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View Full Version : HELP im addicted!

19-10-02, 06:26 PM
right this is silly but i think i am addicted to PIZZA! :o . seriously! it is getting stupid today got up from going to phat night in ikon ian van dahl live set with that fit bird (blonde one in all the vids) singing live! :wink: . for breakfast i had half a pizza then for lunch i had the other half! now in going out for pizza tonight round a m8s! :? .during the week my mum wont cook me pizza coz she says i eat it all the time so afta my tea i just go up rokkos pizza and buy one! :lol: sly!.and at work i have a small pizza from the bakery!
do i have a problem? i need the advice of wonder boy Micky coz u always do weird things! if i eat much more i fear i may transform into a pizza! :?:
and is pizza healthy or not realy?
:?: n e one else got weird addictions?!!

Ric 16v
19-10-02, 06:33 PM
you will end up with loads of big red spots on ya face coz the pizza if full of fat especially the cheese ones !!!!!!!

19-10-02, 06:38 PM
thing is i eat so much but im not fat at all and my face is ok i only weigh 11stone! im 6ft2 by the way wuld worrie if i was 11stone n 3foot tall :lol: its doin my head in if i c a pizza it has to be eaten last night there were two pizzas for family meal i ate the meat feast before i went out to ikon then ate the cheese one for breakfast like i said above! :(

20-10-02, 01:05 AM
i have an addiction to that extra chewing gum in the light blue packet. i have to have a pack on me at all times or at the very least one in my mouth every hour or so. i go thru at least 1 or 2 packs a day getting to a silly stage now. mind u even tho i consume a lot of it i still dont get the laxative effects they say u will get on the back of the packet :D

20-10-02, 01:15 AM
micky i rekon u should start ur own counciling service! we culd have all addictions welcome and sit in a circle n everything! its 1 15 in the morning n im wasted so id betta go or ill start mashing y spelling! n e wayz wheres the pizza i had hot n spicy 2nite but it wasnt that hot went down ok wit fosters n wkd i wish i was an alcholic and on child support how easy life would be! at the mo im just a 4th yaer appretice with a snapped cv joint! rite bed time wonder if i will dream bout pizza :lol:

24-10-02, 01:26 AM
You know yer an addict when the pizza guy says - "Ah Danny ma son - da usual yes!?"


Do you play with fire and mix n match yer toppings?

If you stand in the shop and break out in a sweat thinking about what to have your an addict.

If you have the same thing all the time your an addict with a limited imagination.

I'm the same with Chinese food - sweet n sour chinken ball with fried rice and a back of prawn crackers! - every Friday!

As for yer health - your like me - I could eat lard daily and put on no weight! - I'm 5ft 7 and 10.5 stone - have been ever since I can remember!

However its not the outside that counts - think about yer artieries?

Do yu get out of breath easy?
Does yer skin smell of cheese when you sweat?
Do you get a pizza after a night out rather than go home and shag the bird youve just picked up whos gagging for it?

A m8 of mine was so addicted to chips n curry sauce, when he played footy and started to sweat you could smell vinegar and curry coming off him!
now thats when you start to worry!

(addicted to sherbert flying saucers and now owns 4 x 300 tubs!)

24-10-02, 09:09 AM
You know yer an addict when the pizza guy says - "Ah Danny ma son - da usual yes!?"

Eeek...the owner of the local mobile sandwich van says something along those lines to me, LOL.

Perhaps it's time I stopped with the greasy sandwiches? But they taste so good :roll:


24-10-02, 04:43 PM
mmm all this talk of pizza is making me hungry - ill pop a deep pan peperoni in the over i think!

24-10-02, 06:44 PM
hmm got to admit i do get out of breath! but i do trials bike riding alot to so i shuld be fit im having peperonni 2nite! with 15% more peporonni i think they took 15% off the cheese tho!

28-10-02, 05:16 PM
Riding once a month!! i dont call that alot!!!

28-10-02, 08:32 PM