View Full Version : Trax -

07-09-08, 08:33 PM
The Official report:

Weather was poo, we all got wet Turn out was still pretty good tbh.

Two new members Joined up and one pointed to the right direction of PNG, The Rather common Modifacation which was made had to be de-baged Ka Rear boot lids. :thumb:


I have non.... My camera was kept in my pocket and never saw the light of day... Saying that I didnt really see much of it myself :thumb:

Big :thumb: To all those who turned up :D

07-09-08, 08:36 PM
Meh was beautiful weather round here lol

07-09-08, 08:39 PM
Wasn't great weather for taking pics, brightened up a bit in the afternoon though.

Fair turnout on the PNG stand, wasn't a bad show considering the conditions. :)

07-09-08, 08:42 PM
Was definately a good effort by all due to the conditions, although about 10 cars were missing lol

Good to see old and new faces :)

07-09-08, 08:51 PM
Just got back in doors, arrived at trax in a big plume of steam after a hose blew off, i'm glad to report all was fine getting back apart from me driving all the way at 50mph.

piss poor weather in the morning but i have to say it cheered up as the day went on. We jumped under the gazeebo and i was nice to chat a little before we went to look around. Thanks to Dan and anyone else who helped organise it, he looked frozen when we turned up and it looked like he'd sat like a gnome all day long. Even with the weather it was worth the risky drive.


07-09-08, 09:20 PM
weather was definatly a let down.. but wasnt to bad considering!

07-09-08, 09:33 PM
Good to hear it went ok :)

07-09-08, 09:48 PM
Any pics of Rexy's respray? All the build up someone must have pics?

07-09-08, 10:14 PM
I have a few pics, will try and post one tomorrow if nobody has beaten me to it. Looks cool I must admit.

07-09-08, 11:01 PM
I saw the stand, I didnt say hello though which was a bit rude of me!

ste porter
07-09-08, 11:24 PM
yeah was ok the weather did put a glim outlook on the event but in normal png style we soon amused our selfs via laughing at the misfortunes of the
'opi locie' lads as lee put it and the general gash that as ever always turns out

also was nice so see some familiar faces and new ones (rexy dan ect)

i will have some fail pics over the next few days for youy as i was planning on taking the turbo but about 5 miles from home the gear box decided it wanted to stay at home and spat its dummy out so had a long ride in srsimons old 1.2 (my new one) and it took ages lol