View Full Version : Moody finally finished and ready fo download!

The Simps
06-10-08, 11:19 PM
Following on from popular previous mixes (if you missed them BS1 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LXLSUAZ7), BS2 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4RVNWXYH), BS3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FEKLJDB8), Funky Fresh (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2XZLBOL3)) here's the next installment!

Again something a little different. I've been wanting to put together a mix like this for ages which touches a little on my hard dance influences.

BE WARNED - this mix is not all fluffy like the last mix Funky Fresh. This is full of deep baselines and charging beats.

I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome, good and bad (I need to know where to improve!)

MOODY (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UYKOZAU4)

- Percolater - Atomic Dildo's
- Destination - Bass Class
- Left or Right - Atlantic Rider
- Full Tiltin - Timmy & Tommy
- Illectrolingus - DJ Dan
- Too Spicy - Calverton & Aquilaganja
- Don't Watch That - DJ Siesta Soul
- Addicted - Flutuance
- Gonna Get Ya - Picotto vs Papini
- Frequency - Slyde
- Bad Fever - Alex Dias
- Under The Sun - Kidda
- Cut The Record - Nathan Boon

To download click the link and enter the 3 letters in the top right corner. Ignore any pop-ups for dating (if you wish). Wait for the Free Download counter to get to Zero then click Free Download.


06-10-08, 11:25 PM
Is this house?

The Simps
06-10-08, 11:25 PM
electro/dirty yeah

07-10-08, 12:26 AM
downloading - will report back (good or bad!)

07-10-08, 12:29 AM
Will commence download in 30 seconds.

The Simps
07-10-08, 12:37 AM
oh, the 1st 25mins is the same as the Moody mini mix posted previously but listen to it again as it builds up.

07-10-08, 12:40 AM
Downloading dude.
Cheers :)

07-10-08, 08:58 AM
oh, the 1st 25mins is the same as the Moody mini mix posted previously but listen to it again as it builds up.
Thought it sounded familiar lol

07-10-08, 10:29 AM
electro/dirty yeah

The best kind :thumb:

Simon every time i listen to your mixes i want to have your babies even more:confused:


The Simps
07-10-08, 11:43 AM
Simon every time i listen to your mixes i want to have your babies even more:confused:


Join the queue! lol

I would seriously love a proper pioneer setup like in your sig pic. Would give me the confidence to have a go at playing out again.

I got my needles back for the stantons last weekend and WOW I'd forgotton how much easier CDJs are to mix with! lol Constantly having to adjust the timing to keep it true.

07-10-08, 12:33 PM
Yer i had a hour set on 4x CDJ1000 mk3s and a allen & heath zone 92 mixer the other night at a local nightclub and it was insane, i loved it and so did they, 4 band eqs rock the mother funkin house lol

Please some one lend me £1200 im good for it and i will repay with sexual favors as well as money

Ow yer im doing something a bit different soon, search you tube for Travis barker and dj am, im doing a funky house/garage set with a drummer playing with me and a friend is going to be playing dnb, mash ups ftw!

The Simps
07-10-08, 12:36 PM
You prefer 4 band EQs do you?

My mixer at home is 4 and I found it odd a forst using the Pioneers 3.

07-10-08, 04:11 PM
Well tbh it was probably the excitement of my first live set being to a 50+ crown in a good club with Function1 sound system and Mackie lighting.

It was just a bit more depth that you could add to mixes, more controllability i suppose.

Whats your mixer?

You ever used the fader start?

07-10-08, 04:17 PM
Do you have a track listing for it mate?

The Simps
07-10-08, 04:19 PM
This what I've got...


Its a pretty cheap KAM mixer tbh. Faders are a bit on/off but you get used to it.

Whats a fader start?

I bet you loved the buzz of playing to a crowd that size? Its such a great buzz seeing people enjoying your tunes. I've only played twice, once to around 30-40 and second time around 10. lol

The Simps
07-10-08, 04:20 PM
Do you have a track listing for it mate?

I do but I'll have to make it! lol I'm finding it hard to remember tunes when they're on a cd so I'll have to listen thru and work out whats what! lol

07-10-08, 04:27 PM
lol i just want the last track?

Yer was ****ting it at first so did a shot of sambucca and was fine lol

thats only a 3ch mixer? do you have to flip from line to phono when you want to use the other channel?

I have a Behringer DJX700 pile of poop atm and it is a good little mixer, 4channel, ok effects, good kills but like yours the up/down faders are on/off i would like to get one that has a curve control like a cross fader does.

Fader start is were you can link CDJs to a mixer and using the cross fader start the deck > moving the X-fader from 1 over to 2 will cause channel 2 so start playing, i used it for the first time at that club and its pretty cool you can drop songs in soooo easy.

The Simps
07-10-08, 04:31 PM
lol i just want the last track?

Yer was ****ting it at first so did a shot of sambucca and was fine lol

thats only a 3ch mixer? do you have to flip from line to phono when you want to use the other channel?

I have a Behringer DJX700 pile of poop atm and it is a good little mixer, 4channel, ok effects, good kills but like yours the up/down faders are on/off i would like to get one that has a curve control like a cross fader does.

Fader start is were you can link CDJs to a mixer and using the cross fader start the deck > moving the X-fader from 1 over to 2 will cause channel 2 so start playing, i used it for the first time at that club and its pretty cool you can drop songs in soooo easy.

Last track is Nathan Boon - Cut The Record :thumb:

Its 3 ch and I only use 2 and have them on a flick switch.

The fader is start is what the use in the big commercial nite clubs then i suppose.

07-10-08, 05:04 PM
Thanks for that mate x

The Simps
07-10-08, 05:06 PM
So, when you gonna post a mix mate?

07-10-08, 05:29 PM
When i get something to mix with lol

The controller that i have been using is broken!

Umm you may not have herd this mix? Not that id remember lol


The Simps
07-10-08, 06:07 PM
I have a feeling I have got that one but can't find it so downloading it again! lol

07-10-08, 06:43 PM
lol im just giving you loads of usless info today arnt i lol

07-10-08, 09:04 PM
love it.. got my decent headfones in as the laptop speakers distort when i get a msn mesage lol bass is nice with this phones like ive a sub in my ears lol

The Simps
07-10-08, 10:40 PM
love it.. got my decent headfones in as the laptop speakers distort when i get a msn mesage lol bass is nice with this phones like ive a sub in my ears lol

You really notice the base come in 3rd track going into 4th and from spicy onwards there's some wicked basslines

The Simps
07-10-08, 11:04 PM
When i get something to mix with lol

The controller that i have been using is broken!

Umm you may not have herd this mix? Not that id remember lol


I've definately heard it before mate. Tis really good :thumb: I can see why you've been offered gigs. Its the kind of tunes that work well for bars too for general drinking chattin etc too.

07-10-08, 11:48 PM
Thats quite old tho, i tend to play more garage now.

08-10-08, 01:14 PM
Loving the freedown loads, keep them coming and bring on the Old Skool

The Simps
11-10-08, 12:48 PM

The Simps
16-10-08, 11:54 PM
one more bump for anyone who missed this.

29-11-08, 01:07 PM
Sorry to bump an old thread, as i was wondering if you had a list of the tracks on moody, because id love to know the name of the penultimate track the one with the lass singing the line "youre all the joys under the sun wrapped up into one"

The Simps
30-11-08, 10:24 PM
Kidda- Under The Sun (Herve 'Aint No Sunshine' Mix) ;)

Hope people are still enjoying this.

30-11-08, 10:29 PM
t minus 36 secs - then download begins

The Simps
30-11-08, 10:31 PM
cool. hope you enjoy.

30-11-08, 10:32 PM
Kidda- Under The Sun (Herve 'Aint No Sunshine' Mix) ;)

Hope people are still enjoying this.

Cheers mate, how random is this though as ive never heard that before and was out round sheffield last night and heard it in one of the pubs, it sounds awesome cranked up:thumb:

30-11-08, 11:18 PM
was the ruby lounge spud, only song i remember coz me n craig went mad lol

its abit fantazia'ish

30-11-08, 11:19 PM
Yeah was fcukin ace, was well strange though having only just bumped this thread that day to find out the name of the track lol

01-12-08, 08:29 AM
I still listen to it alot simps, tis a minter, any more installments due? The tune Spudly mentions is one of my favorites

The Simps
01-12-08, 09:38 AM
I still listen to it alot simps, tis a minter, any more installments due? The tune Spudly mentions is one of my favorites

Thats nice to hear.

I was at a house party early hours saturday morning and the music that was on sounded familiar and turned out to be Moody. Someone had copied it for his mate who then copied it. I demanded a free can of stella for the MASSIVE copyright infringement! lol

I have been playing around with a few ideas and got most the tunes I want to use. Just got to get my order finalized then go about mixing them together. I've been working on a nice Vanilla Ice acapella too lol

01-12-08, 11:46 AM
Go on thats ace, thats got to be a mint feeling knowing or even finding out first hand how well your mixes go down, i listen to moody most days while im leathering the cars down on our sales pitch lol

Next instalment eagerly awaited bud:thumb:

The Simps
01-12-08, 02:14 PM
I'm thinking a 2 parter this time. Progressively upping the tempo.


01-12-08, 03:35 PM
this is immense. havent stopped listening to it. so whens the next one, i is giddy!

01-12-08, 06:07 PM
Go on thats ace, thats got to be a mint feeling knowing or even finding out first hand how well your mixes go down, i listen to moody most days while im leathering the cars down on our sales pitch lol

Next instalment eagerly awaited bud:thumb:

Pitch bitch FTW pmsl..

Get pt2 done fella

The Simps
01-12-08, 07:34 PM
Just sorting through the tracks I want to use for the next cds now and crikey there's some belters!

I bought loads of cool progressive, heavy building stuff (much like parts of Moody) which is what I enjoy, a while back when I started mixing with CDs but then got pulled to the funky, fluffy side be promotors and what they wanted me to play. I'm gonna stick to my sound from now on and I think my passion for it will come through in the music.

Watch his space.

01-12-08, 07:43 PM
Watch his space.

Will be doing bud:thumb:

The Simps
01-12-08, 08:12 PM
Full track listing now added to original post.

01-12-08, 08:16 PM
Full track listing now added to original post.

You sir, are a fine man...

Have some rep:thumb:

The Simps
01-12-08, 08:20 PM
You sir, are a fine man...

Have some rep:thumb:

Been waiting for someone to do that! lol

01-12-08, 08:26 PM
No probs bud, makes ya feel loved dont it hehe...

Im sure if you keep the mixes coming you will be earning more of those lil green blobs, well imo you willlol

01-12-08, 08:31 PM
get a room? lol

01-12-08, 08:32 PM

The Simps
01-12-08, 08:38 PM
get a room? lol


01-12-08, 08:46 PM
ive had spud, hes crap

01-12-08, 08:46 PM
W/E you loved it bitch so dont start lol

The Simps
01-12-08, 08:59 PM
ive had spud, hes crap

You should try letting him have you ;)

01-12-08, 09:09 PM

The Simps
01-12-08, 09:13 PM
and again and again and again!

01-12-08, 09:20 PM
^^^^Shouldnt you be away mixing???


The Simps
01-12-08, 09:22 PM
I've short listed 29 tunes on my mediaplayer playlist. I'll now listen through them all changing the order and see what I feel works. When I've got something I'm happy with I mix it all together. If tunes just won't go I rejig. All takes time.

01-12-08, 09:25 PM
Well stop posting ghey innuendo on here about me and get on with it then lol

The Simps
01-12-08, 09:30 PM

01-12-08, 09:34 PM
^^Aww im sorry bud dont feel upset:cry:

01-12-08, 09:50 PM
*hugz* Mr Day

02-12-08, 08:54 PM
I cant get away from this damned tune now haha!!


02-12-08, 09:10 PM
si, i have a recording from the weekend, want it?

Come on msn matey....

02-12-08, 11:36 PM
spudits my ring tone lol

02-12-08, 11:50 PM
Aye ive got it on me fone aswell, mp3 players on ya mobile FTW

The Simps
03-12-08, 08:49 AM
Noticed the other night that the Aint No Sunshine track is on the barcardi mojito advert.

The Simps
03-12-08, 08:49 AM
si, i have a recording from the weekend, want it?

Come on msn matey....

Sounds cool!! Will try n catch you tonight.

03-12-08, 11:49 AM
Noticed the other night that the Aint No Sunshine track is on the barcardi mojito advert.

I cant get away from this damned tune now haha!!



Already posted by my good self mr day lol

The Simps
03-12-08, 07:56 PM
just noticed that! lol

how do you know my name?

03-12-08, 08:01 PM
It's in the track info on the download, I'm gonna hazard a guess at simon james day from your numberplate too lol

03-12-08, 09:42 PM
Pmsl Si.. get with the times lol

04-12-08, 12:37 PM
As above, it comes up as the artist title on the mp3 player on my ericsson phone lol

The Simps
04-12-08, 12:44 PM

ps. its john ;)

04-12-08, 12:44 PM

ps. its john ;)

So`s mine lol

Stealer haha!

04-12-08, 05:08 PM
Bah, John was the 2nd choice :( I'm really not sure what was next though, Jennifer? lol

The Simps
04-12-08, 05:16 PM
I'm just glad it doesn't begin with "t"!! lol

04-12-08, 05:20 PM

04-12-08, 05:21 PM
be well popular with 666 std on your plate

04-12-08, 06:33 PM
^^^Lol that would bring the women flocking (honest) lol

The Simps
04-12-08, 10:25 PM
be well popular with 666 std on your plate

pmsl lol

The Simps
15-12-08, 02:02 AM
Well its a sad day :(

My CDJ finally gave up the ghost and it just skips all the time now. There's no point wasting money on buying "ok" decks as replacement, if I want to take it seriously i'll need to get 1000mk3s and a DJM800 which ain't gonna happen for a while as there muchos ££££sss.

So, no more new mixes!

I do have a 30min odd mix recorded that was just playing around the actually came out okish. Has some good choons on tho so will upload that later.


The Simps
15-12-08, 10:24 AM
Here we go, 30min Children Mix - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R0489BD0

And also for giggles, I'd been playing around with acapellas. I think this one would be alright, just needs shifting a beat across imo - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z7A11IJW

15-12-08, 11:55 AM
but downloading the above..