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11-09-08, 02:09 AM
approach the quiet girls.
so just finished my first week of my photography course. in the course theres my mate. a group of emo/goth kids (which in due time i will probably try and stab), your stereotypical art freak guy with a gottE;earings;funny hat;drinks machuchino?. there is also a couple older mature students 30-35 ish. a milf, and some other assorted characters.

but my eye has been wandering to a quiet girl who has said almost nothing barr her name and "yes". none of them to me personally. she is a very pretty girl etc ladidadida. as i will probably be spending the next 2 years around her i dont want to seem like a complete knob but also would like to get acquainted with her on a friend or more basis.

the only person i have noticed her being semi-sociable with is another girl around roughly same age who again is a kind of more rocky/emoish girl. but even then she just nods and agrees.

BUT on the second day i thought i had caught her out but it backfired on me. every guy i presume has done this at some point, where your find yourself taking quick glanses at a girl or her "assets" and she catches you looking and you quickly turn away and pretend you werent looking. WELL.... we were waiting outside a class and i look up and she is looking at what seems like directly me, but instead of her being embarressed and looking away i almost made a run for it.

im trying to find a subtle way of approaching her. with a suitable opening line. bearing in mind she doesnt seem like a talkative type and i can almost promise one of those awkward silences where its like "sooo....."


11-09-08, 02:14 AM

11-09-08, 02:27 AM
have you tried finding her on facebook? the reason i ask is people find it much easier to talk on the puter rather than in person

11-09-08, 02:29 AM
i am one of those people, but i know nothing but her name. dont know any of her friends or if she lives local. etc.
which means im going to have to rely on my conversational skills and charm
so in other words im f**ked

11-09-08, 08:34 AM
Ask her what she thinks about what-ever subject you're doing at the time. It'll be obvious that you've made an effort to talk to her which she'll appriciate. Then start to share your views. But don't get into a heated arguement just yet. lol

11-09-08, 08:40 AM
punch her in the face

11-09-08, 08:43 AM
I dunno, randomly searching someone out of Facebook is a little bit... stalkerish, ESPECIALLY if you know them from a class etc. I mean, why go to the hassle of finding someone online when you can just go up and talk to them?

I used to be in the same boat, not knowing how to approach girls, but the best way is to just strike up a conversation - be confident but not hyperactive or overbearing. Being in a photography class is pure gold as far as pulling girls goes, I've been there done that and its ace :D

Maybe ask if she would help with some photography, or comment on a shot she's taking - assuming you wander off in the lesson and do a bit of snapping. If not, find somewhere thats scenic and ask if she wants to go take a few pics. Sitting on a beach taking pics of the sunset works wonders ;)

Don't be afraid to communicate with her either - I was in Bristol on Tuesday and made friends purely by yakking to a random person who happened to be looking at the same books as me in Waterstones, then later on saving a girl from a rampant pigeon lol

11-09-08, 09:25 AM
It depends what she thinks of you. She may be saying "In my class there's a group of emo/goth kids (which in due time i will probably try and stab), your stereotypical art freak guy with a gotte;earings;funny hat;drinks machuchino?. there is also a couple older mature students 30-35 ish. a milf, and some other assorted characters, including a raging perv and his mate"
or she might be saying
" In my class there's a group of emo/goth kids (which in due time i will probably try and stab), your stereotypical art freak guy with a gottE;earings;funny hat;drinks machuchino?. there is also a couple older mature students 30-35 ish. a milf, and some other assorted characters, including this one guy I'd really like to chat to" :D

11-09-08, 09:27 AM
shes probably a lezzer!

punch her in the back of the face in that case

11-09-08, 10:19 AM
a good looking lezzer apartenyly :)

11-09-08, 10:31 AM
Ok, you're best off sitting next to her or in her eye line for a few days, make her notice you. Laugh with your mates, seem like a funny and interesting guy and then when laughing about with her makes, involver her in the conversation, something simple like "what do you think?"

If she starts to partake in more and more conversations punch her in the face as Stoo said.

11-09-08, 10:34 AM
If she starts to partake in more and more conversations punch her in the face as Stoo said.

I alomost fell off my chair here, everyones looking at me as if to say what the funk is he laughing so hard about!! lol lol lol lol

EDIT wont let me rep you

11-09-08, 10:44 AM

EDIT wont let me rep you

Hmmm strange lol ill do it for ya then cos that really amused me aswell, dods a comedy genius... all hail dod lmfao!:thumb:

11-09-08, 10:49 AM
Ok, lets look at it like this. We all know that men that knock their birds about get massive respect and their women never leave them. Its the way to go, and if you introduce the violence from an early stage its built uop gradually and so isnt as bad as all that. And we all know of the Treat her mean keep her keen thing. It works.

My missus knocks **** out of me and I'm too scared to leave her. All she has to do is throw me a look and I'll clean the house and make the dinner.

11-09-08, 11:00 AM
Once again dod im in stitches ffs lol

11-09-08, 11:03 AM
Its true though, she's only 5ft 3 and 6'5 stone but jesus them boney wee hands can do damage.

11-09-08, 11:09 AM
just punch her in the face dod

11-09-08, 11:23 AM
Dod gets beaten up by girls. Heard it here first.

Anyway, your lady fighteing fetish isn't really helping Steve get his leg over is it lol

11-09-08, 11:23 AM
I had a friend once who's opening line was 'Do you want some cock?'

Suffive to say it didnt work much, but it did a few times which annoyed me as I used to spend hours talking to girls, luring them into a sense of false security, working out where the 'friend zone' was etc. He'd walk into a club of an evening, use the cock line about 10 times and it would stick with at least one of them. Minimal effort, maximum effect. Throw enough sh1t at the wall, some of it will stick.

So, ask her if she wants some cock, if she refuses, THEN punch her in the face.

11-09-08, 11:23 AM
I cant she's too short. But anyway, she only kicks the **** out of me because she loves me. And she says i do things to upset her and so its all justified.

11-09-08, 11:25 AM
I had a friend once who's opening line was 'Do you want some cock?'

Suffive to say it didnt work much, but it did a few times which annoyed me as I used to spend hours talking to girls, luring them into a sense of false security, working out where the 'friend zone' was etc. He'd walk into a club of an evening, use the cock line about 10 times and it would stick with at least one of them. Minimal effort, maximum effect. Throw enough sh1t at the wall, some of it will stick.

So, ask her if she wants some cock, if she refuses, THEN punch her in the face.

My mated used that one one night out, got 20 nos and then one yes. He crapped himself and turned red. She walked away laughing.

Jack, I've given Steve all the advice he needs. The rest is down to him.

11-09-08, 11:30 AM
ha in a way dod has lol.
as for opening lines im pretty sure want some cock is a bit early in the non-existing relationship.

i was toying with "hey how you doing?" in the joey voice
"your not very talkative are you" with a cheeky smile so it shows i was kind of joking but not really.

but if all fails she will probably recieve a punch to the back of the head.

11-09-08, 11:32 AM
lol Lee thats ace. I'm going to try that when I come back from island hopping. Heck, I may even try it when I'm out there :D

11-09-08, 11:33 AM
Smack her on the **** and shout "Araaaate Bitch?"

11-09-08, 11:35 AM
Or just go with the age old classic "eeyarr love, show us where ya piss from" lol

11-09-08, 11:42 AM
Imo you have a easy opportunity to go and chat to her! you already know you have something in commen so use it to your advantage. And the reason she maybe quiet is because she hasnt had a reason to talk much so give her a reason to. Ask about her perspective on the subject and what she prefures to photograph ect. If you come across shy that dont matter sometimes they find that cute :tard: as long as you have confidence your be ok.


and good luck :thumb:

11-09-08, 11:42 AM
Or just go with the age old classic "eeyarr love, show us where ya piss from" lol

lol Ive used that before and had a lovely red face after

craig green
11-09-08, 11:46 AM
Having not read everyones replies, just bide your time & wait for the opportunity to do get partnered with her for a project/assignment.

Win her over with your humour, wit & charms. Failing that rohybnol.....

11-09-08, 11:47 AM
lol Ive used that before and had a lovely red face after

Ie done it aswell its one of those things you just gotta say to a lass at least once in your life hehelol

11-09-08, 11:47 AM
Imo you have a easy opportunity to go and chat to her! you already know you have something in commen so use it to your advantage. And the reason she maybe quiet is because she hasnt had a reason to talk much so give her a reason to. Ask about her perspective on the subject and what she prefures to photograph ect. If you come across shy that dont matter sometimes they find that cute :tard: as long as you have confidence your be ok.


and good luck :thumb:

Utter Tripe Bigs, you're a good fella but in this instance you're wrong.

You dont want her thinking she's your equil, she needs to feel like you're her superior and that she's priviledged to be in your company.

11-09-08, 11:54 AM
Utter Tripe Bigs, you're a good fella but in this instance you're wrong.

You dont want her thinking she's your equil, she needs to feel like you're her superior and that she's priviledged to be in your company.

I wouldnt say im wrong im the master so bow before me lol

Na im only saying what ive lernt over the years being in a collage with 300 girls and just me :p, there are many ways which he could go and talk to her, but at the end of the day he is probley best just being himself and let her see he is a good laugh and lad. as he already said she has been looking at him so maybe just wait and something will happen

11-09-08, 11:55 AM
Win her over with your humour, wit & charms. Failing that rohybnol.....
I like your style lol

11-09-08, 11:56 AM
Ie done it aswell its one of those things you just gotta say to a lass at least once in your life hehelol

Oh yes it is funny and has to be said but you have to know you will get a slap out of it :(

11-09-08, 11:58 AM
he is probley best just being himself and let her see he is a good laugh and lad.

Yeah but what if he's a complete knob though???

LargeSteve, you're not a knob BTW. Its all about the comedy!! :thumb:

11-09-08, 11:59 AM
TBH the kinda woman who drops her pants when I say "show me where you piss from" isn't the kinda woman I'd want to date!

Although if she had any brains she'd probably point in the general direction of the toilets. lol.

11-09-08, 11:59 AM
Yeah but what if he's a complete knob though???

LargeSteve, you're not a knob BTW. Its all about the comedy!! :thumb:

Well he is f**ked then lol but we know he isnt so all is good

11-09-08, 12:01 PM
Punch in the face FTW!!

11-09-08, 12:01 PM
TBH the kinda woman who drops her pants when I say "show me where you piss from" isn't the kinda woman I'd want to date!

Although if she had any brains she'd probably point in the general direction of the toilets. lol.

See if they done that to me id think do she want me to go in there with her :wtf:

11-09-08, 12:05 PM
See if they done that to me id think do she want me to go in there with her :wtf:
And watch her wee? :wtf:

11-09-08, 12:08 PM
And watch her wee? :wtf:

NO trust me if you went out clubbing in plymouth you would know what i mean, its about 10% of girls that are classy!

11-09-08, 12:15 PM
I have been, and I'd say 10% is a very generous estimation lol

11-09-08, 12:19 PM
lol yea you know then

11-09-08, 12:26 PM
I was in a senario like that in the Female Toilets with a laydee. We got rumbled and thrown out of the Club. Next week I got in free and got my first drink on the house with appoligies. lol

11-09-08, 12:31 PM
You heard it here first: Dod likes to watch girls pee.

11-09-08, 12:32 PM
Yeah like the Mike Flowers song "Music to watch girls pee".

11-09-08, 12:33 PM
I was in a senario like that in the Female Toilets with a laydee. We got rumbled and thrown out of the Club. Next week I got in free and got my first drink on the house with appoligies. lol

lol thats ideal but i could never relax incass we got caught, but it is great the fact you can get caught as you did makes it more fun imo

11-09-08, 12:38 PM
LOL, oh to be 17 again....

11-09-08, 01:32 PM
you could walk up to her and say

'Hi, I'm large steve 182.... would you like to make it 183???'

ps. wearing roller skates & a jet pack may be advisable

11-09-08, 01:50 PM
Mowgli, thats just sexist. No need at all.

11-09-08, 01:51 PM
ha then she would be like "ok now that i acknowledge your a full time weirdo as you have came up and introduced yourself as large steve182, when indeed your not that large and your name is paul."

11-09-08, 01:56 PM
I have to ask then... why steve? lol

11-09-08, 01:57 PM
im telling you

just punch her in the face

then help her up, hold her close to you and whisper in her ear
'that represents my love for you'

then pull back, hold her face, then lick her from chin to forehead, wink and walk away

she'll get an instant wide on and chase after you leaving a slug trail

11-09-08, 01:59 PM
Go up to her and say 'I wanna touch you where you wee' in a small little boy voice.

11-09-08, 02:02 PM
maybe i could ask her if she would be interested in an "alaskin pipeline"

11-09-08, 02:14 PM
Walk right up to her, with your hands down your trousers, and just stare at her with your mouth open. Then walk away. She'll be so turned on.

11-09-08, 02:31 PM
im telling you

just punch her in the face

then help her up, hold her close to you and whisper in her ear
'that represents my love for you'

then pull back, hold her face, then lick her from chin to forehead, wink and walk away

she'll get an instant wide on and chase after you leaving a slug trail

Sometimes i worry about you, and the fact that you are entrusted with the defence of this country ya know lol

11-09-08, 02:40 PM
L For Love baby!!

11-09-08, 03:19 PM
she'll get an instant wide on and chase after you leaving a slug trail
Jesus mofoing christ, I just fell off my chair lol lol lol

11-09-08, 03:21 PM
Happy to help dude!! lol lol lol

11-09-08, 03:23 PM
I have only read page 1... LMAO @ Stalking her on facebook. Very bad move imo.

Just talk to her dude, take advice from OFAH when Rodney met Cassandra at evening classes lol Only dudes on my course. Damn. maybe 91SR wants to join up lol

11-09-08, 03:25 PM
Go up to her and say 'I wanna touch you where you wee' in a small little boy voice.
lollol i wanna say that to the girl that always gives me the evils in college

11-09-08, 03:30 PM
lollol i wanna say that to the girl that always gives me the evils in college

Thats where YOU get punched in the face!

11-09-08, 03:32 PM
Thats where YOU get punched in the face!
kiss with a fist is better than non joking lol

12-09-08, 10:56 AM
ha then she would be like "ok now that i acknowledge your a full time weirdo as you have came up and introduced yourself as large steve182, when indeed your not that large and your name is paul."

I want to know why you have gone to the trouble of enrolling at a college under an assumed name......is it witness relocation or something???????

12-09-08, 10:59 AM
No, its so he can get reported for making inapropiate gestures, saying inapropaite things and assault on quiet female students.

12-09-08, 11:01 AM
OHHHHH, you seem to know a lot about this particular subject Dod, have you got secret identities too???

12-09-08, 11:05 AM
Yeah my other names are Stoo and Large Steve

12-09-08, 11:13 AM
ever thought of using large stoo??? or is that what you eat for dinner???

12-09-08, 11:15 AM
Shhh, you'll blow my cover man!!!

12-09-08, 12:07 PM
who you calling large!!!

12-09-08, 02:26 PM
flowers are the way to go.

you really can tell things with just a bouquet.

in youre case, i'd be going for some nice red roses, with a cactus in the middle.

this gives the great translation: i like you, and i want to f*ck you so hard you cant walk for 3 days.

12-09-08, 03:09 PM
im telling you

just punch her in the face

then help her up, hold her close to you and whisper in her ear
'that represents my love for you'

then pull back, hold her face, then lick her from chin to forehead, wink and walk away

she'll get an instant wide on and chase after you leaving a slug trail


stoo at his best lol

12-09-08, 03:50 PM
who you calling large!!!

AHHHH so you admit it finally!!

12-09-08, 04:59 PM
im comfort eating yeh!!

so, have you sparked her yet or what??
cheekbone, full pelt, make sure it breaks too!

i gave mine a right hook this morning!
lucky bithc

12-09-08, 09:10 PM
Broken Breast bone FTW!!! That way she cant speak to reject you either. This prooves, Violence IS the answer.

12-09-08, 10:07 PM
i wont see her till monday

imagine if she was into novas and joined this forum.

12-09-08, 10:10 PM
You need to woo her says my missus.....

Pull your willy out or something i reckon.....

Failing that, punch her in the head, if it goes tits up, all your class mates will have a good laugh :thumb: everyones a winner :D

12-09-08, 10:46 PM
imagine if she was into novas and joined this forum.


PNG Club Charged with intent to, Mass Sexual Harrasment and Physical and Phucological Assault.

12-09-08, 10:57 PM
I Being in a photography class is pure gold as far as pulling girls goes, I've been there done that and its ace :D

Couldnt agree more with that one, killer lines when doing portrait photogrpahy is do you mind if we partner up as you have very intresting face, Pictures came out ace, shortly followed by a phone number!

I loved photography classes! Went through nearly all the females lol

13-09-08, 12:17 AM
I've read none of this so forgive me if mentioned already but I'd hang back the 1st term till all the other guys have hit on her and failed.

Theree's bound to be some kind of social gathering where all but the emo's will go out for drinks - you'll need to just be yourself and talk to her. Make a point of saying you don't really know much about her even though your on the same course.

OR - start asking her advice about stuff - lenses, camera bodies, get in with any practicle stuff such as taking portraits and when you get a shot of her (candid's the best) - flatter her by playing up how good she looks on camera. print it off and give it to her etc. You just need an angle in there and you're off - but beware - try too hard and you will FAIL!

If that Fails - buy yourself a 100-500mm zoom lens and just perv at her through it! Occasionaly when they;re just not reachable the fantasy is just as good as the reality - so I'm told



13-09-08, 11:05 AM
Just talk to her. See how it goes. Asking advice is all good but if you try to do something out of character you will come across false etc etc.

Anyway once you talk to her you may find that shes a ****ing wierdo and hence the reason she has few or no friends.

On a side note I have tried the Stoo lick from chin to forehead. It worked and now I am married with two kids. Women are strange creatures.

13-09-08, 04:11 PM
I've read none of this so forgive me if mentioned already but I'd hang back the 1st term till all the other guys have hit on her and failed.
Waiting isn't always good, I tried that approach once, softly softly, and before I knew it some other guy was punching her face, so to speak.

imagine if she was into novas and joined this forum.
Would that be a good or bad thing? lol

I have had two girlfriends that have been on here. Neither ended particularly well. Therefore the common factor is Novas. Make of that what you will lol

13-09-08, 04:20 PM
i wouldnt expect her to ave an interest in novas. but imagine if she seen this thread lol lol lol.

i would hate to tell a gf or bf (in 91_nova_sr's) case.
"so what are you interested in?"
i really enjoy playing about with with 25 year old vauxhall hatchbacks and after playing about with it. i like to go onto png and talk to a bunch of randoms about relationship problems."

13-09-08, 04:35 PM
"I like to work on old cars, taking things apart and seeing how things work, then improving them and putting back together really interests me" - it'll make you sound like you have an inquisitive, technically able mind and girls like that :p

FFS don't say "I hart novas and I go on this forum where everyone talks about gay sex", she'll be punching YOU in the face lol

13-09-08, 06:20 PM
This thread just got major LOL time lol

She might be quiet because she doesnt wasnt friends/a partner who are into the same thing as her?
She probs just wants to get in, learn her sh*t then then leave

13-09-08, 06:45 PM
This thread just got major LOL time lol

She probs just wants to get in, learn her sh*t then then leave

ha shel have a hard job, if i follow the advice ive been given so far

13-09-08, 08:00 PM
*news just in* young, keep to, photography student punched in face by ill-advised lunatic lol