View Full Version : eeek my driving test

11-10-02, 01:38 PM
i have got my driving test in 1 hour :?
so hopefully i will be back on here saying i have passed
*Fingers Crossed*
arnt i the lucky 1 ...test is at 3:27 with all the little schoolies running around..and mad women drivers (no offence cara/tilly) :oops: and it looks like it is going to rain ...oww i am shi**ng myself

11-10-02, 01:41 PM
hey, think about it, if there's lots of traffic and ur not moving far then you'll do half the distance and less chance to mess up, its about 40 mins long aint it.

11-10-02, 01:46 PM
hehe ye good point :P
thnx m8

11-10-02, 01:50 PM
thats alright no prob, let me know how u get on. Good luck again, u dont need it tho!
This ur second time round or first time, how old r u, and most of all, u got a nova?

11-10-02, 01:50 PM
if there are plenty of kids about make sure you checking mirros more often and being very clear in your intensions if changing direction...

11-10-02, 01:52 PM
oh - and good luck :D
concentrate and you will be fine.

11-10-02, 01:54 PM
dont matter about those questions i asked ash, i read ur other post about the insurance and tax disk, u will need that certificate or something in writing to prove its your car.
What car u got?

11-10-02, 02:07 PM
thnx again all..
ye i have a nova ofcourse :P
1.2 nova ohh god i wanna get it over wiv..
dam that has annoyed me about my insurance certificate :evil:

11-10-02, 02:25 PM
time for me to go and have my test..
great it raining :evil:

ill tell u if i passed/failed in 2 hours or so...unless i crash then i will be back as soon as possible hehe

cyaz Ash

11-10-02, 02:33 PM
Hope it's good news for you.


11-10-02, 02:52 PM
you should be taking your test about now i think, i wont be able to check this post till 6 so hope it all went well, i'd phone up ur insurance company and shout at them for not sending it out yet! Get another one sent out!

11-10-02, 03:36 PM
just failed mine last friday. damn level crossing would have passed if the traffic didnt come to a standstill while i was crossing over it :cry: was devastated. my 1.2 beast has to wait on the drive for another month now poor thing

11-10-02, 05:07 PM
ohh well...
i have failed..i am 2 piss*d of 2 even explaine what happend lets just say women driver FFS...there should be roads made for women

AHHH im a failure :evil: :evil: :evil:

11-10-02, 05:19 PM
personnal prefere a lady behind the wheel than a guy,
1 they r safer.
2 u can perv at em without crashing n taking ya eyes off the road.
if u do have a crash with any girls,dont screw at em,sdont throw ya weight about, just be polite to em,because the chances are they are gonna b shaken up more than you,
thats not ment to be sexist,
do it again and do it like 11 in the morning

11-10-02, 06:38 PM
I passed mine a week ago, first time. Got a well easy route, just country roads. All I had to do was reverse round a corner and park in the test centre. Was well chuffed. Unlucky with your test mate. I'm sure you will pass next time. :lol:

11-10-02, 06:53 PM
Dont worry m8, plenty of time to pass! at least u can take it again and again!
! passed 3rd time round i was gutted 2nd time coz it was for somthing silly
First time was dangerous driving! went thru an amber, but dropped a gear b4 that and gave it some! it was at an awkward situatio tho, i was goin 2 quick to stop, but 2 slow 2 pass, so i thought sod id and booted it! i thought he would have sed i was good and confident! lmao
But dont worry 2 much!

11-10-02, 08:36 PM
thnx all..
i have already booked my next test it is on the 3rd dec :(
ages to wait..ohh well another 2 months of riding 2 work on my push bike in the rain/snow/fog hehe :evil:

11-10-02, 09:10 PM
gd hint which work for me,
wear sunglasses coz then the bloke cant see ya eyes,hence if ya checking mirrors

11-10-02, 09:13 PM
I tried that one, he told me to take em off :(

11-10-02, 09:25 PM
lol wear sunglasses 8)

11-10-02, 10:09 PM
god use imagtian,
there prescition and there automatical tint to the sun light.
work 4 me n my lass.
sounds like u got n a old fart of a tester

12-10-02, 01:09 AM
unlucky m8 i know how u feel. u'll pass no probs next time. its crappy not being able to drive to work tho. did u try to get a cancellation? i would have had to wait another 2 months but i got mine for november.

13-10-02, 09:33 PM
no i havnt ..not yet anyway..i am gonna try on monday...but the chances of me getting a cancellation are small arnt they ?

13-10-02, 09:42 PM
i got one alright. its worth tryin cos the waiting list is about 2 months isnt it? dont worry tho m8 hopefully we will be out in our nova's soon enuff. fingers crossed