View Full Version : xe not running right?

25-09-08, 07:54 AM
my mates just built a c20xe corsa, was out playing in it last night but it is not running right.

it idles fine, but as soon as you put your foot down its like its starving of fuel. just about dies.. its just coughing and splittering all the time when you give it some throttle.

is it ok to run a 1400 16v corsa sport fuel pump?

if not what are the things he should check for?

25-09-08, 12:31 PM
to be honest you should be doing a fault code read before posting up as its a bit of a hit n miss question. could be many things and i doubt anyone could diagnose it with what you have said and without a fault code reading.

check obvious things like all the connectors are plugged in properly and free from dirt inside (spray with wd40 in each connector then plug back in)

a 1400 16v fuel pump will be fine.

25-09-08, 06:22 PM
yeah, thats all the info i coulkd put up just now as it was dark when we were out in it last night etc..

i will tell him to try get some fault codes.

25-09-08, 09:10 PM
are all mpi pumps ok to run a xe?