View Full Version : CARB ISSUES!!

21-10-02, 01:39 PM
Hi All,
Just a quick question i hope one of you will be able to help me with.. The other day a bolt (i am pretty confident its the bolt that controls the Air/Fuel mixture) on my carb fell out.. anyway after a bit of back tracking and a one in a million chance i actually found the bolt on the floor! now the bolt has been put back in and the car will start again although its very sluggish and keeps stalling until the engine temp is at three bars (digi dash) i am pretty sure its the mixture but i am unsure as to how to ammend? at the moment the bolt on the carb is fully IN screwed as far as it'll go in.. Does anyone know how far i need to back it off to re-gain my speed and stability of engine when running at low temps etc?

Cheers in advance for your help!


21-10-02, 04:03 PM
If it is a mixture screw.....

....... then it shouldn't be wound all the way in. Wind it out a couple of turns, and see if it starts, turn it till it does, and then just kepp adjusting it slightly until you have smooth idle @ 900rpm.

Try it, as see if it works!?

21-10-02, 04:15 PM
usually 2 - 2.5 turns out once fully wound in. To ensure your mixture is right (so your not runing rich/lean and wasting fuel and killing the environment with massive emmissions) get it tuned by a local garage - only cost ya ?20 or so


21-10-02, 04:26 PM
Superb thanks guys - I'll do that as soon as i get in tonight thanks for the help its much appreciated..
