hl=en&start=1&usg=__TNjkuSkaO5nh_0q94olclyWuU38=&tbnid=1Cchd0vRIhedlM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmarty%2Bfeldman%2Bigor%26gbv%3D2%26nd sp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN)

13-10-08, 01:03 PM
You've lost me lol

13-10-08, 01:17 PM
its the law, when there is a mad scientist hell bent on destroying the world, or Belgium, they always need a hunchback as a sidekick

13-10-08, 01:26 PM
nah were only using selenium today, could only damage people upto about 100m's away.

13-10-08, 01:29 PM

13-10-08, 01:31 PM

13-10-08, 01:31 PM

Its not like wine, 'Oh I'll have a bottle of selenium, do you have the '72? in that case, i'll have the '75'

13-10-08, 01:34 PM
Well they both emit gamma radiation, which is used in industrial radiography iirc. lol

13-10-08, 01:34 PM
I changed my post cos I'm hedging my bets on Selenium-75!

13-10-08, 01:35 PM
lol yes today its SE-75

We also use CO-60, IR 92 and some baby ceasium and obviously Xray itself.

13-10-08, 01:36 PM
Isn't it Iridium 192?? lol

13-10-08, 01:37 PM
yeah but we abbreviate!

13-10-08, 01:38 PM
lol ok, let you off! haha

13-10-08, 01:39 PM
I'm sure Lauren will now be uber entertained!

13-10-08, 01:39 PM
and they trust me with them lol, sometimes it scares me!

13-10-08, 01:43 PM
Haha yea, reminds me of when I was let loose in the 'neutron shed' at uni. The place has a 0.75m thick concrete door ffs lol.
Stored the radioactive isotopes down there, went in with the geiger counter and it went absolutely nuts (well in comparison to normal background radiation anyway)

13-10-08, 01:55 PM
Don't worry, I'll keep her occupied for a bit

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:HvBe0FE1CM0Y2M:http://www.petartmaster.com/real2kittens1.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.petartmaster.com/real2kittens1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.petartmaster.com/photo.htm&h=451&w=600&sz=88&hl=en&start=1&usg=__O9_xY2rUemlacB78JypS2_bjt9g=&tbnid=HvBe0FE1CM0Y2M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2%2Bkittens%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

Any way, Lauren, its your go on the virtual kerplunk

13-10-08, 02:03 PM
^ lol
I have absolutely no idea what you lot are going on about.

*pulls a skewer*
wooooo! No balls dropped! Beginners luck...

13-10-08, 02:05 PM
ok, oooo just teasing it, oh no a ball came out...........

I'll take my trousers off

13-10-08, 02:07 PM
I will now sabatage your turns until you end up stark boll*ck naked :D

13-10-08, 02:09 PM
I will now sabatage your turns until you end up stark boll*ck naked :D

it won't be too difficult, I'm going commando today due to a backlog in the laundry dept...:(

13-10-08, 02:10 PM

Isnt that what kills the aliens in "evolution" and also the secret (supposed) ingredient in head and shoulders lol

13-10-08, 02:11 PM
it won't be too difficult, I'm going commando today due to a backlog in the laundry dept...:(

You mean your missus hasn't done your washing? lol

Oooooo, ball dropped.
*removes one earring*

13-10-08, 02:19 PM
You mean your missus hasn't done your washing? lol

Oooooo, ball dropped.
*removes one earring*

she does nights, I do most of the washing... no, the door is playing up on the machine, I am going to get a dutch porn star to come round & fix it.........

ps. an earring is not clothing. get something else off

13-10-08, 02:19 PM
*ahem* An earring isnt an item of clothing though lauren! lol

13-10-08, 02:21 PM
Sorry, sorry.
*removes a sock*

13-10-08, 02:23 PM
Good girl lauren play the game....

Its gotta be asked, do we get pics to prove youre removing clothing?lol

13-10-08, 02:28 PM
You can have a picture of my naked foot if you like.
Mowgli is sitting there with his winky hanging out apparently lol

13-10-08, 02:31 PM
Err i missed that bit with mowgli thankfully lol
and err i meant the finished effect lauren, not quite kinky enough to desire foot pictures lol

13-10-08, 02:34 PM
Well, he took his trousers off then he told me he was going commando. lol

Are you saying that you don't believe I'm getting naked Spud? I'm offended.

13-10-08, 02:39 PM
Of course i beleive you hunny its just you know wherever you/girls and nakedness are concerned there will be requests for "pics" so i thought i would put the request in politely before everyone else tips up and just posts "Pics or stfu/gtfo" lol

13-10-08, 02:43 PM
lol Nicely put.

13-10-08, 02:52 PM
these charlatans, they do not understand the subtle nature of the game of virtual strip kerplunk........

Anyway, my go, NNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnn! HA no ball!!!!!!!!! woohoo

13-10-08, 02:56 PM
Ah sh1te, another ball.
*takes other sock off*

13-10-08, 02:57 PM
ok, OH SOD! 2 balls down, there go my socks too

13-10-08, 03:00 PM
You aren't very good at this game mowgli.

1 ball down.
*takes top off*

13-10-08, 03:00 PM
Ooh its gettin juicy now then mowgli`s in the niff (lower half) iirc and lauren is sockless lol

Edit typed too soon, gooo onn lauren lol

13-10-08, 03:05 PM
hellooooooooooooooooo lol

13-10-08, 03:06 PM
Edit typed too soon, gooo onn lauren lol

Hang on, are you cheering for me to win or lose here? lol

13-10-08, 03:08 PM
lose ftw lol

13-10-08, 03:12 PM
Oh Bugger, another ball down, Oh well off with the balaclava.

13-10-08, 03:29 PM
^ lol
Keep it on ;)

No balls down for me! Your turn.

13-10-08, 03:42 PM
Ooooooooh Yes, None Down Way Hay !!!!!!!!!

13-10-08, 03:45 PM
One down. :(
*takes off jeans*

13-10-08, 03:48 PM
three dropped.... that'll be my cravatte, tanktop & left glove......

13-10-08, 03:53 PM
Gloves and a balaclarva?
What were you up to? lol

13-10-08, 03:56 PM
trying to win at strip kerplunk...........

13-10-08, 03:57 PM
think thats a mystery best left unsolved lauren. Think he wants you to lose!

13-10-08, 03:58 PM
my suspicions confirmed :cool:

13-10-08, 03:59 PM
Honestly, Lauren..... you'd think that other people would realise that this is actually an imaginary game..............

13-10-08, 04:01 PM
What? I can't believe you've been winding me up all this time, I'm sitting here in nothing but a pair of knickers! lol

13-10-08, 04:07 PM
lol pmsl

13-10-08, 04:09 PM
What? I can't believe you've been winding me up all this time, I'm sitting here in nothing but a pair of knickers! lol

I wondered where I'd left them, & I thought they were in the laundry.......

13-10-08, 04:28 PM
You were wearing my knickers? :p

13-10-08, 05:04 PM
You were wearing my knickers? :p

Nope, I'd lost mine, I reckoned you must still have them;)

13-10-08, 05:12 PM
Stop leaving your underwear at my house and we won't have this problem.

13-10-08, 05:35 PM
Why cant you trust a woman?

Never trust anything that bleeds for more than 4 days without dieing lol

1.6 8v turbo nova
13-10-08, 05:56 PM
you killed it lmao.

Tidy Max
13-10-08, 07:02 PM
Neopost as in who make the scales that drug dealers use?

hahahahaha my thoughts exactly lol

Tidy Max
13-10-08, 07:03 PM
lol @ fusion, thats abit sick really, hilarious though.. but sick non the less lol

13-10-08, 07:09 PM
lol @ fusion, thats abit sick really, hilarious though.. but sick non the less lol

not funny, not sick, quite natural actually..........

Tidy Max
13-10-08, 07:14 PM
that act its self natural

a joke referring to the act and making a comparison with a dying animal?


13-10-08, 11:23 PM
Never trust anything that bleeds for more than 4 days without dieing lol

That was it, knew i forgot to post something lol

13-10-08, 11:36 PM
so we should never trust wimmin cos they have periods......OK!!!!!!!!!!!

d'you think a man invented joint accounts???????

14-10-08, 12:22 AM
d'you think a man invented joint accounts???????

I dont care lol my wages get paid into my foreign account and i transfer whatever i like back,