View Full Version : Rant

craig green
16-09-08, 05:18 PM
Not at all happy this afternoon. Wandered about town at lunch time, I was just heading back to the office when some pikey looking bint tossed her McDonalds cup into the river without a care in the world, not bothered who saw, the fact it was day time etc.

I can't stand that blatant kind of disregard for the local environment, so sped up & decided to mention to her that theres a bin (right there) :roll:

Cue massive amounts of personal abuse, swearing, 'its not my problem' & so on. At that point I decided to leave it & walk ahead, despite the barrage of verbal abuse. I told her she was rough as a$$holes as I walked away.

What kind of mother (yep she was present too) allows their kids (I estimate 20yrs old) to throw litter & then go on to make a scene of herself & swear in public at the top of her voice like that? Its hardly surprising tbh but just eye opening........ I've been in a crap mood all afternoon now! :(

16-09-08, 05:21 PM
Have you not been listening to Stoo?

Smack er!!!

16-09-08, 05:22 PM
Fcuk, if she'd of got lippy with me she'd be going in said River to retrive thrown cup lol

Tidy Max
16-09-08, 05:24 PM
should of nutted the bitch

drank some stella THEN nutted the bitch lol

Pistol Pete
16-09-08, 05:25 PM
I dont even let this sort of behavoir bother me anymore. Chavs, scallys whatever you want to call them are and will be the downfall of society. You say about the parents, they probably get the same abuse you got which is why she has no respect.

I agree, you should've pushed the bint in the river. Probably hasnt seen water for a while, lol

craig green
16-09-08, 05:28 PM
Trust me, if you saw our river. You wouldnt want to end up in it.

If she'd have just said 'Fook off!' I wouldnt have minded.

It was the endless abuse & spectacle she created as I walked away. Just uncalled for. I hope she painfully chokes on her toothbrush tonight & no one heres her calls for help.

16-09-08, 05:30 PM
Trust me, if you saw our river. You wouldnt want to end up in it.

All the more reason to boot her foul mouthed butt into it :thumb:

I havent the time for argumentative people TBH though Craig, I just get the angries with them lol

General Baxter
16-09-08, 05:44 PM
Fcuk, if she'd of got lippy with me she'd be going in said River to retrive thrown cup lol

midlands massive style, take no ****e lol

16-09-08, 05:45 PM
I hate that crap too. Some places in Europe have no litter, it makes such a difference. I don't understand why scumbags would want to ruin the environment/ their own towns in that way. Then again, I don't understand ANYTHING that scumbags do lol

Don't be offended by the torrent of abuse, it was probably to cover up her humiliation. She is obviously a mindless tw@t and I'm sure all the onlookers would have realised exactly what was going on.

16-09-08, 06:02 PM
Unfortunately mate thats just something that happens everyday, it seems now yhat our kind of people i.e. the ones who do have respect for society and other people/things are the minority these days.
And thats the generation that we`re going to be leaving this planet to when we`re gone, god its gonna be a fcuked up place in a couple of generations time!

16-09-08, 06:48 PM
Absoluteley on the button that Spud.Enough said...

16-09-08, 06:50 PM

16-09-08, 08:32 PM
Craig you well know most people out there these days are kunts.
They think nothing they do is wrong, then when they get caught (if) the whole world is against them and it gets in the papers (wonman that drove thru a paddle soking a guy on the pavment on her driving test... yeah her funking test, then moaned she didnt do anything wrong.. its a fineable offence!)

16-09-08, 08:38 PM
Saving the environment is over rated anyway. Instead of talking to these people you need to use obvious hints as to what they are doing is wrong. I.e. do it back to them 10 tens worse, for example you should have gone an got a super size coke of mcdonalds and thrown it at your from your moving car.

I remember going to adsa and buying a loaf of bread that was reduced to 3p as its was basically like a rock. I then squeezed it up into a big bread ball the size of football and then threw it out my car at some chavs that had previously asked for it. Perfect shot to the face and they went straight down.

16-09-08, 08:41 PM
I love your style phil:thumb:

Also as proven by my mate, bags of sugar or flour @ 30mph are fantastic!

16-09-08, 08:45 PM
flour sounds good all over a chavs tracksuit! lol

General Baxter
16-09-08, 08:47 PM
flour sounds good all over a chavs tracksuit! lol

make sure its raining aswell lol

16-09-08, 08:50 PM
i launched a bag of chips at some chavs from my car and under cover cops were behind me and got pulled for driving a bit quick

16-09-08, 09:08 PM
Some places in Europe have no litter

they are the countries that make the long term unemployed sweep the sh1te up or they don't get any social........

today, I was finishing off a block paving job, by topsoiling round the edges.. some 15yr olds(2 girls 1 lad) on their way home from school came up the road. The lad picked up a handful of soil off the truck, carried on walking & then chucked it all over the path. I walked up behind him, and sort of casually shoulder barged him up the road, then brushed the mess up. of course the gobby girl started on me....'WHY DID YOU PUSH HIM??? HE WASN'T DOING NOTHING'

'Apart from taking some of my property & throwing it up the path, which is littering...'


'So call the police then otherwise grow up, leave school & get an opinion!!'

at this point she started swearing & the lad joined in, so I told him not to bother cos she wouldn't let him touch them anyway...he went red faced & walked off, followed by the gobby girl.....

16-09-08, 11:37 PM
meh, it gives someone a job

17-09-08, 08:47 AM
they are the countries that make the long term unemployed sweep the sh1te up or they don't get any social........

Portugal does this, IMO its a good system as otherwise people will never get off their ****s and go an get jobs.

17-09-08, 09:50 AM
Theres no room in Irish Jails at the minute. Community services FTW.

3 strikes and Death IMO.

17-09-08, 12:46 PM
Craig you did the right thing and by the sounds of it were not rude about pointing out there was a bin.

It's a standard answer of today's society "it's not my problem" and the other one being "Claim for whatever you can get"

One of the main reasons the countries going down the plug hole in my eyes.

My next door neighbours are in catering I believe and we have come home to find a huge box of chips strewn all over the road or a bucket of hard boiled eggs smashed everywhere. I just never catch them in the act of doing it :mad:

craig green
17-09-08, 01:08 PM
Portugal does this, IMO its a good system as otherwise people will never get off their ****s and go an get jobs.

I've said for years I'd make people work council/clean up jobs in order to qualify for dole payment.

It would in itself be a deterrent from claiming dole + would incite a respect for our communities amongst the claimant & there families.

get them scraping up chewing gum & painting over graffiti & planting flowers on roundabouts I say! lol

Welsh Dan
17-09-08, 01:33 PM
Craig you did the right thing and by the sounds of it were not rude about pointing out there was a bin.

It's a standard answer of today's society "it's not my problem" and the other one being "Claim for whatever you can get"

One of the main reasons the countries going down the plug hole in my eyes.

My next door neighbours are in catering I believe and we have come home to find a huge box of chips strewn all over the road or a bucket of hard boiled eggs smashed everywhere. I just never catch them in the act of doing it :mad:

Take pictures and note the date each time, then pass the info onto environmental health :).

17-09-08, 01:58 PM
Dan :cool: :thumb:

How dense am I :wall: