View Full Version : stopped by the police :(

11-10-08, 01:50 AM
got stopped of the police tonight for having a tail light out wich i never noticed. went through the usual routine i.e tax, mot and insurance and all was fine. so i went in the boot and got a spare bulb out and was starting to change it, next minute she starts filling in a form issuing me a £30 fine WTF!!! :mad: thought they gave you a 14 rectification certificate first to give you a chance to fix things? aybody know anything about this and is there anyway for me to appeal against this? any help greatly appreciated

11-10-08, 01:54 AM
surely it should be "stopped by the police". what you have put makes no sence.

anywho ive always been given a chance to put it right. the fact you still got a ticket even though you put it right there and then is a bit of a piss take. try going into the police station and see what they say

11-10-08, 01:55 AM
i would love to be "pulled off" by some female officers around here

11-10-08, 01:59 AM
Burgo you can't rip the lad then spell things wrong lol

Yeah Steve i agree mate, sounds like you were unlucky and she was on a power trip! Worth a complaint maybe, if you say you had a replacement bulb and fitted it thus making your car roadworthy again and were still issued the fine then surely as you say there were no worthwhile grounds!

11-10-08, 02:10 AM
i can and i will!!

what have i spelt wrong anyways?

11-10-08, 02:12 AM
lol Fair enough mate. 'Sense'

I don't really care normally unless it's my mate novaboi or WTF he's called lol

I just found it ironic in this instance.

11-10-08, 02:15 AM
hmmmm touche

11-10-08, 02:18 AM
title edited lol. thanks for the replies. will go down in the morning and see what they have to say.

11-10-08, 02:20 AM
title edited lol. thanks for the replies. will go down in the morning and see what they have to say.

no its not :confused:

11-10-08, 02:23 AM
oh well lol. cba to figure out how to change it :D

11-10-08, 02:28 AM
Everytime i have had a brake light out or something they have just told me then gone on their way.

11-10-08, 02:33 AM
click edit, then click go advanced ;)

11-10-08, 02:36 AM
click edit, then click go advanced ;)

didn`t let me change the title of the thread just the heading at the top of my first post:confused:

11-10-08, 02:38 AM
so it does...... oh well

11-10-08, 02:39 AM
was worth a try though lol.
maybe next time i will think before i type :D

11-10-08, 12:35 PM
RJ to the rescue :p

lmfao @ pulled off by the police, I thought this was going to be a thread about a female stripper dressed as a copper lol

Anyway. The fuzz would simply argue that you are responsible for checking your car is roadworthy each time you use it, although balls does everyone bother with that. I do think that giving you a fine even though you were in progress of changing the bulb at the time is very harsh though - did you get the officer's badge number? Any witnesses?

General Baxter
11-10-08, 12:37 PM
lol i nicked the bulb ouf of the partol (mom uses it for work at night) to fit into the nova lol

11-10-08, 06:42 PM
Thats harsh, the fact the bulb could have even blown after you started driving it. Looks like somone wanted some bonus or was in a bad mood, might be worth complaining at the police station but like the dvla, if they want money they take it!

12-10-08, 08:52 AM
did you get the officer's badge number? Any witnesses?

got her name on the bit of paper they gave me and i had another three people in the car. the lights were working fine about an hour before hand as i noticed when i washed the car ( left the lights on and the engine running)

12-10-08, 10:07 AM
you should get a producer first with 14 days to fix things and then get an mot place to stamp it thats what i have had the 3 times i have been stopped never resulted in a fine

12-10-08, 10:43 AM
thats what i said but the inspector said they they dont have to give one of them first

12-10-08, 01:56 PM
dispute it & go to court, then when it is thrown out, make sure the press know about it

13-10-08, 01:10 AM
agree with Mowgli. I'd seek legal advice/citizens advice - you made every effort to correct the fault before continuing on your journey so they shouldnt be able to fine you. You can state the lights were working when you set off and must have blown whilst driving. Its dangerous as well as near impossible to check the condition of the bulbs once in motion so you have grounds to dispute it.

Proving you werent being a n00b to the officer and you mates were well behaved then it pursue it.

13-10-08, 09:23 AM
Ive had the self same thing due to a no. plate light out, swapped it for a spare i had in my boot in front of them and still recieved a vehicle defect notice, but theyre NOT allowed to fine you for it as a bulb can blow at any time i.e. two mins out of the mot station as you head off on your merry way.
How should you know your light has jus popped, its just passed its mot ffs.

Go in and refuse the fine, nine out of ten times the feds cant do you for most of the things they try to, they just hope you wont know the law very well and will accept it!

13-10-08, 09:29 AM
Celica FTW - jap ones have a warning light on the dashboard that lights up if you have a rear bulb out :D

Of course, if the bulb in that warning light goes, then you're screwed lol

13-10-08, 10:54 AM
you see, the japs send all of their time making clever warning lights and things & then run out of time to make the car look nice...........

13-10-08, 10:56 AM
^ lol

13-10-08, 11:16 AM
Celica FTW - jap ones have a warning light on the dashboard that lights up if you have a rear bulb out :D

Of course, if the bulb in that warning light goes, then you're screwed lol

Most modern cars have this.. he'll even vauxhall have been doing it for years :thumb:

Hell my omega even puts it up on a nice little display saying "CHECK BRAKE LIGHT"

13-10-08, 02:23 PM
Celica FTW - jap ones have a warning light on the dashboard that lights up if you have a rear bulb out :D

Of course, if the bulb in that warning light goes, then you're screwed lol

thats a god idea but a shame the lancia dont have it :(

13-10-08, 02:55 PM
thats a god idea but a shame the lancia dont have it :(

the lancia simply rots away, exposing the back of the light so it can be viewed, quite clever really

13-10-08, 02:57 PM
^ lmao

13-10-08, 03:09 PM
the lancia simply rots away, exposing the back of the light so it can be viewed, quite clever really

unfortunately there is no rust around the back so i cant see the lights from the inside yet lol