View Full Version : driving rules

18-09-08, 05:06 PM
what 5 new rules would you invent in order to make the roads safer?

18-09-08, 05:07 PM
only 1...

only people called david james garside, born on 18th of feb 1979 can use the roads at ANY time.

18-09-08, 05:09 PM
anybody who passes there test at 17 is not allowed a vauxhall corse, a silly halfords induction kit, stupid alloy wheels. access any area near my house.
old people should be tested on common sense every morning

18-09-08, 05:34 PM
nudging middle lane/outside lane hoggers should be made legal

when being tailgated, it should be the law to slam on, but not to the point it causes an accident of course

raise the speed limit, but not for the usual i wanna go faster reasons. facts state cars a re safer nowadays than when the limit was introduced many years ago. only 80 or 85 or so. just so that EVERY body doing it already isnt in the wrong

mandatory annual refresher/test for everybody as we are ALL complacent

and ill think of another laterr

18-09-08, 05:35 PM
old people should have to take a eye test/awareness test every 2yrs or less
fibreglass body kits not allowed on novas
cheaper tyres
no speedlimits on motorways
and women should be allowed to drive untill 20+

18-09-08, 05:38 PM
what 5 new rules would you invent in order to make the roads safer?

none id get rid off all speedcameras and traffic calming!!!!! make it fun not safe:thumb:

18-09-08, 05:39 PM
all new drivers must have a power restircted vehicle or X BHP/tonne and have an engine size of no more than Xcc for at least 2 years.

people over the age of 60 must re-sit their test, and every 5 years after that. 2 fails and they should hand in their licence. and have mandatory eye tests and reaction time tests at the same time.

new drivers must be limited to having no more than 2 passangers in the car at any one time.

Pistol Pete
18-09-08, 05:43 PM
Up the limit on the motorway to 90.
Middle and outside lane hoggers GTF. Learn to use the fcuking motorway!!:mad:
At 65 retake of test is mandatory.
New drivers limited on cc's and passengers for 12 months.
CBT as part of driving test (teaches better road awareness IMO)


18-09-08, 05:44 PM
mandatory annual refresher/test for everybody as we are ALL complacent

hmm maybe its because you posted it but I read that as mandatory A.nal blahhh lol

1) 3pts for driving in the middle lane/outside lane when the one next to you is (and has been) clear for 1/4 of a mile or more
2) 20mph limits in towns/cities (with uber fines for exceeding)
3) Ban caravanning.... you arent a fcuking gypsy, so DONT live like one.
4) 16yr olds can learn to drive, but no one is permitted on their own till 18 (even after passing the test at 17). That should force sensiblity into morons thesedays...(and if you dont learn till after 18 then then same 2 year learning stands)
5)Permit me to do what I like :D (or rather stooooos idea of refreshers)

18-09-08, 05:46 PM
Simple-Motorway fast lane to 90. 80 the other lanes.Cars have better brakes now than the 1960s or whenever
Ban speed cameras.These are extortion,extorting money is illegal
17-20 Year olds restricted cc/power etc with no modifications
(I know not all that age group are like the mcdonalds crew but it would stamp out dick driving)
Elderly to have reaction tests and eye tests anually.

18-09-08, 05:53 PM
Compulsory training to make sure drivers are aware of rules and potential dangers that drivers of larger vehicles face would be a good start imo.

Proper training on how to drive on a motorway for all drivers. There is no such thing as a "fast lane", if you read the highway code it's called an overtaking lane! and that's what it's for, OVERTAKING!

Revision of the speed limiter setting on goods vehicles between 3.5 and 12 tonne mgw, which were recently turned down to 56mph, though I've yet to find one that'll do more than 53, which imo is downright dangerous when Irish 44-tonners are coming past them at 65+.

Compulsory medical examinations for all drivers both as part of the test, and every 10 years. Truck/bus drivers have been subject to it before they can apply for their licence and every so often when they reach 40yo for quite a while.

Welsh Dan
19-09-08, 08:29 AM
Another vote for compulsory re-tests/training/medicals here, every year for the first 5 years that you hold your license, then every 5 years after that.

Revised speed limits ie 20MPH in town, 90MPH motorway, 75MPH national single carriageway, 80MPH national dual carriageway.

Keep speed cameras but ban mobile ones, place groups of fixed ones where needed ie near schools or busy crossing places etc..

Spend all Vehicle Excise duty and fuel duty on the road infrastructure, which would mean more getting spent on the roads, and less tax on fuel. I'd sooner see everything that fuel tax pays for coming out of income tax rather than fuel duty.

Time inside the big house for knowingly driving without valid insurance.

19-09-08, 02:47 PM
Compulsory training to make sure drivers are aware of rules and potential dangers that drivers of larger vehicles face would be a good start imo.

amen, the amount of stick i get for driving at 40 on a single carrage way, that is the speed limit for a hgv, and people that try and overtake on a round-a-bout... Grumble

as said a few times already, old people need to be regulated, as i had a nasty crash when one pulled out on me and "didn't see me"

Everyone should be re tested every five years, cause there is some proper idiots on the road that must've got lucky on their test.

Again i agree with higher top speeds on motorways and lower ones through towns, past schools.

oh and minimum speed limits, if you cant keep up with a truck you shouldnt be driving. :thumb:

19-09-08, 03:00 PM
1. £50 fine for driving under the 70mph speed limit on the motorway
2. no caravans
3. Truckers have to stay in the left only
4. rubber neckers should be shot
5. Old people banned from the motorway

19-09-08, 03:31 PM
cars must have a minimum speed limit of 65mph as their is no reason to be overtaken by my lorry, increase hgv speed limit to 60 which is the same as coaches as they people and hgvs carry material goods, anual tests for people over 60,

19-09-08, 03:42 PM
People who don't say thank you when you let them go should get a week ban simply for being rude. lol
It really annoys me though!

General Baxter
19-09-08, 03:46 PM
1 and 1 only the bigger the car, the more right of way,

edit, i seem to get that alot anyway lol

Jim Mcrae
19-09-08, 11:31 PM
Ban any car over 10 years old lol

I think tougher rules for younger drivers, displaying plates would be a start.

20-09-08, 09:53 AM
Make it law that no-one under 20 can drive a car less than 10 years old, that way, when they write it off they'll hopefully take themselves out too, end result being the chavs will eventually die off!

General Baxter
20-09-08, 10:31 AM
Make it law that no-one under 20 can drive a car less than 10 years old, that way, when they write it off they'll hopefully take themselves out too, end result being the chavs will eventually die off!

no because they will allready have 4 or 5kids by then lol

28-02-09, 08:20 PM
1. ban ALL speed camras
2. no caravans or motor homes
3. raise the motorway speed limits
4. rubber neckers should be shot
5. Old people banned from the motorway
p.s dont always pick on the young drivers as we are not all the same

28-02-09, 08:33 PM
1. increase motorway speed limits in line with europe, 85mph in fine weather, 70 in poor weather.
2. a commision will be set up to decide whether or not a road or junction gets altered with roundabouts, speed humps or lights, & not at the whim of some council bloke
3. personalised reg plates will be a mot failure & instant impounding offence
4. a vehicle that makes more than a reasonable amount of noise will be crushed, I mean loud chimneys or crazy loud exhausts.
5. the offence of driving like a tawt will be put on the statutes

28-02-09, 08:43 PM
1. Ban buses from the road. Why should i be stuck behind a bus for people who can't afford a car.

2. Every car should have a machine gun behind the headlight's. Used when somebody cut's you up. AND only for that reason

3. Every Police officer has to go for a sense of humour check up every fortnight,weekly in some case's.

4.All owner's with Horrendous bodykit's on must be publicly flogged by Nun's

5.All caravan owner's WILL be locked up indefinately.. it's for there own good. they are mentally i'll...

Jim Mcrae
28-02-09, 09:03 PM
1. Ban buses from the road. Why should i be stuck behind a bus for people who can't afford a car.


28-02-09, 09:21 PM
why has this thead re-appeared. i dont even remember it

28-02-09, 09:25 PM
blame stupot89

28-02-09, 09:34 PM
stupot your a gimp

28-02-09, 11:27 PM
1. £50 fine for driving under the 70mph speed limit on the motorway

I agree!
I had a lesson today and i must have overtook 15 cars on the dual carriageway (same rule applies?)

01-03-09, 01:25 AM
5.All caravan owner's WILL be locked up indefinately.. it's for there own good. they are mentally i'll...

i so agree and dont blame me
p.s burgo are u actualy buildin a ova estate out of curioutsy??

01-03-09, 01:56 AM
no, hes mincing, like i am with the thought...... mmmmm estate......

01-03-09, 11:37 AM
no, hes mincing, like i am with the thought...... mmmmm estate......how very rude. within a week of having my licence back i will have an estate.

01-03-09, 12:58 PM
There should be a heavy fine for people who open their car doors carelessly at the side of a street, therefore making you swerve.

Just like the silly bint in the silver corsa in that new insurance ad!

01-03-09, 08:51 PM
Stupot - Im glad someone finally said it. I shouldnt be penalised for being young when Im a careful, senisble driver. I shouldnt be penalised for the idiocy of the few young people out there.

I agree with health/eye checks for the elderly, Martins grandad couldnt see a white transit van parked on the side of the road!

01-03-09, 08:56 PM
lardies in zafiras should only be allowed to drive forwards as 1 of them just reversed into my limited edition mini

01-03-09, 10:03 PM
When you go flying up behind someone flashing your lights swerving and beeping, then if the subject does not Get the **** out your way in 2 seconds or under, it is legal for you to undertake. If when you undertake them they flash you, then slow down blocking the road. Get out and break their fingers so it impossible for them to flash you again, for under/overtaking.

When you go onto a roundabout so fast that you have to use the other lane as a 'run off', if anyone beeps or raises a finger at you, it is permissable to get out and fight.

When you purposley block motorbikes from undertaking through traffic, and try to knock them off at the front of traffic lights, you get -3 points for each acheived hit. If they resent this, then fighting is advised, you may go for a low blow to compensate for their head protection.

When tailgating in a massive line of slow moving traffic, iftyring to get through it as fast as possible then lane weaving is encouraged. When traffic is at a standstill for longer than 5 seconds, then reading, drinking, eating, smoking, surfing the web, cleaning your car/van is encouraged to aid with your boredom. If you are too engaged in one of the above activities and some bint beeps you when you take 2 seconds longer than you should do to pull away, then again it is permitted to get out and fight.

All road rage incident's should be settled with a fist fight. Less beeping and w.anker signs, more punching and swearing. If your opponents drives off when you get out, then whatever road becomes a race track, no speed limits, no prosecutions will count nor will any crashes. Carry on until you can show that mug what you think of him. If he gets out and a few of his hard-men mates also decide that they want a go too, then you are permitted to get use whatever instruments you have out of your van/car.

01-03-09, 10:09 PM
PAUL - i agree with every last word.

i have only one:

if old people moan about young people's driving they should be banned.

let the uproar begin!

01-03-09, 11:42 PM
cars must have a minimum speed limit of 65mph as their is no reason to be overtaken by my lorry, increase hgv speed limit to 60 which is the same as coaches as they people and hgvs carry material goods, anual tests for people over 60,
Some cars can't sustain that speed. My ex's turd of a polo was only really safe at 60 on a motorway, which was perfectly fine.

Proper training on how to drive on a motorway for all drivers. There is no such thing as a "fast lane", if you read the highway code it's called an overtaking lane! and that's what it's for, OVERTAKING!

I'd say...
1. Extend the test so that learners HAVE to sit an advanced (i.e. night + motorway) course before being allowed on the roads.
2. CC/BHP limit for young drivers - sav <1.3 for <18, 2.0 for 18-21 or something.
3. More speed cameras where they're needed, less where they're not.
4. VED and other motoring based taxes to stay within the DoT for road improvements.
5. Guns to be allowed on cars.