View Full Version : F1 Petition...

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 02:29 PM
Please dont shoot me down for this...

I am a follower of F1. After yesterdays utter farce of an investigation into Hamiltons so called cheating, something has to be done.

Please sign the following petition...


If your not a fan of F1 please dont use this thread as a way of slagging it off. :)

Thank you.

08-09-08, 02:38 PM

Absolutely appaling decision IMHO

Hamilton clearly had the advantage in the wet, and regardless, Raikkonnen Span and crashed anyhow!!

It was exactly the sort of fight to the death style racing Formula 1 should be and its such a big shame to have it ruined by 'Regulations' that are quite frankly being made up on the spot it would appear!

08-09-08, 02:41 PM
signed and sent

08-09-08, 02:52 PM
signed, amen to stoo.

08-09-08, 02:54 PM
Too right!! Signed.

08-09-08, 03:22 PM

12450 sigs:thumb:

08-09-08, 03:40 PM
As if they're gonna take notice of an online petition that X amount of Brits have signed... lol

08-09-08, 03:56 PM
he has to remember he drives an F1 car, not a go kart and not a Touring Car. he dived into the corner knowing he couldnt hold the line or out brake any longer. then the only option was to cut the corner, which he did and therefor gained an unfair advantage due to putting himself into that position in the first place.

F1s problems are far more deeply routed than just this one decision.

08-09-08, 03:59 PM
he has to remember he drives an F1 car, not a go kart and not a Touring Car. he dived into the corner knowing he couldnt hold the line or out brake any longer. then the only option was to cut the corner, which he did and therefor gained an unfair advantage due to putting himself into that position in the first place.

F1s problems are far more deeply routed than just this one decision.even if that was the case he gave the place back as the rules state and then out braked him into the next corner

08-09-08, 04:02 PM
Any speed advantage he might have gained would have been lost when he lifted off to let Kimi past!

It was the only decision to make, he would have gone into the side of Kimi otherwise..

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 04:04 PM
As if they're gonna take notice of an online petition that X amount of Brits have signed... lol

Probably true, but no harm in making ourselves heard.:)

On another note, no-one seemed to pick up on the fact that Kimi moved twice in attempt to block Hamiltion. Not allowed, i thought!:confused:

08-09-08, 04:04 PM
he has to remember he drives an F1 car, not a go kart and not a Touring Car. he dived into the corner knowing he couldnt hold the line or out brake any longer. then the only option was to cut the corner, which he did and therefor gained an unfair advantage due to putting himself into that position in the first place.

Disagree here strongly
He out braked him, had the better line, had the over take and raikonnen turned in to him IMHO forcing him across the chicane.

He played by the rules and let him past again before the S/F line, and did a text book slipstream/outbreak overtake.

Job done

Even ferrari havent contested it!

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 04:05 PM
Disagree here strongly
He out braked him, had the better line, had the over take and raikonnen turned in to him IMHO forcing him across the chicane.

He played by the rules and let him past again before the S/F line, and did a text book slipstream/outbreak overtake.

Job done

Even ferrari havent contested it!

This is what makes it worse IMO!!

08-09-08, 04:06 PM

12951 Signatures Total

08-09-08, 04:07 PM
Disagree here strongly
He out braked him, had the better line, had the over take and raikonnen turned in to him IMHO forcing him across the chicane.

He played by the rules and let him past again before the S/F line, and did a text book slipstream/outbreak overtake.

Job done

Even ferrari havent contested it!

Is there a video of this i missed it?

08-09-08, 04:09 PM
This is what makes it worse IMO!!

Couldnt agree more pete, although if Kimi hadnt have kissed the wall and ended his race i can imagine it would be a differing story.

But, they havent attributed Kimi's spin/off to the events in question.

Pathetic, it really is.

i dont see how they came to a 25 second decision either.
Or how to allow massa the win, even though he was miles off the pace during the 'incidents'.


08-09-08, 04:13 PM
I don't think it was right for Lewis to be in that position at the chicane to be honest, Kimi was in front at the end of the day.

However the end result should stand still, everything was fair.

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 04:28 PM
For those that are interested, see what Ferarris boss says about it all..


And if you want to read it the FIA Rules...


What i think needs to be cleared up for the future, is how much a driver has to yield by. Hamilton obviously (i think) yielded, but not enough to please the FIA.

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 04:31 PM
Is there a video of this i missed it?

Here... 50 secs in http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=74TZngbIS9I

08-09-08, 04:34 PM
For those that are interested, see what Ferarris boss says about it all..


And if you want to read it the FIA Rules...


What i think needs to be cleared up for the future, is how much a driver has to yield by. Hamilton obviously (i think) yielded, but not enough to please the FIA.

he did yeild, and gained an advantage by doing so. which is my point. those are the rules of F1, if people dont like it, then support a motorsport which suits your driving style better, ie touring car and stop signing pointless internet petitions.:roll:

08-09-08, 04:39 PM
Disagree here strongly
He out braked him, had the better line, had the over take and raikonnen turned in to him IMHO forcing him across the chicane.

He played by the rules and let him past again before the S/F line, and did a text book slipstream/outbreak overtake.

Job done

Even ferrari havent contested it!

piffle, he screwed up. had it been a longer straight then yes i could maybe agree with you, but youd think that that far on in the race he would have known that after that right hand bend cam a left hander in quick succession, meaning his position was completely wrong. you cant just barge through and then it come down to a game of 'bottle' as to who's going to snap their wheels off on the last corner. thats not racing

by the way. i dont like F1 at all anyway.

08-09-08, 04:41 PM
/\ Hamilton let him back through, and then overtook him AGAIN

08-09-08, 04:44 PM
Here... 50 secs in http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=74TZngbIS9I

I enjoyed that very much :)

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 04:49 PM
he did yeild, and gained an advantage by doing so. which is my point. those are the rules of F1, if people dont like it, then support a motorsport which suits your driving style better, ie touring car and stop signing pointless internet petitions.:roll:

Eh??!! Your quote doesnt read clear. He yielded as the rules require, Kimi was ahead crossing the S/F line. Hamilton re-passes Kimi into turn 1. Kimi the left the track himself almost re-passing Hamilton. They then both nearly stuffed it into the back of a Williams (Kimi passed under waved yellows at this point, apparently) and Kimi then put it in the wall.

And in your opinion, it may be a pointless petition, but there is no harm in making your views felt. As you have in your post, if abit unclear.:)

08-09-08, 05:37 PM
It's a shocking decision and I can't see it standing.

IMO it wasn't even a 'racing incident'. It was just one driver trying to get an advantage over another and getting rightly forced wide.

Hamilton had to take an escape route and Kimi was perfectly entitled to hold his line and force him wide. In a situation like that the driver who was forced wide has to give up the overtake and let the other car back through (If they ended up in front). Which Hamilton did!

It happens all the time! and penaltys should only be given if the place is 'not' given back. I think the officals should take a bloody long hard look at themselfs and stop being prats.

Hamilton faught and won that race fair and square! Much to my annoyance (I like the red cars:thumb: )

08-09-08, 06:54 PM
hamilton was clearly so much faster aswell. the amount he caught him in those 50 of that vid

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 07:02 PM
I know its irrelevant now and a what if, but if Hamilton had waited he could have and would have passed Kimi anyway. History tells us that the Ferraris are not that good in the wet (anyone remember Silverstone?!) which Kimi proved with his spin and Massa was quite a way back at the finish IIRC!

I do hope that Mclarens appeal is successful and some claification of the rules are made. This is the underlying problem IMO.

08-09-08, 07:09 PM
Just another ratings increaser puppeted by Berny. (spelling?)

Total and utter tosh!

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 07:27 PM
Its Bernie:) , but i feel it may have the opposite effect. People will probably watch it less now. I mean this isnt the first wrong decision by the FIA (Valencia, Massa's early release from pit box) and what with the rubbish flying about over Silverstone losing the British GP to Donington, i think the general public have no time for Bernie now! This is just another nail in the coffin for F1:(

08-09-08, 07:55 PM

Loada bolx :mad:

08-09-08, 07:57 PM
i think the descion was correct.

08-09-08, 08:23 PM
Hamilton did yield the gain back to Raikkonen, maybe not quite as much as the stewards would like though. But the fact remains that Kimmi lost it a bit further along simply because he's useless in the wet (or the 'rarri is), ergo, any advantage that Lewis gained was totally nullified anyway. If anyone should be getting DQ'd or fined it should be the williams driver for almost taking out the pair of them!

08-09-08, 09:18 PM
hamilton won fair and square fia just dont want him or maclaren to win

08-09-08, 10:16 PM
Heres a nice little quote from Niki Lauda (former ferrari and mclaren man)

"Everything was explained perfectly: Lewis had an advantage, but then he let him go by, then he simply out-braked him into the corner.

"There was no slipstreaming involved, nothing.

"Just think about it: If Lewis had stayed behind Kimi through the chicane, he would have passed him in front of the pits, because Lewis and the McLaren, at that time in the race in the wet, were so much quicker.

"So I do not understand this decision, and it's really bad for the sport because people watching will not watch any more because of this stupid decision."

"In the past, there have always been rumours and stories - and I've always been completely against them because they've never been proven - that Ferrari, because of its past and history, was always against McLaren with the stewards and the FIA, who if there was a decision, were in favour of Ferrari," said Lauda.

"I've always said this is bulls**t, that this is a sport and you have to be neutral, but the decision yesterday makes me believe that everyone is watching Ferrari in a positive way and McLaren in a very negative way.

"What developed yesterday is the biggest mess the sport has ever done."

08-09-08, 10:18 PM
I was never into my F1 until hamilton appeared TBH. I was feeling a bit low about motorsport ever since I lost my beloved supertourers, and the poxy rallying since the gymast has dome a schumacher and made it boring.

The politics are just completely killing the sport, regardless of who is involved. The 2009 cars have been drastically redesigned to promote more overtaking, but why bother if theres a possibility that the stewards will stick their oars in if you attempt to race someone.

Im giving it one more chance next year with the new cars, but if its still the same old crap, im going to have to stick to watching the useless current touring cars plod around trying to keep up with a fecking diesel!

08-09-08, 10:33 PM
The quote from Lauda is even more interesting as he's an advisor to Ferrari. First F1 race I've watched in a long time and was actually pleased I had. This decision just ruins it though. F1 circus is about right

Pistol Pete
08-09-08, 10:48 PM
Thinking about it now, how ironic that the topic of conversation on saturday during quali, was that there seems to be a biased view towards Ferrari after the Massa incident in Valencia.

Lee, have you watched BTCC lately? There is some talk that the rules are in favour of the diesels now! Even though Plato is 44 points behind Gio!!

Politics everywhere, complete tosh!!

08-09-08, 11:02 PM
Lee, have you watched BTCC lately? There is some talk that the rules are in favour of the diesels now! Even though Plato is 44 points behind Gio!!

Politics everywhere, complete tosh!!

Wouldnt surprise me, its all bollox IMO.

09-09-08, 08:17 AM
Meh, BTCC have been taking it up the a*se from seat for years, and vauxhall still manage to beat them, mainly because Plato's a childish **** and throws his toys out when someone gets past him.

Pistol Pete
09-09-08, 09:27 AM
lol, i think your confusing him with Matt Neal!!

09-09-08, 09:32 AM
matt neals the moody c*nt
experienced it first hand many a time in the paddock!!

Jasons usually pretty chilled, but everyones got a temper at somepoint

09-09-08, 09:38 AM
Theres nothing better than 2 drivers in a fist fight. lol
Skinny wee bodys hitting each other on the huge Helmets on their heads. Aye, well done lads. lol

09-09-08, 10:05 AM
Politics has always been in sport and always will be & Motorsport is still a damn site better than ****in football! lol

I've started to watch more of the WTCC and MotoGP recently, I find them both pretty good!

Pistol Pete
09-09-08, 11:18 AM
I think bike sports (MotoGP, WSB, BSB, MX etc which i have watched for years now) will become more popular because the racing is alot closer and exciting IMO!

Is a shame, just as a Brit has a chance of becoming world champ since Hill, it all gets clouded by politics and silly and unclear rule enforcement.

But yeah, anything is better than football!

09-09-08, 01:31 PM
is everyone aware that Mclaren aren't actually allowed to take as much equipment to the races as Ferrari, bmw, renault, toyota, both red bulls & williams & farce india. because of their disqualification from last years manufacturers championship, they get the smallest pit freight allowance on flyaways, parking area, hospitality etc.....
I would even reckon that they get overlooked when bridgestone does tyre testing..........

Pistol Pete
09-09-08, 01:36 PM
Ands its really hampering their progress this season, eh! ;) :D No...its the FIA that are doing that!

09-09-08, 01:36 PM
Thats a cracking point there Mowgs
Completely forgot about that fact.

It becomes ever clearer that the 'underdogs' or maybe even 'the naughty kids' are being penalised for doing pretty damn good when the bosses dont want them to!

IMHO Maclaren are throwing a fat two fingered salute at the FIA by doing so, and its rubbing them up the wrong way!

09-09-08, 09:55 PM
Agree Stoo, and the funny thing is, the more mcLaren show their bare ass to the FIA, the more the FIA show themselves up to be completely biased.

In the words of Darren on Friday night... 'would you like a bigger shovel'

09-09-08, 10:03 PM
Agree Stoo, and the funny thing is, the more mcLaren show their bare ass to the FIA, the more the FIA show themselves up to be completely biased.
