View Full Version : c20xe

07-10-08, 12:01 AM
Howdy do... Just a quick one really,

I've got my 20xe which is still in the car for now and just bought a coscast head (it worked out cheaper that taking mine off and getiing the valves lapped, and skimmed) anyways... The engine is the early type would the coscast head make any difference to the head bolts i use? there are two types one is slightly longerthan the other. Im thinking whatever comes out should be replaced with exactly the same. Also, would a 3 layer metal gasket from a Let work with the xe head as i know the actual cylinder head is the same and im pretty sure they bottom ends are the same its just the internals that differ.

I'm going to order my new HG and bolts etc tomorrow so i can hopefully throw the engine in over the weekend, if not it will be next weekend.


07-10-08, 12:10 AM
Yeah the head and block are the same on the xe's and lets, main difference is the oil feed for the turbo but some people just tap a feed into a XE block and use that.

Cant remember off top of head exactly but think its older=longer for bolts but certainly could be wrong on that.

07-10-08, 12:16 AM
your right mate thr earlier engines had the longer bolts, I think i might play it safe and get a OEM HG and bolts, unless the 3 layer metal gasket offers any further advantages i doubt the oil feed hole will cause a problem tho tbh once its all bolted down.

07-10-08, 12:18 AM
What spec engine is it Gaz? If its standard ish i would opt for the oem one as there not that prone for blowing gaskets in standard guise.

07-10-08, 12:24 AM
yeah totally std mate, Its just off atm and a mate mentioned a metal gasket, and it got me thinking while its off would it offer any benfits.

Not really an engine person but i manage lol, i think i'll play it safe on a std engine and get a gen OEM jobbie.

Lee H
07-10-08, 11:18 AM
Fit a standard gasket, the metal ones are really for a Z20LET and a bit of a bodge on any C20XE/LET engine.

07-10-08, 07:55 PM
Ordered a OEM Gasket today from vauxhall, That should be with me in the next few days.

I need to find out which clutch i use now for the flat Style flywheel as ive just bought a lightened flywheel.

07-10-08, 08:28 PM
Should of got one from autovaux mate.

07-10-08, 08:50 PM
How much are they from autovaux ben?

07-10-08, 08:57 PM
Not sure of the top of my head for just gasket, think the headset (excl bolts) are £35 and there oem.

07-10-08, 08:58 PM
just had a quick look an no prices were listed, It only cost me £22 anyways so not too bad for a Gen HG, I should of opted for the HG set tho now instead of ****ing around and buying another HGset from halfords for £27quid.