View Full Version : Sicko Vicar

25-09-08, 08:05 PM
Vicar awaiting sentencing for child porn. Absolutely sickening.

Just more proof of what utter bullsh*t religion is. The guy looks like a horrid nonce like most vicars do :mad: Why isn't it shocking that a person in such a trusted position would abuse his status? Hmmm... Because millions before him have done it and I'm sure millions after him will do too.


25-09-08, 08:09 PM
bring back the electric chair :D

25-09-08, 08:11 PM
^ We never had it, we used to hang 'em high.

Which might be quite appropriate if you used his nuts to attach the rope to... lol

25-09-08, 08:19 PM
i say bring back capital punishment, it might make people think twice about doing s**t they shouldnt

25-09-08, 08:51 PM
well honestly... look at him, he looks abit of a nutter anyway, should have his hands cut off like they do in iraq if someone steals something.

25-09-08, 08:52 PM
deff. kill m, slowly, start by papercuts all over his body, then start cutting with a stanley knife, spray the wounds with brake cleaner etc.

26-09-08, 08:32 AM
Im sorry but its funniest thing ever, I mean if your not a pedo or a homo then you cant work for the church. Which is exactly what they are against. Proof like you said that religion is a big lie.

26-09-08, 10:15 AM
Lynz, I agree with you 100%. People that are trusted by a comunity abuse their positions in such a sickening manor. THey preech about how you must do as God says, you must live a good life and they're at all that sort of sick thing. Death isnt good enough.

26-09-08, 10:27 AM
Its no different from Muslims blowing people up and then when someone draws a cartoon they have a massive hissy fit.

They should send all religious people to Mars and then have a big religion war (like they have been doing since time began) but non religious people can watch for their own amusement. A bit like big brother but with religion an explosions.

26-09-08, 10:32 AM
You'd be amazed how many teachers do similar things to this as well.

26-09-08, 10:36 AM
A Fromer Principal of my secondary school ( a Priest) was convicted of 26 seperate counts of sexually abusing boys. I remember the scummy bender ******* walking around the changing rooms when we did P.E.

26-09-08, 11:54 AM
well honestly... look at him, he looks abit of a nutter anyway, should have his hands cut off like they do in iraq if someone steals something.

Lol he didnt steal anything. he sould have his dick cut of for thinking with it the wrong way.

my nan always used to say that vicars and such like hide behind the cloth.

26-09-08, 12:35 PM
What i want to know is who puts these pictures into Categories, that has to be the worst job in the world.

26-09-08, 04:23 PM
seedy nonse hell get tortured like he deserves.if there is a god,he will be struck down

26-09-08, 04:25 PM
Further proof that we require all humans to be removed from schools/churches and the like and replaced with preprogrammed robotic tutors.
Peado problem solved innit.

26-09-08, 04:26 PM
They should have Sex offender Branded in their foreheads.

Dod for President of the WORLD. I'll sort ya's all out!

26-09-08, 04:33 PM
This makes me think back, all of those seedy looking teachers who wore tweed jackets with the leather elbow patches in school and who chose the windowless offices...
That does sounds like your typical geography teacher attire I understand, so maybe that means they were all...?

27-09-08, 12:09 PM
They should be shot in the face;) If they die instantly then problem solved, if not, they'll bleed to death and again, problem solved.