View Full Version : Freezing!!!!!!

15-10-02, 11:14 PM
My cars always cold, ive got a 1988 F plate nova and the problem is this. Ill turn on the heaters etc, but hot air only comes through the top of the dash to u know de steam the windscreen, if i turn on the front of the heaters its cold air, whats the problem?

Is my thermostat gone, anti freeze level i cant figure it out?

15-10-02, 11:34 PM
the heaters vents in the center console (where the stereo is) should give out cold air, it is only the ones to the side that should give out hot air, along with the floor heaters. If non of your heater vents work then it could be an air lock in your heater matrix

Manta Mad
16-10-02, 11:39 AM
Does your temperature gauge sit in the 'normal' section between cold and hot? If this is OK and you are getting a good supply of hot air to the windscreen then the heater is working OK, you should also be able to get hot air to your feet by using the slider to direct heat downwards (or slider half way to get heat top and bottom)

If you don't get heat at your feet, it could be that the cable has become detached from the back of the slider so the heater is stuck on screen only.

16-10-02, 03:21 PM
As Ollster said, it isn't a fault, for some reason, you'll only ever get hot air through the side vents and the de-mister and in some nova's, you won't even have side vents !
My MK1 didn't, i know SR's / GTE / GSi's do.

16-10-02, 03:47 PM
Thanks everyone

So it seems novas dont have hot air at the front, um by the way the temperature gauge sort of sits at cold all the time maybe moving uop one bar but the air is still hot and i only have the bloody air vents in the middle none on the sides:(

oh well ill have to carry a blanket with me:)

16-10-02, 04:05 PM
Is it possible to fit the side heaters in if they are not there already???
I'm guessing its just like any other bit - Ciggie Lighter, Centre Console Glove Box light etc. all the connections are there uve just gotta connect em???

16-10-02, 05:23 PM
matty seems a good idea but i don tknow much about connecting etc, lol newbie

16-10-02, 06:59 PM
weird? My mk2 has side vents that pump out hot air, turning the knob in the dash just slides a plate that redirects the heat frokm going up the way (to windscreen) to sideways. Not too sure how it works - cables I think.

16-10-02, 10:58 PM
indeed. i have never had a mk1 but i have played about with one in a scrappy
if you unclip the blanking plates, behind there is the place for the vent and the knob.
if you look at the side of you heater box (black thing in the midle) you will notice a D shaped plate that blanks off where the pipe would come out,

find a nova with it in, pinch the vents and knobs and pipe, and you also ned a replacement D shape thing that screws in to the heater, and gives the pipes someweher to join to


16-10-02, 11:04 PM
iv got a E-eg sr with complete dash and all these bits if any1 wants to take them off my hands feel free!!

16-10-02, 11:28 PM
Was that feel free to take them for free??!?!?!
(Bloody Students they'll try anything :lol: )

16-10-02, 11:54 PM
yup if you like
also got some rear sr seats and other parts but only the dash and bits like that im prepared to give away