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View Full Version : Words from that bare naked ladies song...

16-10-02, 01:09 PM
u know the one i mean, the really fast one where u cant tell what he's saying.
Now, WITHOUT looking on the net for the actual words what do u lot think he's saying, this is what i think the first bit is,

Chinkity china,
the chinese chicken,
had a drum stick,
and put his d!ck in,
with alamason,
and a rasson,
and the boogy man's gonna get ya.

Rusty 16v
16-10-02, 01:54 PM
Chinkety China
The Chinese chicken
You have a drum stick and your brain stop ticking

Watching X Files with no lights on
Dans la maison
I hope the smoking mans in this one

Or something :lol:

16-10-02, 02:49 PM
The actual lyrics you are after are as follows mate:

Chickety china, the chinese chicken
Have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'
Watchin X-Files with no lights on,
We're dans la maison
I hope the smoking man's in this one

Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic
Like Sting I'm tantric
like Snickers guaranteed to satisfy
Like Kurasawa I make mad films
Okay I don't make films
but if I did they'd have a Samurai

Gonna get a set a' better clubs
Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs
just so my irons aren't always flying off the backswing
Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
'Cause the cartoon has got the boom anime babes
that make me think the wrong thing.

How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad
Tryin hard not to smile though I feel bad
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Can't understand what I mean? You soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of losing my shirt

It's been, one week since you looked at me... etc etc etc.


Rusty 16v
16-10-02, 02:51 PM
He said without looking.... cheat.... CHEAT :lol:

PS. I was one word out.... not bad :D

16-10-02, 03:12 PM
dont need to look mate - i got the album right here...
along with about 4 others i keep in the office drawer and listen to on computer.

I had the album since 1999 (Stunt its called) so obviously i am gonna know all the words. :D

16-10-02, 04:18 PM
Ive always wondered what those lyrics are, great song :lol:

Rusty 16v
16-10-02, 04:54 PM
Just remebering the lyrics forced me to download it again :lol:

16-10-02, 04:57 PM
Just remebering the lyrics forced me to download it again :lol:

Well i hope you will be finding an address for them and posting them a few quid for it... thats against the law you know :D lol

16-10-02, 06:24 PM
its not illegal if he was downloading it to make a backup for the record company incase anything happened to their master version ;)

16-10-02, 06:26 PM
LMAO! :lol:

16-10-02, 06:28 PM
itsincase anything happened to their master version ;)

but their master version will be in multi track format - an di was not aware that multi track mp3's were available yet. lmfao.

good thinking though.

16-10-02, 10:21 PM
yeh this post would of been good back in 1999, hahahah !!!!!!