View Full Version : Modified GTE airbox

01-09-08, 07:09 PM
I keep reading that a modified GTE airbox with aftermarket panel filter is better than an aftermarket cone filter. So I thought I'd try this out for myself, and have bought myself a standard airbox to replace my K&N cone.

How should this be modified? Is it just a case of drilling holes across the entire bottom?

Any pictures of previously modified airboxes would be great.


01-09-08, 07:10 PM
Aye, just drill about 30 odd holes in the base section of the box Ian :thumb: get the holes about 10mm Dia.

01-09-08, 07:16 PM
But drilling holes in it will just suck in hot air just like a cone filter does

01-09-08, 07:18 PM
But drilling holes in it will just suck in hot air just like a cone filter does

This is true Ad, but the same principal says to me, having an airfilter anywhere in the engine bay area will suck in hot air lol

01-09-08, 07:35 PM
This is true Mike lol

Theres plenty of cold air in the bay when the cars moving anyways :)

01-09-08, 09:21 PM
I have been pondering this for a bit & i reckon that if a much better shaped airbox was made so that the panel filter sits straight on, then the airflow would be much better, create more power & hopefully not the noise.....

01-09-08, 10:01 PM
nooooooooooo iain lol.
Spose its yours so you can do what you like with it tho hahaha.
On my SRI there was about 10 or 15 20mm diameter holes drilled in the bottom

01-09-08, 11:53 PM
Would the general opinion be that its probably best not to do this then?

What about removing the inner pipework as shown in this months tv?

02-09-08, 11:05 AM
nooooooooooo iain lol.

Sorry :( lol

02-09-08, 05:12 PM
Meh, I removed the inner pipework months ago on mine lol

02-09-08, 05:16 PM
What about removing the inner pipework as shown in this months tv?

Where's that in the mag?

02-09-08, 05:30 PM
Near the back bit mate, they did it with the Mk4 Astra box iirc..

03-09-08, 04:58 PM
Ok here's my attempt so far. Hendrix please look away :eek:

Drilled the bottom out with 13 3/4" holes



I removed this from the top half, I assume this is the restriction you're talking about



Should I add a cold air feed on to the front of the box to behind the grille?


03-09-08, 05:09 PM
Where vaughan said, its page 129 the "hardcore" section near the back, isnt there a pipe supposed to be on the bottom pic, if so you could chop that and join to a cold feed pipe running to near the grill?

03-09-08, 05:27 PM
Isnt the purpose behind doing this is the air flows under the airbox into the holes and onward to the engine? If so imo its better than a cone filter as the air only passes the rad to get there,whereas with a cone filter it draws heat from the manifold on the way? I may be wrong

03-09-08, 05:40 PM
put the trumpet back on, that helps the flow.

I think that if a better flowed box could be made, it would improve the flow a lot. but I don't like the roar from a cone filter

03-09-08, 05:48 PM
I'd personally have a cold air feed mate :)

My cone filter has one - Without the cold air feed it used to heat up to silly temperatures now with the feed its nice and cool

Must be some sort of tiny power gain ?

PS - not too sure about the airbox drilling thing

03-09-08, 05:51 PM
not too sure about the airbox drilling thing

exactly my thoughts....

the restriction seems to be next to the trumpet, sticking loads of holes in the bottom is not going to make much difference, but possibly some more noise.

03-09-08, 05:52 PM
More noise I think it makes but not any more power gains...?

03-09-08, 05:54 PM
I'll whack the trumpet back on when I refit the air filter then.

I got a short pipe that fits on the box entrance, but I couldn't get it to fit because the plastic radiator surround gets in the way? So I figured some ducting would work well.

03-09-08, 05:54 PM
Cut a piece from the plastic round about the rad mate - Thats what I did for mines

Got a cold air feed from a Mk4 Astra I think and routed it from there - Works well I'd say :)