View Full Version : Drag Racing

20-08-08, 12:54 PM
Any one know if night drag raing is something that has caught on here , i know its illegal but its been going on in the states ever since cars were made . just wonderd why its not a part of the car scene at least an underground part.

20-08-08, 12:55 PM
say £10 per go winer takes all , 3am unused part of local bypass or carrigeway. id be up for it

craig green
20-08-08, 12:57 PM
Not enough empty or abandonned space to do it tbh.

Its pretty sad (illegal street racing) IMO. People do it in there own ways, we race up the dual carriageways or from place to place but don't have a spray painted startline on the road or some chicks in bikini's to start us off.

Pretty sure the Police would shut down anything that was constantly happening in the same place. Don't always belive what you see in the movies.

General Baxter
20-08-08, 01:01 PM
lol would i really rag a £3.5k xe engine down the by pass lol

20-08-08, 01:04 PM
yer im sure it would be shut down quicker than a primary school built near where gary glitter lives .

but it would be good as it would sort out all the arguments that gary boys have .

for example im an old git now and when i drive about i get all sorts of idiots trying to egg me on to race , at least it would be done in front of all his mates and then every one will know who to **** with and who to leave alone .

20-08-08, 01:06 PM
well my c20let cost 3 times the value of you xe , and i still would no one said rag it .

i really wouldnt have any need to rag mine say up against type r just change gears .

by by v-tac

20-08-08, 01:07 PM
every sunday night down were im from, been goin gon for years now

General Baxter
20-08-08, 01:08 PM
well my c20let cost 3 times the value of you xe , and i still would no one said rag it .

i really wouldnt have any need to rag mine say up against type r just change gears .

by by v-tac

ok, i dont want to go blasting down the by pass in a 16k mile nova lol

20-08-08, 01:11 PM
midnightracing.net they organise events for ilegal street racing no money just for fun all around midlands matey. but they cant advertise that they promote racing so they advertise cruises and then you go to one of the tracks from the car parks mate

20-08-08, 01:13 PM
ok, i dont want to go blasting down the by pass in a 16k mile nova lol

ah i see your point fella i dont think i would even take it out with that sort of mileage on it.

you could just park at the side lookin cool ,

General Baxter
20-08-08, 01:14 PM
no becasue some 'racer' WILL loose control and crash into it lol

20-08-08, 01:15 PM
you could just park at the side lookin cool ,in a nova!!!

General Baxter
20-08-08, 01:15 PM
in a nova LOON lol

20-08-08, 01:16 PM
iv got mates who want to go rs4, s2000, splitscreen pick up with porka turbo lump , turbo 8v golf mk2 m3s 944 so many want to do it , i just need some where round here to do it . east of the world it sucks

20-08-08, 01:18 PM
would love to see a loon there ooooh yer in my world thats top of the cool wall untouchable.

i had a 5 door deisel with gte archs and it was awsome , it died of rot

20-08-08, 01:19 PM
it died of rotcan you please

General Baxter
20-08-08, 01:20 PM
oh ben you so funny lol

20-08-08, 01:23 PM

20-08-08, 01:32 PM
We used to do that with our toy Tractors down our lawn, until one day I watched my friend crash into the Flower bed and he fall off. He hit his right knee and it almost bled.

I havent raced since.

20-08-08, 02:09 PM
^^^^^^ lol^^^^^^

20-08-08, 02:13 PM
Why not race on a track? with proper cars,not barry rubbish on da streetz blud

20-08-08, 02:15 PM
well said Andy and much safer.

20-08-08, 02:19 PM
yep exactly

1.6 8v turbo nova
20-08-08, 02:27 PM
I usually go to 'Bolton cruise' every 2nd Thursday. There are cars what race up a certain road. If a oncoming car See's 2 sets of headlights, they either turn off or pull over. Pretty weird how everyone looks out for each other.

20-08-08, 02:29 PM
Shouldnt race on the public roads tut tut tut tut.

20-08-08, 02:30 PM
We have a stock car track locally, its rough as fook, not the Track but the Racing, its great!! And twice a year theres a Demoltion Derby which is crackers. 1/2 of the Track is filled with participating cars and they get wreaked right away!!

20-08-08, 02:31 PM
What road offences result in vehicle seizure?

The police have the power to seize a vehicle if it’s being used in an anti-social manner (causing alarm, harassment or distress). This includes inconsiderate driving and unauthorised off-road driving of cars, motorbikes etc.

20-08-08, 02:35 PM
We used to do that with our toy Tractors down our lawn, until one day I watched my friend crash into the Flower bed and he fall off. He hit his right knee and it almost bled.

I havent raced since.

Classic, comment of the year i reckon. lol lol lol

As for street racing, i used to go to an adbandoned section of an industrial estate near brid every sunday night and participated a fair few times, was never anyone around and for long enough the coppers left us alone they knew we were there and why as theyre really not that stupid but it started getting too big and after a few donuts who must have just plain forgotten to brake hit the fences and gates at the other end it was closed down.

Shame really but although was on a road 20 min drive away from the town and on a quiet industrial estate was still very stupid and very dangerous!

1.6 8v turbo nova
20-08-08, 02:40 PM
Shouldnt race on the public roads tut tut tut tut.

I don't :D. I watch the idiots in scoobys and lancers hammering it :thumb:

20-08-08, 02:41 PM
They want hammering,with an Estwing (if you dont know ask a joiner lol)

ben doodar
20-08-08, 02:44 PM
lol it goes on round my end mate, every sunday night, theres a strecth of d road about 10 miles long and people will race from one end to the other. like somebody else has all ready said, everybody seems to look out for each other, and its a good real friendly atmosphere. dangerous i must admit, good fun though!!

20-08-08, 02:49 PM
lol it goes on round my end mate, every sunday night, theres a strecth of d road about 10 miles long and people will race from one end to the other. like somebody else has all ready said, everybody seems to look out for each other, and its a good real friendly atmosphere. dangerous i must admit, good fun though!!

That may be but you try lifting your 4yr old best friend from under his red Tractor with a sore knee, him crying and no plasters in the house and think, you just had a go on it last time and how easy it could have been you.

Something like that never leaves you.

20-08-08, 02:53 PM
That may be but you try lifting your 4yr old best friend from under his red Tractor with a sore knee, him crying and no plasters in the house and think, you just had a go on it last time and how easy it could have been you.

Something like that never leaves you.

Im sorry to laugh at what seems to be such a painfully traumatic childhood memory..............


Roflmfao!! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

20-08-08, 03:37 PM
he he he he he he v funny

20-08-08, 03:47 PM
as you are in suffolk, why not spend 1/2hr looking on google map's satellite images in your local area & go to see any local farmers who own an old bomber base. I bet there are still a few about. few shillings in his pocket & a promise to take your rubbish home should do it......

20-08-08, 03:55 PM
my friend had a drag race once....he lost to lilly savage

20-08-08, 03:56 PM

20-08-08, 03:57 PM
Hendrix, go stand in the corner, NOW.

20-08-08, 04:00 PM
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:XeHnEPu02ymbbM:http://www.where2next.info/images/open_door.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.where2next.info/images/open_door.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hutterites.ning.com/forum/topic/listForCategory%3FcategoryId%3D1982535%253ACategor y%253A5425&h=491&w=400&sz=21&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=XeHnEPu02ymbbM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dopen%2Bdoor%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)
I'm showing you the door

20-08-08, 04:03 PM
i go to tracks all the time but i wanted something closer and quicker to get some action rather than 2 hours of talks from some old guy about the black flag bla bla bla.

also my 1st point being that it qwould be good to sort out all the cocks in their cars who think there BMWs scoobys are mental quick .

true petrol heads who have spannard their way into proper horsepower will be cueing to destroy the shiney e46 m3 thats bouncing off the limiter, which is usually parked outside the local kfc with undesirbles in it.

become a hero in a nova .......thus automaticly giving a ranking in your town

20-08-08, 04:06 PM
good idea about the google thing will check tomorrow , just bribe a farmer with a new goat good as gold

20-08-08, 04:10 PM
beena good read that, just Dods comments realy lmao!!

yeh find some land somewhere and give the owner some dolla would be good.

dont think i'll be drivin like that for a while tho when i get my next car, i nearly died when i was driving round some back roads, to quick for the corner. few trees down in a swamp and on its roof on a tree!

20-08-08, 04:22 PM
Not enough empty or abandonned space to do it tbh.

Its pretty sad (illegal street racing) IMO. People do it in there own ways, we race up the dual carriageways or from place to place but don't have a spray painted startline on the road or some chicks in bikini's to start us off.

Pretty sure the Police would shut down anything that was constantly happening in the same place. Don't always belive what you see in the movies.

Clearly not been to Nottingham then lol,

Also whats wrong with racing at pod, go blow your car up there.

General Baxter
20-08-08, 04:36 PM
become a hero in a nova .......thus automaticly giving a ranking in your town

its a nova, it has no ranking lol

20-08-08, 04:41 PM
weekly event here :) guess when i desided is wanted a XE nova.. seeing a 4 door loon kicking impreza ass lol

General Baxter
20-08-08, 04:42 PM
i know a good game, set off around the m25 at 4.30pm and see how long it takes to get back to the same place

mega slow drag race :)

20-08-08, 04:48 PM
it ranks 1st in the rust department and last in the desirible

20-08-08, 04:49 PM
i know a good game, set off around the m25 at 4.30pm and see how long it takes to get back to the same place

mega slow drag race :)

you will never get to the same place, because by the time you get round, they will have dug it up & redone it............

ps. the m25 is most definitely the crappest piece of motorway in europe... discuss

20-08-08, 04:55 PM
i agree m25 is poo i like joining the A12 for a challange dodging pot holes and different surfaces wonderfull for low profile tyres and a struggling nova tram lining.

so wwhy do we pay road tax again.....................

20-08-08, 04:57 PM
Its technically not called tax though is it, its Road Fund Licence....

Hmmm definately aint funding any roads near me theyre horrendous!

20-08-08, 04:58 PM
Terry Pratchett co wrote a book with Neil Gaiman called Good Omens. It mentions that the M25 was designed by a Demon and it is one of the Devils most faverate things. The Demon is also very proud of it since it brings mass suffering to lots of people on a daily basis.

I think they have it about right.

20-08-08, 04:59 PM
We used to do that with our toy Tractors down our lawn, until one day I watched my friend crash into the Flower bed and he fall off. He hit his right knee and it almost bled.

I havent raced since.

lol lol nice one Dod

20-08-08, 05:17 PM
If it keeps going like it is, th M25's inside lane will be in london, and the fast lane will be in Windsor.

20-08-08, 05:24 PM
The M25 is the gayest peice of carrigeway this side of erm, a really gay place!

20-08-08, 05:26 PM
Mowgli's manifesto

the m25 should have been made as a six lane each way road...

& not the abortion that was built (two lane tunnels etc) by a private consortium headed by Denis Thatcher..........

The dartford Tolls were in place to pay for the bridge, which was done many years ago, now the govt gets it........ the tunnel & bridge should be free, but still have controls for hazardous stuff

all motorways should be built in the us style, with a huge margin between the carriageways, but with a rh side hard shoulder. this means that if more lanes are needed, they can be added without upsetting the flow of traffic & building new bridges etc, & if there is an accident, it won't affect the traffic on the oncoming side.

20-08-08, 05:44 PM
every sunday night where im from there is street racing easily about 200 cars turn up not everyone races tho! its good fun sometimes the police turn up but theres so many of us they cant do anything so we just go to another quiet place in convoy and start again lol, quiet industrial roads etc are the best! think its organised through midnightracing aswell!

20-08-08, 05:45 PM
every sunday night where im from there is street racing easily about 200 cars turn up not everyone races tho! its good fun sometimes the police turn up but theres so many of us they cant do anything so we just go to another quiet place in convoy and start again lol, quiet industrial roads etc are the best! think its organised through midnightracing aswell!

they can't do anything except take video footage & reg numbers

20-08-08, 06:35 PM
And section 59's eventually ending in seizure of your vehicle:thumb:

20-08-08, 06:40 PM
And section 59's eventually ending in seizure of your vehicle:thumb:

Indeed, a few well known local lads around here have had cars crushed lol

20-08-08, 06:55 PM
Indeed, a few well known local lads around here have had cars crushed lol

Id find that far more entertaining than watching people who think they can drive ragging up and down a road :)

20-08-08, 07:00 PM
Watching their faces drop in horror as it gets towed away now that would be entertainment,hearing the cracking of fibreglass as it wont go on the truck so it gets dragged on lol

20-08-08, 07:02 PM
Watching their faces drop in horror as it gets towed away now that would be entertainment,hearing the cracking of fibreglass as it wont go on the truck so it gets dragged on lol

You just gave me goosebumps lol

20-08-08, 07:05 PM
Id find that far more entertaining than watching people who think they can drive ragging up and down a road :)

It was entertaining at the time. As one car was an imported Grand Prix White Honda Civic Type R (EP3 model) so about £15k+ at the time, had carbon bonnet, boot & spoiler, VOLK rims all import parts like that lol

20-08-08, 08:05 PM
Watching their faces drop in horror as it gets towed away now that would be entertainment,hearing the cracking of fibreglass as it wont go on the truck so it gets dragged on lol

Seen this actually happen, was at local mac dees (st andrews quay) and a sh!troen paxo came steaming on from clive sullivan way (a63 national speed limit road) with another car clearly racing followed closely by an unmarked proton which pulled up and removed the drivers of both cars.

Around an hour later a recovery truck appeared to remove said paxo, using a spec lift, bye bye went the bottom part of the ill fitted fibreglass shoddykit front bumper, accompanied by the comment from one of the coppers "this isnt the first time weve had to impound this vehicle from you is it" to which the lad just laughed and said "nope".

At which point i butted in, "well he clearly hasnt learned his lesson then so dont let him buy it out, its only a paxo so scrap the fcuker" the copper laughed and said he would love to as he hated em too lmao!

The kid didnt look too impressed or very clever when his "lass" got a lift home with someone else and left him standing haha!

20-08-08, 08:34 PM
Spud I can remember a certain night where me and Mr P were stranded due to an ar5ehole copper who claimed Mr P had no insurance,even though he did they still took it.

20-08-08, 11:35 PM
ive never seen the appeal of going fast in a straight line as anyone can do. not everyone however can go fast round corners as that takes skill and talent

20-08-08, 11:44 PM
Talent that i will display. :D

20-08-08, 11:52 PM
ive never seen the appeal of going fast in a straight line as anyone can do. not everyone however can go fast round corners as that takes skill and talent

agreed, but a day at the pod last month was still fun, and it settled an arguament between me and a mate as to who's car was fastest (mine, by miles, sort of...)

20-11-08, 04:28 PM
Who cares any more no one can afford to run cars any more ,,, race you up the road on foot last one there has to buy food for the week and find a job

20-11-08, 05:01 PM
I dont race, i just go faster than everyone else.

You see boy racers racing where ever there is a 30mph sign.


michael squeak
20-11-08, 06:04 PM
every sunday night down were im from, been goin gon for years now

you on about stanlow corus and bookers? it was raided by the police just last week. making eveyone take there tints off, checking engines , lights mods everything really.

20-11-08, 06:30 PM
I have a friend who has never been beaten at the local traffic light grandprix... she is 65 & owns a j plate quattro sport with about 350hp & some good tyres. it is so much fun watching her at the lights with some lad next to her

20-11-08, 09:16 PM
i agree m25 is poo i like joining the A12 for a challange dodging pot holes and different surfaces wonderfull for low profile tyres and a struggling nova tram lining.

so wwhy do we pay road tax again.....................

Please drive to coventry, the roads are C%%P, you need new teeth and your back cracked after a drive round there, why do I work there :( ...