View Full Version : Any of you train/bodybuild?

19-08-08, 05:00 PM
Who goes to the gym?,and whos a lazy ar5e?
Ive just been for the 1st time in 3months and almost passed out.Ive never been so unfit:( I subscribed for 3years and pay £20 a month but probably onlly been for 2 out of the 12months ive payed for lol

19-08-08, 05:04 PM
I'm a lazy ****. Although I can find few people who could hold a 3 month old calf inbetween their thighs :p

19-08-08, 05:05 PM
Yes, im off to play 2 hours of squash and then to the gym afterwards to finish off what energy I have left lol

And I do this almost everyday.

19-08-08, 05:06 PM
I have some trainers... 3 pairs. And some weights (unused). Does that count?

19-08-08, 05:06 PM
lol that must be awkward (alex)

19-08-08, 05:09 PM
Legs of steallol

craig green
19-08-08, 05:19 PM
I used to work out at the gym a few years back, seeing as my DNA dictates I'll always be a skinny fooker. 8 months of 3 sessions on the weights a week meant I barely gained 1/2 a stone. Sure I toned up nicely but it wasnt worth the effort or outlay IMO so I stopped. I prefer cycling & sunday strolls to keep my fitness at a reasonable base level.

Make sure you have fun or its not worth it & don't bother getting into creatine & other weight gain shizzle. No one likes a meat head, though meat heads love themselves.

19-08-08, 05:25 PM
I won't go to the gym , they are a rip-off, but I try my best at home.

19-08-08, 05:43 PM
I dont need to gain weight lol need to tone up lol The supplements do work if you actually train with them,Ive took amino acids and those protein shakes before and they do work,just when you stop going you baloon lol
Lauren how is it a rip off?
At home its all to easy to get distracted and do summat else or have a can or a bag of crisps etc

19-08-08, 05:44 PM
i walk to work and back every day which is about 1and half miles each way...
thats about it for me..

19-08-08, 05:49 PM
Personaly hate the gym! Its all so simulated and i dont see the point in payin £20+ per month to do something you could do down your local park for instance.

Ive just literaly got back from a 10mile cross country ride and my legs are funked lol so ill chill for a bit then do some weights and sit ups, then to the pub to start the whole cycle again lol

Another thing is those protine/weigh gain shakes are a bit dodgy, i do drink them but with water as it gets into your body quicker but if for instance you go on holiday and you have been taking them for the weeks leading up to your holiday, then go and drink loads of beer and eat random fatty foods you WILL put on a hell of a lot of weight.

19-08-08, 05:53 PM
Trainin at home is for quitters...

its been proven that you work 2(somthing)% more if been watched/working with others.

and it realy is true, when kickboxing i fidn it alot easier when youre team mates are stiring you on, and gettin on your case wen your slacking, they help you do a few extra reps/laps etc

Andy are wanting to do just weights to get BIG or what?

also theres a few things that maybe you should/could purchase if your realy going to get into it..

Protein shake and shaker( take it no longer then 30mins after training as your body will go catabolic and youre body wil be searchin for "food" and attact your muscles for it,making the work out point less.

MP3 player/iPod

Its also been proven that music has a good afect on how you workout..

And get ya diet sorted, dont expect big results fast, its not goign to happen, your body actully swells up before you start loosing weight.

and last but not least DONT starve yourself :)

good luck.. pm me if u need any help mate


19-08-08, 06:07 PM
i used to go to a gym. but i much prefer doing weights at home. the only downside is i dont get any "cardio vascular" ?? exercise like running and s**t.

but i havent done some proper weights in a while as i realised:
i am practicing lifting heavy things for what reason?
i sit on my computer all day which requires no physical strength at all.

plus at my gym there was about 10 huge men (most black {not racist just pointing out they were**) and they just stood in front of the mirrors and tensed the guns and talked about how buff they were

19-08-08, 06:13 PM
"cardio vascular" ??

Some people refer to Cardiovascular exercise as aerobic exercise, some people even call it 'cardio' for short. All it amounts to is exercises that involve the large muscles like legs and help make your heart and lungs stronger. Cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits like lowering your blood pressure, and also it can burn lots of calories - for those of you who want to lose weight.

19-08-08, 06:15 PM
^ bang on.. 20mins on the cros trainer a day, and 10mins joggin works wonders

19-08-08, 06:17 PM
The job i do dictates a "no need for gym membership" answer :D

19-08-08, 06:19 PM
yes, but then you also have to focus on local muscular enduance. so that specific muscles can perform actions as well as they started.

i got a B in higher p.e but cant remember anything from it.

19-08-08, 06:19 PM
Yer fair enought the only reason id go to a gym is to use the cross trainer. Lukily i live in Eastbourne so i have the downs (hills) and the seafront, jog along the beach at low tide every othernight (top of women looveee it lol) and ride alot and eat healthy, pasta rocks!

And martins right if you train with someone of a similare level its very benificail.

19-08-08, 06:20 PM
Big arms ftw :D

19-08-08, 06:27 PM
my arms are about 15-16 inches :)

19-08-08, 06:40 PM
Martin my aim is to lose my belly and tone up,i already am a big lad,im 14stone and im only 5ft 8,
Totally agree about a training partner mate it does help when they tell you to keep going.I just want to get fitter mainly but tone up.I used to have a good physique 2 years ago and now im eating crap and drinking lots of lager so im bloated lol

19-08-08, 06:46 PM
Martin my aim is to lose my belly and tone up,i already am a big lad,im 14stone and im only 5ft 8,
Totally agree about a training partner mate it does help when they tell you to keep going.I just want to get fitter mainly but tone up.I used to have a good physique 2 years ago and now im eating crap and drinking lots of lager so im bloated lol

Eat better and go swiming couple of times a week :thumb:

Also all these new beers with smaller bubbles and that, are they less gasy therefore make you less bloated?

19-08-08, 06:57 PM
Water ftw

19-08-08, 06:58 PM
Powerade ftw

19-08-08, 06:58 PM
Yeah my biggest problem is eating as i have actually cut down alot on the ale.Id drink 6 cans at least on a night every night then a blowout at the weekend lol But sometimes i eat pizzas and burgers etc crisps aswell.So just trying to eat properly and train aswell.I like swimming,i suppose theres no excuse to not go swimming with me living 5mins from the beach lol

19-08-08, 06:59 PM
Relentless is my usual lol

19-08-08, 07:03 PM
I won't go to the gym , they are a rip-off, but I try my best at home.

I both agree and disagree with this. If you are the sort of person who doesnt allow yourself to become distracted and can do a sensible workout in your own home using whatever you have available to help you - stairs, bags of bean tins etc etc, then yes, there is no real need to use the gym.

But, if like most people you cant do that and find yourself on the sofa instead, 25 quid for gym membership is a bargain if it gets you off your **** and off to get some exercise.

I used to work a 2 minute walk from the gym. And the gym was a 30 minute walk from my house, so in the morning at 7am i would walk to the gym, treating that as a steady warm up, and then exercise for an hour before showering and going to work for 9am. Did this 5 days a week. Went after work 2 days a week also, and once over the weekend. Never felt better about myself than i did then. And confidence in yourself is worth all the money in the world as it has a positive influence on everything you do.

19-08-08, 07:09 PM
And confidence in yourself is worth all the money in the world as it has a positive influence on everything you do.

Wise words. :D

19-08-08, 07:13 PM
Thats exactly right mate,you do have more self confidence in yourself and you realise how "clouded" you were by bad toxins and stress etc.Well thats how i feel anyway if that makes sense?

19-08-08, 07:16 PM
Yupp. Perfect sense.

I used to have little competitions with myself to see how far i could row in five minutes, how far i could run in 20 minutes, how many calories the computer on the cross trainer would say i burned in 30 minutes ... etc etc.

If you make it interesting and keep pushing yourself you dont get bored with it all being the same old scenery all the time.

19-08-08, 07:21 PM
im 14stone and im only 5ft 8,

Im 6ft 1 and weight about 85 kgs (13.5 stone)

Isnt there a thing were you can work out you body mass index or somthing like that?

19-08-08, 07:22 PM
Yeah there is but they have been proven to be a load of sh1t.Yes i know my BMI is horrific all the same lol lol

19-08-08, 07:24 PM

You are overweight for your height

Your BMI is 27.5

If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 you're over the ideal weight for your height. Make sure you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and don't eat more calories than you need to.
If you're trying to lose weight, get more exercise and avoid snacking and 'crash' diets. If you carry your weight around your stomach, you're 'apple-shaped', rather than 'pear-shaped'. This means you're at more risk of health problems, so you really need to get your weight down.

19-08-08, 07:27 PM
:(Yeah i know:cry: It is crap though,so if a Rugby player is 16 stone at my height but can run 100metres in 11 seconds,is he overweight?? i doubt it

19-08-08, 07:29 PM
No because a proper BMI calculation will take into account your build also, which is calculated based on your wrist measurement for greatest accuracy, but its a good guide for "normal" people.

I need to lose about a stone and a half to get my BMI to where it should be. Which is crazy.

19-08-08, 07:32 PM
Yeah i see what you mean about "normal build" It said before i had to lose like 2 stone to get in the average normal area?! id look ill if i lost 2 stone!!

19-08-08, 07:33 PM
i wouldnt look ill but i'd be very thin... and i dont like very thin. prefer having meat on my bones for winter lol

19-08-08, 07:39 PM
You are the ideal weight for your height

Your BMI is 24.5

If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you're an ideal weight for your height. To maintain this, make sure you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and keep active with regular exercise. This will lower your chances of developing heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.
Even if your weight is ideal, you need to keep an eye on your waist size. People who are 'apple-shaped' rather than 'pear-shaped' are more at risk from health problems.

Im happy lol

19-08-08, 07:54 PM
My jobs always kept me in shape, but recently ive found my health is suffering from lack of cardio exercise, added to my smoking habit. Plan to have all that changed by the end of the summer though.

19-08-08, 07:55 PM
Been the gym a few times myself in the past but can't resist them chocolate coated goodies!


19-08-08, 07:57 PM
You are the ideal weight for your height

Your BMI is 19.16

19-08-08, 07:59 PM
Plan to have all that changed by the end of the summer though.

Funny guy lollollol

19-08-08, 08:08 PM
Funny guy lollollol
lol, no seriously. Time has come to quit now. Normal cigs are ludicrously expensive now, and normally Id smoke rollups if i was a bit skint, but they make me feel iffy now for some reason lol

19-08-08, 08:09 PM
You are underweight for your height
Your BMI is 17.07

Spot on tbh, i am underweight and dont put weight on no matter what lol

19-08-08, 08:10 PM
I used to be a fintess freak when i was still in the army, but i suppose its forced upon you there lol
Used to be able to run 12 miles, speed march 15-20k with 80lbs on my back no problem.
Now i smoke, drink and eat too much ****e and struggle to start my car in the morning lol

19-08-08, 08:12 PM
God you men are more concerned about your bodies then us. If one of us was to start up a thread about body issues you'd all be screaming PICS!lol

19-08-08, 08:14 PM
all this talk wants me to get my weights back out, but i feel a good seshion of call of duty and a quick w**k will do me good

19-08-08, 08:14 PM
well i can proudly say i am probably the biggest couch potato on here :thumb: never done any exercise and although i almost wobbled when i started my new job i decided not to bother, i am the way i am and thats it lol lol

19-08-08, 08:15 PM
I'm 18 and last time igot weighed i was about 10 stone 3 pound.

Am i about right for my age?

19-08-08, 08:16 PM
oh and that bmi nonsense is just that lol i am allegedly 'obese', it doesnt cater for the more naturally heavy person that isnt actually fat

19-08-08, 08:16 PM
novalad-How tall are you

19-08-08, 08:17 PM
About 5 ft 9

19-08-08, 08:17 PM
lol, no seriously. Time has come to quit now. Normal cigs are ludicrously expensive now, and normally Id smoke rollups if i was a bit skint, but they make me feel iffy now for some reason lol

They do it to me Lee! Cigs are mega money yes, i buy 200 a week between me & the missus for a nice price of £26 lol

19-08-08, 08:18 PM
i miss the days when smoking was cool and for the hard kids

19-08-08, 08:19 PM
i miss the days when smoking was cool and for the hard kids

Drivings Nova's is where its at for the gangsta boi's now shag.

19-08-08, 08:20 PM
When i started secondary education it was about 25p a cig off someone by the time i got to my last year you could make 70p - £1 a cig lol.

19-08-08, 08:20 PM
its damn inflation these days i tell ye

19-08-08, 08:20 PM
BMi = me fooked lol.. i'm 5ft 8 and a gnats cock, and 20st lol

last year i was 24.8st Fcuk ****er lol

lost for stone in 6months FTW :P

by june nextg year my aim is to be 16st.. then i can pursue my dream..

Brittsih heavy weight boxing champ :P

I have about 20" biceips they've shunk funk loads sence ive been kickboxing and not 'Liftin..

19-08-08, 08:22 PM
oh and that bmi nonsense is just that lol i am allegedly 'obese', it doesnt cater for the more naturally heavy person that isnt actually fat

Here here

Muscle weights more then fat ;)

19-08-08, 08:23 PM

so all in all, you want to be this guy?

19-08-08, 08:25 PM

so all in all, you want to be this guy?

Yeah but what he has in size of chest he looses in size of penis! lol

19-08-08, 08:43 PM
lmao tom your not a bad lad are you lol

19-08-08, 08:44 PM
no i dotn take roids and never will lol

19-08-08, 08:45 PM

Look at his arms :p

19-08-08, 09:06 PM
You could never get that big naturally,same as worlds strongest man they have all done them and then stop when they compete.Thats not how to look or feel good

19-08-08, 09:08 PM
but check out these nipples man

19-08-08, 09:33 PM
Look at his arms :p

Meh there fake.. u want the real thing lexx;)

20-08-08, 10:01 AM
You're gonna have to stop calling me that it sounds like a porn stars name!lol

20-08-08, 10:04 AM
Meh there fake.. u want the real thing lexx;)

Pics? :p

20-08-08, 10:23 AM
I used to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week but don't find time now as I'm out the door for work by 7 and don't get home til around half 6. :mad:. As it is I get 0 exercise and tbh I miss it tons. I do occasionally play squash but nowhere near as much as I'd like. Plus its extortionate how they charge you 28 per month for your gym membership AND still charge you for the squash courts at 5.50 a throw (Peak time only). Off peak is 2 hours on a saturday morning and 2 hours on a sunday pmsl oh and afternoons when most people are out earning a crust to pay the bloody fees

20-08-08, 10:32 AM
I used to up until about 6 months ago, I'm not that dedicated though, just fit in the odd session around work etc

20-08-08, 10:41 AM
We get the courts for £3 a session and on certain nights we can get them free. Ah the joys of working at a univeristy.

Same with badminton, if you know when to go you can get them free all night. Normally have to book just on session so we actually have a reason to be there.

20-08-08, 10:42 AM
I challenge you to a game of squash phil haha lol
When we book them on an evening we can usualy get them for around 1h45 or something even though we have only paid for the 40 mins

20-08-08, 10:44 AM
You can challenge me if you want, im winning the our department ladder at the moment though lol

20-08-08, 10:45 AM
haha so you think your good eh??? well bring it on lol. I'd probably end up getting trounced or collapse in a heart attack!

20-08-08, 11:37 AM
Lmao Hendrix.I started going really light headed after id ran just over a mile and a half on the running machine last night lol I took my cap off and my head felt like it was fizzing lol lol A sure sign that im mega unfit and i need to get my finger out!

20-08-08, 11:39 AM
I always used to run until my legs went like jelly and then pull the emergency stop and rest on the front of the treadmill until i could stand up properly again.

Or, on lazy days i would put it on a maximum incline and walk at a decent speed, which usually felt like a better workout.

20-08-08, 11:41 AM
Wisewood thats fukcing dangerous mate! lol lol
I dont like the incline,it makes my calfs feel like they're on fire lol

20-08-08, 11:42 AM
The skinnier u are, the faster the nova goes. Thats my motto! :)

20-08-08, 11:43 AM
Wisewood thats fukcing dangerous mate! lol lol
I dont like the incline,it makes my calfs feel like they're on fire lol

hahaha yeah i know. I did fall off once, well, not quite, but very nearly, dangerously lost my balance.

Incline is good because it does work your calves more than normal... and gets your lungs burning :D

20-08-08, 12:27 PM
used to go at least an hour a day 5 days a week, but fooked my shoulders and back by over lifting, tried to get back into it but i ache too quick!! :(

20-08-08, 01:00 PM
Some people might find this amazing but I am now a fully fledged gymaholic.

I joined a month and half ago and go 3 times a week. 2 short evening sessions and a long one at the weekend.

I absolutely love it.

David Lloyd FTW!

20-08-08, 01:46 PM
I used to be a member of David Lloyd when i lived in Hull.Was proper expensive!!! Full of posers aswell.I prefer the backstreet gyms where its just raw training not mamby pamby posing lol

20-08-08, 02:49 PM
^^ lol there are loads of guys at my gym that are twice my size but lift girls weights.

They also have a punch bag there and im yet to see anyone actually throw a decent punch at it.

20-08-08, 03:08 PM
^^ lol there are loads of guys at my gym that are twice my size but lift girls weights.

They also have a punch bag there and im yet to see anyone actually throw a decent punch at it.

liek these punch machines they have in pubs all the "monsters" hit at and get a **** score and some skinny **** hits it and bingo highest score.. WTF?

lol i got beat by a 13st one leg'd blind midget on one(wel he was 13st lol)

I Measured my calfs last nite as they seem to be growing at sone rate of speed.. there 43cm at the highest point when tensed.. my thighs are only 35cm :roll:pmsl whats that all about

20-08-08, 03:13 PM
I Measured my calfs last nite as they seem to be growing at sone rate of speed.. there 43" at the highest point when tensed.. my thighs are only 35" :roll:pmsl whats that all about

Pics please!

20-08-08, 03:17 PM
****ed all that up lol its been a long day..

i need to remeasure... i fail at cm + " lol

20-08-08, 03:29 PM
laurens desperate to see some pics. thats the second pics post from here so far

20-08-08, 03:31 PM
I'm not desperate at all. Most of the guys on here ask the girls, so why can't we? :p

20-08-08, 03:33 PM
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:B75oNq8a-Tc4pM:http://www.vedveicharolais.com/images/2%2520calves.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vedveicharolais.com/images/2%2520calves.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vedveicharolais.com/Pictures.htm&h=656&w=1182&sz=455&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=B75oNq8a-Tc4pM:&tbnh=83&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2%2Bcalves%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

20-08-08, 03:36 PM
^ Beat me to it pmsl

20-08-08, 03:39 PM



Thats Cm lol

There Pretty wide(calf)


My Shoulders n Traps

ive just started my weight training again so should see some good results soon


20-08-08, 03:44 PM
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:B75oNq8a-Tc4pM:http://www.vedveicharolais.com/images/2%2520calves.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vedveicharolais.com/images/2%2520calves.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vedveicharolais.com/Pictures.htm&h=656&w=1182&sz=455&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=B75oNq8a-Tc4pM:&tbnh=83&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2%2Bcalves%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

lol Cheeky

20-08-08, 03:48 PM
Lol at the low weight poser comments - we have quite a few of the opposite at my local gym - people who go at everything mental - with silly weights - but only do half a rep and have done 20 reps in about 5 seconds while looking like theyre actually having a fit....

20-08-08, 03:51 PM
an old friend of mine was a keen amateur road cycle racer, he went to a gym & really upset the big blokes by outdoing them on everything. he looked really skinny, but he was stronger than anyone I've ever met.

20-08-08, 03:59 PM
I went out with a body builder who was a right wuss - he used to struggle beating me when we were having playfights lol
But a friend of mine is about 5'5 and is tiny - yet he is probably the strongest person I know.
You should be careful of the little ones lol

20-08-08, 04:02 PM
/\/\ he was letting you win, so you'd be happy, so you would let him shag you......psychology lecture over

20-08-08, 04:03 PM
1. Having a man I could probably beat up did not turn me on.

2. I was shagging him anyway.

Lecture over ;)

20-08-08, 04:07 PM
1. Having a man I could probably beat up did not turn me on.

2. I was shagging him anyway.

Lecture over ;)


20-08-08, 04:08 PM
lol You wouldn't want pics of him

20-08-08, 04:43 PM
wouldnt mind pics of you sexin yourself lol

20-08-08, 07:11 PM
Just been again tonight,feel better than last night lol Just got to stick at it now

20-08-08, 07:32 PM
Just imagine all the laydeeeeeezlol

16v Nova Kev
20-08-08, 07:38 PM
lol You wouldn't want pics of him
cut him out and get them on lol:thumb:

20-08-08, 08:52 PM
i used to play basketball at quite a hight level , but packed it on about 7 years ago , during which time i would use the gym a bit and have a very good build and fitness level

since then ive put 3 stone on and become a fat **** lol , well its just my belly area , and i cant blame it on beer as a dont drink and dont smoke lol

just started playin baskeball for a division 2 team 2 month back , and although im better then any of the players my fitness lets me down after 20 min of play lol

im goin to sort myself out though and have been doin small workouts at home , ill start running again after my hols in a couple of week

20-08-08, 09:00 PM
I'm about 12st 2lb at the minute, and I'm about average height, not sure exactly how tall.

I can lose 3 pound per week, which is pretty good if I say so myself. But my problem is that I give up after a month or two, despite a good rate of weight loss. I went from 12st 9lb to 12st 0lbs inside 3 weeks, then gave up. (I just cut out snacks, eat whatever the rest of my family eat for dinner, and went to the gym about 3 times per week).

I might start going to the gym again because I'm quite conscious of how I look, I'd like to be about 10 and a half stone!

Keeping fit takes quite a bit of work :tard: .

20-08-08, 09:44 PM
liek these punch machines they have in pubs all the "monsters" hit at and get a **** score and some skinny **** hits it and bingo highest score.. WTF?

lol i got beat by a 13st one leg'd blind midget on one(wel he was 13st lol)

I Measured my calfs last nite as they seem to be growing at sone rate of speed.. there 43cm at the highest point when tensed.. my thighs are only 35cm :roll:pmsl whats that all about

thats because its not just how hard you hit but where you hit the ball,

20-08-08, 09:52 PM
^ true.. but i've put enough money in the ****ers that i should kno how to hit it pmsl...

i also get a better score wit my left hand but i'm right handed lol

Maybe its coz i do "the Stranger" quite often?

20-08-08, 10:04 PM
I Measured my calfs last nite as they seem to be growing at sone rate of speed.. there 43cm at the highest point when tensed.. my thighs are only 35cm :roll:pmsl whats that all about

Its obvious, your legs are on back to front!

20-08-08, 10:06 PM
Its obvious, your legs are on back to front!

lol good for kickboxing.. eat my shin u **** :P

20-08-08, 11:18 PM
I'm about 12st 2lb at the minute, and I'm about average height, not sure exactly how tall.

I can lose 3 pound per week, which is pretty good if I say so myself. But my problem is that I give up after a month or two, despite a good rate of weight loss. I went from 12st 9lb to 12st 0lbs inside 3 weeks, then gave up. (I just cut out snacks, eat whatever the rest of my family eat for dinner, and went to the gym about 3 times per week).

I might start going to the gym again because I'm quite conscious of how I look, I'd like to be about 10 and a half stone!

Keeping fit takes quite a bit of work :tard: .10 and half stone!!! you'll look like a ****ing stick

20-08-08, 11:39 PM
im 12st of idiot lol dont diet dont go to the gym but im in shape from putting in 200% when installing gas central heating those radiators and boilers are hard going :D

21-08-08, 12:02 AM



Thats Cm lol

There Pretty wide(calf)


My Shoulders n Traps

ive just started my weight training again so should see some good results soon


you work infusion!! (or are a spit of him!!) erm ..............funky?? remember you!! hard *******!!

21-08-08, 12:14 AM
i was alot bigger than that when i was back in nam.

21-08-08, 12:18 AM
10 and half stone!!! you'll look like a ****ing stick

Well I'm just over 12 now and I'm well built :tard: .

Anyway, fck that, I'm just after pigging out, and I bought some new clothes today so I don't want them to get too big for me lol

21-08-08, 03:33 AM
you dont have to look that big to be heavy, muscle weighs a lot more than fat at the minute im a touch under 16 stone and im 5 foot 11 but ive lost just over a stone in the last 19 months cos i cant train properly cos of a knee injury, but i dont look that heavy tbh




this is me now

21-08-08, 03:35 AM
what has this thread become lol i used to go to gym i have a high motabilsm so i don't put on weight only 12 stoned, quite ripped up though, love doing boxing aswell

21-08-08, 03:37 AM
soon this thread will become show us your bebo pose lol.
i got reasonably "buff" a year ago. but tthen gradulay quit and then turned into full time potato

21-08-08, 03:38 AM
soon this thread will become show us your bebo pose lol.
i got reasonably "buff" a year ago. but tthen gradulay quit and then turned into full time potato
lol better hadent spam this thread

21-08-08, 03:39 AM
yeh. lets keep to our movies thread. before people start getting really annoyed.

21-08-08, 07:57 AM
Keep bringing on the built up men please, they are making me happy. :D

21-08-08, 01:29 PM
I used to be a member of David Lloyd when i lived in Hull.Was proper expensive!!! Full of posers aswell.I prefer the backstreet gyms where its just raw training not mamby pamby posing lol

lol there are a few who like to watch themselves constantly in the mirror... you don't need to check you technique that often.

It's £128 a month for an unlimited joint membership with my gf :D

21-08-08, 01:34 PM
It's £128 a month for an unlimited joint membership with my gf :D

:eek: How much?!

21-08-08, 01:42 PM

21-08-08, 01:43 PM
i pay £4 a month for the one at graft iu dont use, it has everything a proper gyms got, except the poofs and mirrors

EDIT: lol @ wood

21-08-08, 01:46 PM
Theres nowt down for paying that sort of money,thats just ridiculous.Christ if i didnt go or get my moneys worth i'd be suicidal lol

21-08-08, 03:39 PM
Nasty..Nah Fusion what now? lol

Matt thats pretty good.. i have a mate with a gym were i pay £20 p/m and get a keycode and can go anytime great for working round shifts, and thats just u hardcore gym its an old lockup with a mirror and weights lol upstairs with cardio stuff..

But with my job i get discount at the leisure centre thats £27 p/m with dicount but its full of gayers lol

Dan-F - eu natral? if so well done great Def on ya abs keep it up

21-08-08, 05:39 PM
I went rowing for the first time last night, I thought I was relatively fit but fook me its hard work! The worse thing was I'd totally forgotten I get sea sick so I had to (successfully) battle to get my dinner down lol Hopefully the sea won't be quite as choppy on Tuesday!

I enjoy doing a few free weights at home most nights but I'm not setting out to be a beefcake or anything, just for a bit more shape. I'm also getting a new bike through work's Cycle 2 Work Scheme so I'll be doing that a bit more too.

21-08-08, 06:54 PM
my local gym cost £0 for unlimited access by just walking in the back door lol lol lol

22-08-08, 04:29 AM
ill start running again after my hols in a couple of week

Sorry to sound weird but i just had a image of you in really short running shorts lol!!!:gay:

Did you ever find out if i'm correct for my age/weight or whatever we was working out lol.

5ft9 ish - 10 stone 3 pound ish lol.

22-08-08, 12:23 PM
You will be pretty much average mate

22-08-08, 01:18 PM
:eek: How much?!

Lol its members only.

Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, steam room, racket sports, restaurant, Several huge studios, massive air con'd gym, big selection of weights stuff.

Secure parking.

Oh and I get discount at halfords lol.

22-08-08, 02:22 PM
Oh and I get discount at halfords lol.
Lmao can just imagine the car park lit up with neons and the roar of induction noise coming from peoples cars as they leave lol lol

22-08-08, 03:22 PM
i train very hard. my girth is at 3.5" and improving daily, my bicep on my right arm is about 4" larger than my left, dont know why though, must have something to do with frequent repetative movements.

22-08-08, 03:55 PM
lol ^

23-08-08, 11:23 AM
I was wondering if we would get a response off meritlover lol

dhdev (Oli)
24-08-08, 10:35 AM
I'm 11stone and gaining slowly (about time!). Protein shakes will help with gaining muscle mass as long as you train (hard). I'm off to the gym now to lift more than men twice my weight, single figures bodyfat FTW lol

24-08-08, 11:19 AM
I used to be quite overwieght then started the gym about 3 years ago, mainly concentrated on cardio, then started weight training and the results really came on fast, now i just do weight lifting in circuits to keep me toned and fit. I go 3 times a week to a proper old skool gym lol, the equipment is older than me but it has everything needed and its cheap, no queues either ;)

28-08-08, 02:25 PM
hmm just read through this and im surprised how many of you do weights and keeping fit. then all you lazy ****'s that cant be assed lol. come on get yourself in gear and get back to it. its not all about keeping fit or trying to look good ect. every time i come out of the gym or from a good run ect i feel so heathy and full of energy and makes you feel really good.

I go gym 5 - 6 days a week with a 15 mile run every two days and once a week a good off road session on my bike. tbh i do want to start swimming again but feel aloner going by myself lol

and how many of you are in your cutting in stage in weights, i cant decide on how big i want to get before i start this:confused:.

28-08-08, 03:20 PM
and how many of you are in your cutting in stage in weights, i cant decide on how big i want to get before i start this:confused:.

what i find is best is to gain my fat to help with mass building over the winter, and begin to cut up about april ready for summer :thumb:

28-08-08, 03:25 PM
tbh its not really the fat as i cant put any on if i wanted to. its the size of the musle itself. for instance the lats, if they get to big you look stupid with your arms out wide.

28-08-08, 04:19 PM
what i find is best is to gain my fat to help with mass building over the winter, and begin to cut up about april ready for summer :thumb:
Only takes me 6 weeks to cut weight. My wife normally does it in 8 before she competes. But she is still cutting weight up untill the finals. And then has a 2 month bulking period. Most of you sound alittle light ie cutting from 11 stone. At full cut at 6-8% body fat i weight 10 1/2 stone, and thats ripped.

28-08-08, 10:54 PM
yea 11 stone is way to light to be cutting in. im 12 1/2 stone and i think im still way to light

28-08-08, 10:57 PM
This may sound daft but what do you mean when you say cutting in bigs?

01-09-08, 09:20 PM
stripping the body fat, to reveal the contours of the muscle

01-09-08, 09:40 PM
this is something i wished i had done when younger if i am honest, in my mid 20's i was a decent size and had minimal fat for my build, but now slowly creeping to my mid 30's i just cant be bothered. My work had always kept me trim and although i probably need to make an effort now, there comes a point when the be a***d factor is just to big. Especially around here when after a long days work and making time for the family the whole, travel for 30min to get to a gym work out and travel back is just to off putting.

01-09-08, 09:43 PM
My work had always kept me trim
:cry: lol :cry: lol :thumb:

dhdev (Oli)
01-09-08, 10:11 PM
I'm permanently cut, I actively try to be less cut, i do no cardio, eat junk and still maintain sweet FA bodyfat. :thumb:

01-09-08, 10:13 PM
thares no point in building ur self up to big as it makes u slow lol i started MMA last year i usualy trane 3 times a week when i first started i got my **** kicked but practice makes perfect. i dnt do the gym bt i usualy run bout 2or 3 miles every other day after then i do bout 20 mins on the bag always helps for the carma lol bt havnt bin doing much fitness lately as iv bin doing the nova

02-09-08, 03:22 PM
I was actualy always set on doing strongman events when i was younger. Started weight training at 17, by the time i was 19 i went from 12st - 15st using a bulking diet and power lifting. somewere between 19-20 i hit around 16st and a few weeks later i crushed a vertibre in my back. I went form 16st of muscle to 19 st of fat within probably a year and a half :-( moved back home with my rents and went form 19st back down to 15st (basicaly lost all the fat i had put on) but my back was still fooked, and after an operation and many many steroid injections into my spine its kinda on the mend now, so for the last 3 months ive been working out again, using zma anabolic mineral formula and claranol for lowering Fat% mass. Seems to be going well, using the kind of stack of suppliments im using a healthy diet and 30-45 mins of cardio and weight training every day, if you was fat you could lose 1/2st+ a week (which is how i lsot all my weight) but fook me is it hard work, my dreams of strongman are long gone coz my back wont hack it, so now im trying to get myself in slightly better shape for my wedding next year. although i have a degree in science/sports so anyone looking for infomation on working out/power lifting/ or general fitness can give me a pm, there aint much i dont know :) oh yer and STEROIDS ARE FOR FAGS!!!

02-09-08, 03:40 PM


02-09-08, 09:48 PM
thares no point in building ur self up to big as it makes u slow lol i started MMA last year i usualy trane 3 times a week when i first started i got my **** kicked but practice makes perfect.

Depends on your work rate. I've been training in various martial arts for 24 years and fought some big blokes, yes some of them gas very easy due to there muscle mass but you need to have the muscle thickness to stop injury. I had a sparing session this year at seni08 with Wanderlei Silva and he is huge, tore me apart. Look at Sean Sherk (not his last fight), absolute machine at 155lb (70kg to you and me) and will easily go 5 rounds. The bloke is a tank. Also look at Brock Lesnars (not a small guy) last fight with Heath Herring, shattered his eye socket. He's not exactly slow.

02-09-08, 09:50 PM
I'm permanently cut, I actively try to be less cut, i do no cardio, eat junk and still maintain sweet FA bodyfat. :thumb:

Me too. Guarantee when we readh our 40's, we turn into fat bastids on heart pills lol

dhdev (Oli)
02-09-08, 11:40 PM
Me too. Guarantee when we readh our 40's, we turn into fat bastids on heart pills lol

I don't believe it, I was told 'when you hit 18, you'll pile on the pounds' 18 came and went, no change....'when you hit 21....' nope, no change....'when you hit 25, blah blah blah'. I'm a stickman and always will be!

adam c
02-09-08, 11:49 PM
I don't believe it, I was told 'when you hit 18, you'll pile on the pounds' 18 came and went, no change....'when you hit 21....' nope, no change....'when you hit 25, blah blah blah'. I'm a stickman and always will be!

amen!im exactly the same!whatever i eat and try to do to pile on the pounds nothing works!i'll just be a built like a racing snake forever!lol

02-09-08, 11:53 PM
eating ****e and doing **** all FTW

03-09-08, 12:21 AM
thares no point in building ur self up to big as it makes u slow lol
what a load of rubbish, how has size got anything to do with speed, im training at the min, hoping to get into strongman comps in a few years my mate just got to the semis in his first year at britains strongest, i warm up on the bag before i train and sometimes have a mess round with my mates sparring and im getting quicker the bigger i get im right now 16 st 2 and 30 inch waist and the fastest ive ever been.

03-09-08, 10:08 AM
Just out of intrest DAN-F, what do you flat bench or is you strength training completely different to that of mere mortals. I just want to see how silly i would look training with someone competitng in strong man. At the moment I bench 125kg (8-10 reps) and squat 200kg (dodgy knee). I really love watching the strong man, its amazing to see what the human body can do. Hopefully see you on TV soon competing against Pudzianowski and Hollands then.

03-09-08, 10:32 AM
:eek: WTF 125kg!

I can manage 60kg for 5 sets of 10 reps lol lol

Due the lack of a decent spotter I daren't up the weight for a few really heavy reps.

03-09-08, 10:47 AM
I was stuck on 90kg for about 4 months because i did'nt have a spotter.

03-09-08, 12:51 PM
im recovering from knee surgery at the min so ive been out of training for a few months, ive been back training for about two months now and its coming back really quickly tbh im on about 145-150kg at the min about 10 rep but i push 12-13 if i can, i dont use flat bench at the min only a slight incline but not quite flat, im looking at 2 years before i plan on any comps at the min
one of the boys from up here was on tv this week doing britains strongest man jamie redwood hes huge got to the semis and ccame fourth in his first year not bad going considering he had oli thompson in the semis hes awesome makes it all look so easy

03-09-08, 03:34 PM
I usually go to the Gym for about 20 hours a week! But I'v got my arm in pot so I'm just sat about lazy for another 3 weeks. Off work, but being paid never the less!

03-09-08, 06:12 PM
i went kickboxing for the 1st time in a week(due to a chest infection) we have a new trainer black belt in kickboxing,judo,kungfu... and funk me he beasts use.. 1lap joggin round the gym then ten press ups till we have done about 350-400 press ups i nearly died lol then step ups on the ring.. 150 of them. then he say "right now youre warm we'l do some sparing".. "Warm? **** me i'm dyin" lol

ache like funk today lol feels good tho at least you kno uve trained hard when you ache the next day lol.

Going to do my incline & decline dumbbell presses, flys, incline & decline bench on the smiths machine, only do light benches(again no spotter) can do 35kg dumbbell presses fro 10reps tho flys about 40 i think..

Only realy do light chest and arm training, going to start going with some of the bouncers in town will get a spotter then and there gonna show mehow to train legs coz i've never really done it full on..

03-09-08, 08:08 PM
im recovering from knee surgery at the min so ive been out of training for a few months, ive been back training for about two months now and its coming back really quickly tbh im on about 145-150kg at the min about 10 rep but i push 12-13 if i can, i dont use flat bench at the min only a slight incline but not quite flat, im looking at 2 years before i plan on any comps at the min
one of the boys from up here was on tv this week doing britains strongest man jamie redwood hes huge got to the semis and ccame fourth in his first year not bad going considering he had oli thompson in the semis hes awesome makes it all look so easy

I really hope you make it. I know what its like to push yourself to a goal. I also know what its like to support someone with that sort of goal. I hope you have as much support as posible. And get that knee better. Good luck.

03-09-08, 08:24 PM
i use to do about 16hrs a week until i broke my collar bone about 5 months ago :(and ive only just started training again.

03-09-08, 09:34 PM
How did you break your collar bone? At a guess, i'd say bike accident.

03-09-08, 09:38 PM
nop when i was five i fell of a sofa with laughter watchingtoy story :cool: that was my right collar bone broken.

this time is the left shoulder lol was playing football (im a keeper) done a scorpian kick and scored but handed on my head then shoulder and broke it got a HUGE lump where the bone sits on top of the old bone lol im hardcore lol

03-09-08, 09:42 PM
Christ. That must have hurt. Well i hope your a fast healer, take it easy. No decline bench press for you then.

03-09-08, 09:45 PM
Lmfao have'nt heard "scorpion kick" since 1996 lol lol

03-09-08, 09:49 PM
nop when i was five i fell of a sofa with laughter watchingtoy story :cool: that was my right collar bone broken.

this time is the left shoulder lol was playing football (im a keeper) done a scorpian kick and scored but handed on my head then shoulder and broke it got a HUGE lump where the bone sits on top of the old bone lol im hardcore lol

lol ouch..

i get like an electric shock in my right arm when benching, i broke it about 8-9year ago.

in the pic

Red is were it broke
Blue is were it healed, all of that is now one bone instead of two lol


And i swear down theres sumin stuck in there coz evertime i lift suming realy heavy i get like a shootin pain/leccy shock just in my forearm, docs day theres nothin wrong and theres no reason for me to have this pain

They've Probs left one of the pins in there cos it got stuck in the middle of the bone reconstruction lol..

and now if i straighten both my arms out forward together my right arm bows out about an inch lol

03-09-08, 09:53 PM
well im planning on 2010 at the min but see how it goes. theres four guys at my gym that i know 3 do stronman comps and one is ex mr GB theyre all triple my size and double my strength at least so im gonna train with them, i find it easier to progress when im training with someone stronger, if im the one lacking behind i push myself that much harder to catch up

03-09-08, 09:56 PM
Exactly right that dan,its that extra 1 or 2reps that make the difference

03-09-08, 10:01 PM
Its always good to train with someone stronger. On my leg days I train with a couple of mates who are a lot stronger. I feel sick after training, its like you need to keep up and not let the side down so i tend to keep the plates on and hit what they do. Makes me feel ill just talking about it.

03-09-08, 10:03 PM
^ Lol afte rmy 1st time wieght lifting we trained that hard i couldnt drive home, my arms didnt wanna work my mate had to change gears lol

03-09-08, 10:07 PM
Im just getting through the pain barrier now,ive been back 3weeks.Feels good to be back there

03-09-08, 10:07 PM
^ Lol afte rmy 1st time wieght lifting we trained that hard i couldnt drive home, my arms didnt wanna work my mate had to change gears lol
Lol - Don't you just love that feeling. Oh happy days, all for a few muscles.lol

03-09-08, 10:09 PM
Waking up the next day like.. Oooo thats saw.. i'l just have an extra 5mins in bed lol

03-09-08, 10:12 PM
As Ronnie Coleman would say 'LIGHT WEIGHT BABY'. Feel the pump.

03-09-08, 10:15 PM
As Ronnie Coleman would say 'LIGHT WEIGHT BABY'. Feel the pump.


Branch Warren is my idiol as hes a shorty like me lol

03-09-08, 10:17 PM
haha 'aint nothing but a peanut' lol myh legs were my strongest bodypart might be something to do with all the mountain biking i do and hanging onto a moto x bike but since i ripped my kneecap off ive lost 14 inches off one of my thighs and 17 of the other

03-09-08, 10:26 PM
WHAT! Ripped off knee cap, ouch!. It took me a year to build my right leg as strong as my left after my knee rebuild.
Biceps my strongest part. Love the guns.

Branch Warren, isnt he the one with unbelievable leg definition. I can't remember did he win the Arnold classic?

03-09-08, 10:33 PM
yea slipped through a fence 18 months ago and the uprights caught my knee cap and took it off, pushed it 8 inches up my leg into my quads, took the hospital 6 weeks to get me in for my first op by then it was grown into my quads and had to be cut out, had my patella tendon and cruciate ligament stiched back and my knee cap and shin bone drilled and wired together, 3 ops later and im almost walking properly again, still it shouoldnt take long to build them back up

03-09-08, 10:37 PM
I feel faint. /\

03-09-08, 10:44 PM
not as bad as it sounds really it didnt even hurt when i done it, i didnt even know id done anything wrong until i tried standing up and my leg wouldnt hold me an i hit the deck again lol the worst bit was my left leg actually being physically paralised for 8 months due to noine of the muscles being connected anymore if i layed down i could not move my leg at all not even a millimeter that was the worst cos i was so active before i done it

03-09-08, 10:51 PM
Sounds like one hell of a painfull set back. Like me, worst part was sitting doing nothing for x months. Itching to start training again.
Well like I said, good luck with the training. When I see you on the TV i want to say to my wife 'I know that bloke'.

03-09-08, 11:06 PM
haha well hopefully ill get there, i dont give up easily anyway so should make it to at least a few comps wehter im any good remains to be seen haha

03-09-08, 11:57 PM
if your into bodybuilding do a search on google for james 'flex' lewis hes from llanelli and i reckon hes gonna do well, seen him at a few comps in person and the boy simply walks them, them definition and symmetry is unbelievable, id kill to have legs like him

04-09-08, 01:50 PM
I get Flex mag every month and he's in there pretty much every month. He's ment to be the new boy to take everything. Mind you, his work ethic is incredible.

04-09-08, 06:38 PM
i dont get flex. i saw him about 3 years ago a few times at different comps not seen him since think hes gone to the states now