View Full Version : we all dieng tomorrow!

10-09-08, 12:07 AM
so people having be telling me.
everyone could die or something stupid like this?

10-09-08, 12:11 AM
who? lol

10-09-08, 12:13 AM
it's not even a full moon...you been reading Nostradamus or summut Steve?

10-09-08, 12:16 AM
some emo kids were giving me aload of crap today about something to do with we could all die blah blah blah.
just wondered if anyone else had heard anything about it.
cant remember what they were saying as i was thinking of interesting ways to kill myself to get away from them

10-09-08, 12:18 AM
lol and how old were these kids?

10-09-08, 12:18 AM
The word there is "emo kids" - theyre like always thinking the world is gonna end or theyre always self harming to the point of death!

Anyone would think they were Morrissey fans!


10-09-08, 12:20 AM
there not even the proper emo kids. they just dress like semi goths and listen to my chemical romance or some pish like that.
but something about something happening underground. i wasnt paying complete attention as i was eyeing up some fit girl hanging about in the background. but thats another story

10-09-08, 12:21 AM
there not even the proper emo kids. they just dress like semi goths and listen to my chemical romance or some pish like that.
but something about something happening underground. i wasnt paying complete attention as i was eyeing up some fit girl hanging about in the background. but thats another story

fair enufflol

i better be carefull ehat i do tomorrow if this is the case

10-09-08, 12:22 AM
point in question -

and to quote an emo blog -
Emo is like any style, fashion or culture. The term emo is loosely associated with emotionally charged punk rock, however it originally meant emotionally hardcore - modern 'emo' music is more of a branch off from what it started out as.
A lot of times, Emo is associated with being bitter, depressed, insecure and resentful.
A bizarre wave of mob emo-bashings is sweeping across Mexico. The movement is being generated on message boards and social networking sites by non-emo youth who highly dislike like the emo look and attitude.
The spark came first in Queretaro on March 7. An estimated 800 young people poured into the city's Centro Historico hunting for emos to beat the crap out of. They found some. The next weekend it spread to Mexico City, where emos faced off against punks and rockabillies at the Glorieta de Insurgents, the epicenter of emo social space in the capital. There's also been reports of anti-emo violence in Durango, Colima, and elsewhere.
The question on everyone's lips right now seems to be, "What the hell is going on?"

What's goin on? Simple - your overage "normally challenged" youf dont like "weirdo challenged" youf's...

10-09-08, 12:23 AM
supposedly 7:30 is the time. if were all dead in the morning il post back up here and announce it.

10-09-08, 12:24 AM
Its something that could end in a black hole, or lots of earthquakes and storms that eventualy kill us all and the earth disapears which both take the moon with them.

see here : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7600966.stm

10-09-08, 12:24 AM
thats it. all i found was alot about sep 11 2001. when i was googling

10-09-08, 12:27 AM
OOH - found this -

You may have become aware of a panic among catastrophe-fans that’s based on what they call the “2012 cycle change.” You see, since the current Mayan calendar cycle covers the period 3113 BC to 2012 AD, the calamatists have decided that in that year, a “total collapse of time” will occur, and our species will enter “post history.” (Folks, I just report these matters; I don’t explain them.)

An author named Patrick Geryl gets down to specifics of what will happen in 2012:

Immense earthquakes and kilometers-high tidal waves will torment the surface of the earth. At the same time a pole shift will occur. In just a couple of hours the earth's crust will shift thousands of kilometers. In this short period the United States and Europe will be completely destroyed.

Billions of casualties will occur worldwide; only a few human beings will have a chance to survive. These are the horrible facts. But how do you survive this "Armageddon", this ultimate "End of Times" scenario?

Need I add that Patrick tells his readers just what to do? Can you say, “Noah”? Hey, it worked before, didn’t it? I read it in another book…

Since these nut-cases also claim that “all of the predictions” of the Mayan calendar have been accurate – whatever that refers to – and that planet Earth will “come into synchronization with the Universe by 2012 AD,” we’re not at all surprised to see that Amazon.com (how appropriate!) shows more than 100 books on the subject, with titles like "Doomsday 2012" and "2012: You Have a Choice!" All over this doomed Earth, “spirituality conferences” are convening. In New Mexico, as we’d expect, the nutters will gather for a "2012 Ascension Symposium" which promises to "offer humanity global reassurance and change the consciousness of the world.” Woo-woo author Geoff Stray is giving a series of lectures on 2012 throughout 2006 and 2007, including one at a UFO Conference in Nevada in February, and a "Healing Conference" in Jericho, West Bank, Israel, in May. We assume that Geoff will hurry to spend his lecture money, which will be of no use after a few years.

The only disaster I predict for 2012 is the fecking British Olympics which I still predict will be the simgle most biggest FAIL the Olympics has ever seen bar Hitlers version!

Will the UK be the only country that cant host it because it aint finished. And I can guarantee there willbe a public enquiry over the cost once finished.

10-09-08, 12:28 AM
some emo kids were giving me aload of crap today about something to do with we could all die blah blah blah.
just wondered if anyone else had heard anything about it.
cant remember what they were saying as i was thinking of interesting ways to kill myself to get away from them
i hope you told them to stfu

1.6 8v turbo nova
10-09-08, 12:50 AM
Alot of people was saying something about a black hole and everyone dieing, So last night i stole 3 banks, drank 3 litre bottles of vodka (cheap acid). Took my car out and set off every speed trap i could find. So hope the conspiracys are correct otherwise i'm funked. Will have to be shotgun to the head method if it's all 'BS' lol.

10-09-08, 01:04 AM
Hope we don't all die today/tomorrow i go on hol end of week lol.

EDIT: Does anyone know what time over here it will be happening. - the experiment.

10-09-08, 02:27 AM

10-09-08, 08:34 AM
well, that hurt didnt it!

10-09-08, 08:40 AM
ahhhhh but have we been sucked into a blackhole and not realise it?
Are we dead and dont realise it?
Are we in the Matrix?
Did we just create the big bang that created us but it has travelled back through a worm hole that was also created in the experiment

10-09-08, 08:41 AM
i took the blue pill

10-09-08, 08:45 AM
Damn. I was hoping they'd at least wipe France off the map :( ("acceptable loss" I believe its called lol)

lmfao @ the doomsayer predictions. There's always some old prophecy that predicts the end of the world each year; I seem to recall after one prediction failed to produce, the fools- sorry, researchers - decided they were using the wrong calendar and the evil end of the world date was in fact only a couple weeks away or something. Suffice to say, they were proven wrong again.

Bearing in mind most ancient prophecies were written by people who thought the world was flat as a pancake and the centre of the universe.... lol

10-09-08, 09:13 AM
Bearing in mind most ancient prophecies were written by people who thought the world was .... the centre of the universe.... lol

Thats because they hadnt met me, the TRUE centre of the universe...

10-09-08, 09:19 AM
Thats because they hadnt met me, the TRUE centre of the universe...

I take your centre of the universe and raise you, I'm the TRUE centre of the Omniverse...

10-09-08, 09:22 AM
Whoop, what happens if they did create the big bang, and it created new life forms or old ones Ie cave men and Dinosaurs? lol

how kool would that be i want a pet raptor

10-09-08, 09:53 AM
Random lifeforms didn't just drop out of the centre of the universe you know lol

"Oh look, a chiuaua! And there's a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Oh... oh, oh no."

10-09-08, 10:03 AM
I don't think the swiss banks would actually let some blokes try & blow everything up in their parish, bearing in mind that the swiss look after all of the real money in the world........

10-09-08, 10:28 AM
Whoop, what happens if they did create the big bang, and it created new life forms or old ones Ie cave men and Dinosaurs? lol

how kool would that be i want a pet raptor

I dont think youl find the 1st big bang 'created' life forms! not like the big bang was a giant vagina we all 'popped' out of!

10-09-08, 10:35 AM
+ rep, im in pain laughing

10-09-08, 10:39 AM
Na its not the end of the world. WHats happening is a sort of Vanilla Sky thing. I'm in a Coma and you're all figments of my imagination.

Did anyone actually say why the world was gonna end?

The fact is, it wont end until I say it will.

10-09-08, 10:58 AM
The fact is, it wont end until I say it will.

Are you Chuck Norris?

As for the scaredy cats - they thought:

Some critics claim it will create "black holes" of intense gravity that could implode the Earth, or that it will open the way for beings from another universe to invade through a "worm hole" in space-time.

10-09-08, 11:06 AM
No, Chuck is my lil brother. He aint tougher than me.

10-09-08, 12:13 PM
And this talk of a black hole this morning, they only turned on the machine, not crashing the particals together which is what could make the black holes. (or so i belive from what ive read)

10-09-08, 06:01 PM
Its a load of testicles. Its just a mahoosive goverment ploy ;) keep the masses worried about other things other then commodity increases by implying reverse pshycology :thumb:

On the other hand, if it all goes tits up your all funked :D Have a nice day.