View Full Version : Rant about the plod

29-08-08, 09:30 PM
coming out of work today at dinner with my uncle, hes counting his change at the junction and a police merc sprinter van goes past, clocks us and slow down and pull over, we then pull up behind them, they go to the inside lane (roundabout ahead) and then pull in behind us, they follow us into mcdonalds and block us in at the drivethru, by this time were both wondering what the feck is going on..
anyway, were in a gold old jag and they pull us up, tell my uncle to step out of the car and put the keys on the roof, by this time im wondering if hes murdered someone or soemthing lol.. another bobby come supto me and asks me what my name is, how old i am and who the diver is, he then says "is there anything in the car their shouldnt be, i say i dont know not my car, he then asks me if ive got anythign i shouldnt have, i reply no, he then.. in a fedup voice asks me to step out the car and put my back to the car, by this point weve bothed asked what was gojng on.. the bobby replied "you looked suspicious, 2 young males in a gold jag (uncles 38 btw.. hardley young lol) and he says you were on your phone and not wearing a seatbelt, my uncle admits he wasnt wearing his belt but its his car and he hasnt even got his phone on him, by this time hes getting abit annoyed and the police start routing through the car, they find my car keys for the nova and my phone and thats it, they ask whos they are, i say mine and they put them back, then he asks who we are and we reply "were form rome's" (police impound garage) they ask for id, uncle shows him id and they say "allright then on yor way"

what i dont get is, they block us in, tell us all to get out the car and stand back to the car, block us in so we cant get out, act like weve commited the worst crime to man and search the car just because we looked "suspicious", they were all "jumping to conclusions" so to speak, and when i said they were my keys, he gave me an evil look, just because im underaged, and they he just elt us drive away.. :mad::mad::mad:

rant over!

29-08-08, 09:35 PM
probally just practicing for a real crime lol

29-08-08, 09:40 PM

29-08-08, 09:47 PM
****in pathetic mate. was in the car with my brother once, driving along and then got the flahing blue lights behind us . so my brother and i pulled over, police walked up to his window and says ''sir, please step out of the vehicle. i have reason to belive you were using a mobile phone whilst driving. were you? and my brother says no, because he honestly wasnt. then this geezer asks for my brothers mobile phone and my bro says 'go ahead even check the call records, all i was doing was leaning on my arm on the side of the window' so he checks my bro's fone and evetually says: '. . . . . . . . .eeerm it is possible that you have deleted the call records before i stopped you, to hide the fact you were using the mobile device. . . ' and my brother was like - as soon as i saw the flashing blue lights i pulled over, which was about 5 seconds. tell me how i could delete my call records WHILE i was driving along and in the space of 5 seconds?' and then there was a long silence. . . 'on your way then. . .'

boring ****in police. i mean some are alright, but then you get others who just abuse their power

29-08-08, 10:11 PM
quit ya ****ing winging. if your car got stole you would hope it got pulled by coppers cos the occupants looked suspicious. its part of driving get over it

29-08-08, 10:14 PM
u spoiled it burgo

Welsh Dan
29-08-08, 10:24 PM
I've been pulled several times and I don't mind it one bit.

29-08-08, 10:33 PM
Pulled (over) more times than I can remember, I used to save my producers when I first started driving. If you have nothing to hide then it is OK imo, 30 second chat and you're on your way.
As said, if your car had been nicked you would hope they police would be quick to pull the driver then.

29-08-08, 10:36 PM
u spoiled it burgoi didnt spoil it at all. last night i got a knock on the door at about 1am. i answered the door and it was a copper asking whos the transit is. its my step dads and it had been broken into and they had tried to steal it. luckily the steering wheel had snapped off but thanks to the coppers knocking it allowed us to take out th kit in there instead of leaving it till the morning by which time the kit would have probably been gone aswell.

another time i saw two people acting dodgy outside so i rang the coppers and in literally minutes i had two police cars there questioning them. it turned out they were just wrecked but one of them had a knife so god knows what could of happened if i had gone out and confronted them instead.

29-08-08, 10:39 PM
im not saying that all police r useless. it was a joke btw mate about u spoiling it...

29-08-08, 10:46 PM
coppers are o.k. i ve never been pulled over in the last 5 years once my driving turned normal. Last time i phoned as 5 guys were trying to steal a car and they were there in under 5 mins

29-08-08, 11:13 PM
They have to be cautious. Plenty of brainless idiots out there now who wouldnt think twice about sticking a knife in without asking questions.

marc novataken
29-08-08, 11:19 PM
i get pulled generally 3 times a day not doin anything stupid cos i got my 6 month old daughter in the car most of the time. this morning i was at traffic lights ready to turn right. car next to me wheelspins and speeds down the road at 60-70 mph and i get pulled cos i wasnt indicating!! and yesterday got my car searched for weapons or drugs or something. or the best one recently got pulled and people in back of my car given £60 fine for no seatbelt. my car 1983 and came standard with no belts in back. also last week on cruise we were all told that if we were on the road in an hours time they could "find" something in our car.

marc novataken
29-08-08, 11:23 PM
oh yeah couple of months ago crazy neighbour came in to my home where i live with fiancee and daughter who was 4 months at the time. she assaulted my fiancee with piece of wood we called the police and were told there was no police in the area for around 30 mins. got pulled 2 mins l8r drivin to hospital with fiancee nearly unconscious and i was handcuffed for my attitude being poor!!!!! police round here pathetic!!

29-08-08, 11:34 PM
oh yeah couple of months ago crazy neighbour came in to my home where i live with fiancee and daughter who was 4 months at the time. she assaulted my fiancee with piece of wood we called the police and were told there was no police in the area for around 30 mins. got pulled 2 mins l8r drivin to hospital with fiancee nearly unconscious and i was handcuffed for my attitude being poor!!!!! police round here pathetic!!

Now THAT is really bad! i hope you complained!

marc novataken
29-08-08, 11:39 PM
yeah complained but they just deny it. what can we do? my word against theirs. police vs 2 19 year olds in a modded nova with a baby. i no it sounds real chavvy but we arent. but theres nothin we can do

marc novataken
30-08-08, 08:35 AM
any1 else get regularly stopped? or just me? there are some who are ok i just dont seem to meet em too much. worst one is round these parts theres a mk3 fiesta with alloy wheels, savage exhaust etc. was drivin along doin 30 in 3o mph limit and this car comes up behind me nearly touching my back bumper so i speed up a little bit and see flashing lights behind me. this fiesta has 2 coppers in who were on my bumper so i got to about 37 mph and they pulled me over. i now have 3 points for speeding and i know a few other people been caught out like this. are they actually allowed to do that? in the evenings round here all you see is headlights on full beam about 3 inches from your back bumper and 9 times out of ten its police. is it just me or is it completely wrong? also have tried legal action for harassment one week when i got stopped more than 40 times 20 ish of them by the same copper. is anyone else this unlucky?

30-08-08, 08:43 AM
That dont sound good.
Chinup fella.

marc novataken
30-08-08, 08:45 AM
i know but it really is hard to stay positive like that every time you see a police car you know whats coming. supposed to b e there to help people not trap em.

30-08-08, 08:48 AM
I have'nt been stopped in years but then again im usually in me lease car from work.

30-08-08, 08:48 AM
any1 else get regularly stopped? or just me? there are some who are ok i just dont seem to meet em too much. worst one is round these parts theres a mk3 fiesta with alloy wheels, savage exhaust etc. was drivin along doin 30 in 3o mph limit and this car comes up behind me nearly touching my back bumper so i speed up a little bit and see flashing lights behind me. this fiesta has 2 coppers in who were on my bumper so i got to about 37 mph and they pulled me over. i now have 3 points for speeding and i know a few other people been caught out like this. are they actually allowed to do that? in the evenings round here all you see is headlights on full beam about 3 inches from your back bumper and 9 times out of ten its police. is it just me or is it completely wrong? also have tried legal action for harassment one week when i got stopped more than 40 times 20 ish of them by the same copper. is anyone else this unlucky?

Funnily enough my dad when he was a biker got pulled lot's by the same copper all the time and 1 week he got pulled that much that he said enough was enough went and made a complaint about harassment to the top dog at the station (not 1 the cronies).
He never got pulled again after that lol.

marc novataken
30-08-08, 09:41 AM
tried complainin got a letter back sayin he denied it. just makes ya feel stupid really

30-08-08, 09:55 AM
I just went 17 and not driving or anything so i suppose i have this all to come since ill ALWAYS be driving in novas :thumb: (Standard though just cos im young i dont put bodykits or anything ) :wtf:

marc novataken
30-08-08, 09:58 AM
im not bodykitted just 15s, lowered, exhaust, tints and subtle stuff. you wont get it that bad i think im just special:mad:. round here though all modded cars get loads of hassle

General Baxter
30-08-08, 10:00 AM
you try having the chopper chase you down a main road about 30ft above your head lol

then i got a phone call saying hi and to wave back, the barsteds lol

marc novataken
30-08-08, 10:01 AM