View Full Version : Wedding planner ish.

29-09-08, 12:28 PM
Hi all
I was asked a few weeks ago if a mate of mine would do a freind a work a really big favour.
He has been asked if he could run the groome to the church in his splitscrean camper to make the groome's day.
All has been planned untill last night when i got a call from my mate with the camper.
Would i mind driving the camper for him as he has a job interveiw on saturday (4th sept) so he will be unable to help them out.
Would i mind would i heck. Look what im getting to cruise about in on saturday and be in the piccies with.


I just hope the weather holds out till saturday as the wipers are crap and ive got to wear me suit lol.
Happy days surfs up dude.:thumb:

29-09-08, 12:30 PM
minter, hope it stays sunny for you

29-09-08, 12:52 PM
Love your mates splitty (no puns please) lol

Nice one dude, fingers crossed the weather stays fine too. I like how you don't care about the bride and more about yourself and the visibility!
+ve rep lol

craig green
29-09-08, 01:04 PM
Pictures of you in a suit Christian!

Get some Rain-X on the screen if it rains. Be a shame to stuff it if you can't see where you are going.

29-09-08, 02:38 PM
Wow thats uber cool lol i love busses and that looks amazingly tidy aswell:thumb:

Pistol Pete
29-09-08, 03:00 PM
Nice one. That splitty looks in very good nick! My mate is currently rebuilding one...


..sorry, had to post a pic up. I bloody love campers!!

29-09-08, 03:02 PM
I love em too! My mate has a '68 bay that used to run a twin spark alpha motor before he got it lol
Pete, your mates a lucky bloke, love the barn doors

29-09-08, 05:35 PM
looks mint fella, my misses wants a splitty after we have done her golf cab lol

Tidy Max
29-09-08, 05:46 PM
cool van!! not too keen on the wheels on the one thats being refurbed though haha

29-09-08, 05:49 PM
I love that camper, something about the bumpers that makes it different imo, maybe because they aren't chrome...

29-09-08, 08:56 PM
Would i mind driving the camper for him as he has a job interveiw on saturday (4th sept)

Hate to say mate, youve missed the ceremony! Dont think they will like it very much your nearly a month late!

29-09-08, 08:59 PM
Thats absolutely mint mate, good luck, hope all goes well

30-09-08, 08:17 AM
Hate to say mate, youve missed the ceremony! Dont think they will like it very much your nearly a month late!

Sorry its the 4th oct my bad.

30-09-08, 10:13 AM
There was a Fantastic BMW 315 powered Split Screen, Roof Chopped and Decked on 911 Rims Camper in Retro Rides a few weeks back, these things are Uber cool and more and more appealing to me all the time.

You Lucky Lucky Git!!

30-09-08, 10:23 AM
The last time i drove it was at RTTS earleyer this year.
Picture the seen.
Middle of Newque vw's everywere and i got to cruise through the middle of it in this splitty.
All was well till i went for 3rd gear from second and hit 1st instead.
3 of me mate's flew off the back seat and my mate (the owner) disapeared under the dash and endded up by my feet on the floor.
I have'nt driven it since so best take it steady on saturday.

30-09-08, 10:27 AM
^^ Pmsl

30-09-08, 10:27 AM
I know that feeling. lol

30-09-08, 10:30 AM
It's a left hooker so for the first few gear changes you try to change gear with the door handle lol.

30-09-08, 10:32 AM
lol Visions of you going for second and falling out.

30-09-08, 10:35 AM
it has been close few times lol

30-09-08, 11:58 AM
It is awkward to swap from lhd to rhd. Ok when you get used to it but same at work when i drive to work in my car then get in a lhd van. nightmare.

05-10-08, 09:33 PM
Well as you all know by now the wedding was on saturday and i can say that all went well.
The groom was well chuffed with it and i ended up staying on to have some pic's taken with them and the bus.
I also got invited into the wedding and then got to run the mums/Dads and the best man upto the reception.
So here is some pics from the day.

06-10-08, 09:06 AM
Bit of a slope where you were? ;)

I don't think there is anyone that doesn't like camper vans?

06-10-08, 09:48 AM
For a second in that last pic, i thought he had his 'little man' out! :)

06-10-08, 07:11 PM
Just noticed that lol.
As for the slope Jim is an arty atempt lol.

I fail.

06-10-08, 08:28 PM
Who was getting married then mate, because I know Warren in that picture?

06-10-08, 08:31 PM
The second pic was of the groom and the van.
Not sure what his name was as i was doing the driving as a favour for somebody at work.
He did tell me but being blonde i forgot it sorry.
I fail again lol.